About The Web Conference 2021
30. The Web Conference was to be held in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, in the heart of Europe. Due to the current health situation worldwide, we should offer the best possible user experience as a fully virtual conference. We invite you to join us from April 12 to April 23, 2021. In our program you will find first week of exclusive workshops & tutorials (April 12-16, 2021) as well as a full week of The Web Conference main program (April 19-23, 2021) with invited speakers and selected collocated events and special tracks:
– Special track on AI,
– Special track on AI,
– Web4all,
– Future of the Web.
Welcome to a virtual edition of The Web Conference 2021.
Keynotes speakers
Verica Trstenjak
University of Ljubljana, SFU Vienna
Fausto Giunchiglia
University of Trento
Anju Kambadur
Bloomberg LP
Lada Adamic
Krysta Svore
Microsoft Research
Yejin Choi
University of Washington
Estevam Hruschka
Megagon Labs
Elena Simperl
King’s College London
Ganesh Mani
Carnegie Mellon
Conference co-chairs
Traditional conference research track as a golden rule of The Web Conferences will be implemented with new approach to presentations, novelties with selected content and short keynote speeches corresponding major conference days and events organised. We will not forget to offer additional cultural programme with our exceptional venue and performers.
Marko Grobelnik
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jure Leskovec
Stanford University
Conference PC chairs
Marc Najork
Leila Zia
Wikimedia Foundation
Jie Tang
Tsinghua University
Conference timeline
Register Now!
Early registrations are available now. For registrations with our limited offer and special bonuses you can follow the link below