David Yoshikazu Oshima
Also published as: David Y. Oshima
Redefining Verbal Nouns in Japanese: From the Perspective of Polycategoriality
David Y. Oshima
Midori Hayashi
Proceedings of the 34th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Remarks on epistemically biased questions
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Proceedings of the 31st Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
How Mutual Knowledge Constrains the Choice of Anaphoric Demonstratives in Japanese and English
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Eric McCready
Proceedings of the 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computing
On the Functional Differences between the Discourse Particles Ne and Yone in Japanese.
David Yoshikazu Oshima
Proceedings of the 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computing
On the So-Called Thematic Use of Wa: Reconsideration and Reconciliation
David Y. Oshima
Proceedings of the 23rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Volume 1