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24 August 2023


benb, Daniel, jamesn, jaunita_george, jcraig, Matt_King, myasonik, Rahim, scotto, StefanS, thinkbulecount, thinkbulecount2

Meeting minutes

New Issue Triage

#2011 - jcraig: just an FYI, no fallout expected

#56 dpub-aria

assigning to mattgarrish

#186 in core-aam

benb taking it

#2007 aria

spectranaut_: already commented on it, assign to me

New PR Triage

spectranaut_: PR review needed on #2010

jcraig: add me

scotto: me too

pkra: me too

#2009 aria

spectranaut_: this was a request from Matt, copied over diagrams and text from jcraig's presentation

jamesn: needs approving review

#500 in html-aam

scotto: on my todo list,will get on this one soon (TM)

#41522 in wpt: askign joanie to review it

#41521 wpt

spectranaut_: it's possible it shoudn't be merged. waiting on jcraig for feedback

jcraig: I'll look at it

WPT Open PRs

<jcraig> web-platform-tests/wpt#41576

jamesn: we put together a draft agenda for TPAC. We are logging for some agenda setter and have a few opened slots still, and other topics we are not sure we should plan

aaronlev: not feeling confident about leading the discussion about Rething how hidden is aria-hidden content?

jamesn+ aaronlev will lead it instead of just aaron

scotto: I'll add a couple of notes on that issue

jamesn: still looking for a virtual content lead

jamesn: virtual content is content that isn't all in the DOM.

spectranaut_: like infinite scrollers

jamesn: we want ATs to work well with virtual content

cyns: Alice would be a great lead for this

MattKing: is this really AOM?

jcraig: the proposed solution was leaking privacy information

jcraig: the best way forward might be to come up with an entire new proposal

cyns: we made some progress on the privacy concerns last TPAC

jcraig: to me this cannot be an accessibility only feature. It should be tied in the browser to the scroll view

jamesn: then we shouldn't have this session and table this until we have a better proposal

spectranaut_: if we think this is not an ARIA specific thing should we have another group at TPAC discuss it?

spectranaut_: we know it needs to be done so we need to convince the right people to work on this and TPAC is a great place for that

cyns: I think it's a browser accessibility issue

MattKing: Valerie is right, we need to make the need understood byothers. The what and the why.

MattKing: I look at it like the notifications piece - it's important, and like the notification piece it's low level stuff

<Zakim> dmontalvo, you wanted to propose APA for this?

benb: Edge team is still committed to go after a solution for the virtual content issue

StefanS: tooltips are different across browsers, is it configurable across browsers. I feel like there is no normalization or standardization for tooltips

MattKing: We need to ask Sarah to be there for this talk

scotto: Sarah wants to be in the tooltip discussion. She and I started to work on a design for OpenUI

jamesn: APA wants to talk to us/with us about the notification proposal

aaronlev: do we have another slot where we can discuss how to ship aria notifications

aaronlev: We have some thoughts on how to get this take off

jamesn: we can have 45 minutes on the 17:00 to 18:30 to discuss tooltips and the other 45 could be for the intenral discussion about the notification proposal

jamesn: we don't know where to schedule it but we should continue talking about how to improve the relationship between ARIA and the ATs

jamesn: let's schedule a 45 minutes talk about ARIA-AT, where we'll invite NVDA and Vispero

jamesn: the other topic we've been talking about for years is data viz, and I'd love to make progress on it

jcraig: I talked to some people at CSUN this year.

jcraig: we could make progress on SVG but it wouldn't really help the broader web

MattKing: HighCharts is the most ahead in terms of accessibility

MAttKing: who are these folks? Are they part of a WG?

jamesn: do they even want to share their accessibility solutions? It's a competitive edge for them

jamesn: anyone interested to work with me on doing research about accessible data viz?

<jcraig> Discussed with Øystein Moseng at HighSoft at CSUN.

pkra: I'm interested

spectranaut_: we could skip the first slot on Monday morning

jamesn: Intros will take a while, so we could keep it open

spectranaut_: if attending remotely, please edit the wiki and mention which sessions you want to attend

<jcraig> acl me

<Zakim> jcraig, you wanted to suggest some time (30m or less) to chat about this one: WICG/aom#197

jcraig: would like to chat about this with other implementors

jcraig: depends about who will be at TPAC

jcraig: what other accessibility test interfaces do we need for webdriver? for example... a webdriver path to trigger "accessibility press" on some backing accessibility object?

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).


Succeeded: s/other interfaces do we need for webdriver/other accessibility test interfaces do we need for webdriver? for example... a webdriver path to trigger "accessibility press" on some backing accessibility object/

Maybe present: aaronlev, cyns, MattKing, pkra, spectranaut_

All speakers: aaronlev, benb, cyns, jamesn, jcraig, MattKing, pkra, scotto, spectranaut_, StefanS

Active on IRC: benb, dmontalvo, jamesn, jaunita_george, jcraig, Matt_King, myasonik, Rahim, scotto, spectranaut_, StefanS, thinkbulecount2