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X.Org's Mailing Lists
- xorg-announce is for announcements about Xorg releases and releases of related Xorg components. It is not a place for discussion.
Discussion Lists
- xorg is for general purpose discussions and support questions.
- xorg-devel is for development discussions. Patch review and development discussion can go there.
- events is for attendees of upcoming X.Org Events to discuss & be notified of plans for those events.
- xorg-test is the general discussion list of the XTEST Project.
- Xcb is the general developers discussion list of the Xcb Project.
- pixman is the general developers discussion list of the pixman library.
- Driver-specific lists:
- xorg-driver-ati is for discussions on ati driver related issues.
- intel-gfx is for discussions on intel driver related issues.
- xorg-driver-geode is for discussions on geode driver related issues.
- Nouveau discusses the NVIDIA reverse engineering project Nouveau.
- OpenChrome-users is for discussions on openchrome driver related issues.
Logging Lists (not for posting)
- The xorg-commit mailing list archives commits to the X.Org git repositories.
- The xcb-commit mailing list archives commits to the XCB git repositories.
- The xorg-test-commit mailing list archives commits to the XTEST Project repository.
- The xorg-team mailing list is where bugzilla sends notices about bugs filed against the xorg tree.
Other Lists
- The xorg-europe mailing list is to announce and discuss events and meetings in Europe.
Mailing List Archives (Unofficial)
Deprecated Lists Archives