Supplemental material for: Automatic Debugging of Design Faults in MapReduce applications
- 1. University of Oviedo
This is the supplemental material of the paper titled as “Automatic Debugging of Design Faults in MapReduce applications” published in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. Link
It contains both the test cases used in the evaluation and the statistical analysis to reproduce the experiments. The supplemental material contains the following files:
- all test cases randomly generated for the experiments. The description of the test cases is in ./1_testCases/README.txt
- the aggregated data obtained after the execution of the test cases in the debugging techniques: fault localization technique (MRDebug-FL), input reduction technique (MRDebug-IR) and the combination of both techniques (MRDebug-IR-FL). The folder contains csv with the results the experimentation unit, and they are detailed in the ./2_executionTestCases/README.pdf file.
- jupyter notebook that contains the analysis done in the experiments. This notebook allows the interactive execution of statistical test and plots. The instructions to install the notebook are in the file
To cite this work:
J. Morán, A. Bertolino, C. de la Riva and J. Tuya, "Automatic Debugging of Design Faults in MapReduce Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 956-978, April 2024, doi: 10.1109/TSE.2024.3369766