<scribe> scribe: carmacleod
<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1005
joanie: leaning towards 1.2
jamesn: 1.2
<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1003
joanie: can live with it if only link is to [[HTML]] and is not specific
<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1000
jamesn: editorial, collapse rows in another PR
<Scott_O> https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1006
no new prs not already on agenda
jongund: association list pr?
jamesn: flag for next call
jamesn: want this to be a
group-driven agenda, not just chair-driven
... please open issue and add F2FCandidate
<jamesn> https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1001
jamesn: other groups have asked to meet. need agenda topics
jamesn: need to publish
... into public working draft
jamesn: Only positive comments, last chance to comment before merging
<MarkMcCarthy> no objection from me
+1 to merging
mck: this is the one with "prohibited" - correct?
jamesn: yes
mck: hard to find prohibited all in one place
jamesn: I've fixed that - there's
now a list
... we will merge this tomorrow if not other comments
<jamesn> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/accname/issue-52/index.html#step1
jamesn: Adds a statement to the end of step 1 in the algorithm
<jamesn> If the root node's role does not support naming, return the empty string ("").
<joanie> <span aria-label="bar">foo</span>: The span has no name.
<joanie> <button><span aria-label="bar">foo</span></button>: The button's
<joanie> accessible name is "bar" (but the span itself has no name).
joanie: If you can't put a name on this thing for whatever reason, then return early.
mck: So HTML AAM can override for specific elements, like div?
joanie: Yes, technically, they are allowed to do this. (don't know why they would, but it's their host language).
mck: So the role can be implied or explicit.
joanie: yep
<jamesn> https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#div
jamesn: HTML conformance is stated in "ARIA in HTML"
scott: Steve and I will update
these documents once the changes land in ARIA
... we have no desire to allow names on div
the platform accessibility API's also use the word "group", and ARIA "group" maps to it, but the AccName step 1 applies only to the platform-agnostic ARIA role "group"
Proposed change: If the root node's role prohibits naming, return the empty string ("").
<MarkMcCarthy> +1 to using "prohibit"
melanie: I might have comments, but I don't want to block merging
<jemma> does people understand what "root node" means?
<jemma> I don't...
"The thing that shall be named" :)
<jemma> oh ok. ;-)
jamesn: Getting this out as a public working draft would make this available for wider comments
joanie: it was made a part of step 1 so that it doesn't renumber all of the remaining steps, which might break references
jamesn: Use "set the root node" instead of "initialize"
<pkra> +1
<MarkMcCarthy> carmacleod: [reading through preview]
<MarkMcCarthy> no objections from me
<pkra> +1
jamesn: we will merge all 3 of these PRs and push out public working drafts for aria and accname
michaelc: we're not doing core aam?
joanie: I will look at core AAM to make sure it is consistent
<pkra> bye
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