Announcing KTechLab 0.50.0

I’m happy to announce KTechLab release version 0.50.0. KTechLab is an IDE for microcontrollers and electronics. In this new release every user-visible functionality is the same as in previous releases, however, the codebase of KTechLab has been updated, so now it is a KF5/Qt5 application and it does not depend anymore on KDELibs4Support libraries.

This release should compile and run on systems where KDELibs4Support libraries are not available.

In its current state KTechLab’s codebase is ready for fixes and enhancements, as it only depends on modern libraries like KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5) and Qt5. As a side note, KF6 and Qt6 have been announced, and the first release of Qt6 has been scheduled to the end of 2020.

The release tarball of version 0.50.0 can be downloaded from KDE servers. Its checksums are:

SHA256Sum: cf0fe078f8afad7f3237a4e052dd2cace185d390a02f15ebe60cccabcbe8fdfe
SHA1Sum: ff80879ae2e36aa795b469dca50a2b565f3ab52b
MD5Sum: 5efe09b276fad08d74ead245a597797d

KTechLab has a mailing list at KDE called ktechlab-devel:

On IRC, developers are mostly reachable on, on #ktechlab channel.

The source code of KTechLab is available in KDE Git, at

Instructions for building and running KTechLab are available in the README file from the source code; online version of that file is available at ; The very short instructions are: run sh and then sh

The notes from joining KDE:

KTechLab bugs at KDE bugtracker:



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