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Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference

03 Nov 2016


See also: IRC log


Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joanmarie_Diggs, Janina, matt_king, ShaneM, MichaelC, jongund


<scribe> scribe: janina

Heads Up Items

No meeting Thursday 24 November -- U.S. Thanksgiving Day

Michael will chair next two calls, Rich away on vacation.

Please note U.S. adjusts off Daylight Time, so we're back to the usual times for our participants

HTML5 Input Elements for ARIA 1.2

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/sec-forms.html#the-input-element

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/sec-forms.html#element-attrdef-input-type

rich: We'll need ARIA Attributes, probably

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/sec-forms.html#element-attrdef-input-type

rich: Have different element types
... We need to assign to folks, and do some triaje now
... Text with no line breaks -- Suggest we need nothing on this?

matt: Recalls multiline, others -- we're OK

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/sec-forms.html#element-attrdef-input-type

rich: Next, search box ... We have ...
... Notes types are all in first column in the table
... We have search box -- what about the combobox?

matt: our search is subclass of textbox
... subclassing for combo seems excessive

rich: don't believe we need do anything

matt: OK

jn: Suggest description is a bit different
... Agrees, we're OK

[Agreement we need nothing new for Search Combobox]

[side discussion re respec issues]

rich: Hmmm, it works in Chrome

michael: Refresh in Chrome, also Firefox

<Rich> https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/REC-html51-20161101/sec-forms.html#element-attrdef-input-type

Shane: Will take a look
... Notes above link isn't using respec -- uses Bikeshed

matt: Same issue on ARIA spec

rich: Next, for telephone -- a type

matt: If anything, would case a screen reader to read more appropriately

jn: Notes css would help, type=tel

matt: If mapped

jn: Apple has this, no

rich: We can certainly expand apis to support

janina: Suggests value in formatting for telephone, currency, calendar notation, etc.

matt: Suggest ARIA-FormatType -- ennumerated token type that maps to html


jn: I'll take it if we put these in github

<ShaneM> who remembers XHTML Basic inputmode attribute?

<ShaneM> https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/#s_inputmode

rich: Next, Password ---

jn: Format Type=Obscurred

matt: Like it!

joanie: Notes GTK property what char is rendered when obscurred

matt: So obscurring char would not be author controlled, but platform
... Could do ARIA-ObfiscationChar=[char]

jn: How does this help on disengenuous passwords?

[agreement it doesn't]

<ShaneM> +1 to jamesn's point

jn: Notes that sometimes password is shown intentionally

rich: Next -- date
... Is browser dependent and takes on different forms

matt: Isn't it also a form type field?

rich: could popup a calendar

matt: Mapping a calendar would be impossible unless we made everyone behave the same way
... Notes controls for date, week, hour, time, etc

jn: How this is rendered is totaly browser dependent

rich: Notes Lisa will be very interested in this

matt: Is the browser going to do anything for the author to make date accessible?

jn: Notes pretty good on some mobile platforms, but not on the desktop

matt: agree

rich: Notes we can create a calendar

matt: yes

rich: Suggest to indicate among date format types

jn: no
... Suggests it needs to be hint text, or placeholder

matt: aria-format=date attribute and leave it at that


jn: perhaps an associated button that launches something
... Suggests we need a way to associate a button with the text field to launch something additional -- a dialog

matt: suggests controls, or describedby ...

jn: Usually we do describedby, but not as refined as I'd like

matt: suggests grid

jn: no
... We might have number that isn't spin button -- so I'll propose with my action

testable statements

rich: we have aria-dpub with many elements
... was going to have a way to test based on id

shane: spec'd but don't recall whether implemented
... It's trivial, though

rich: In test harness? Where?

Michael: Suggest same place as all other ARIA tests ? ...
... Maybe separate ...

shane: propose wpt a folder there

michael: With just one test, wiki is overkill

rich: Same suite of tests for ARIA for Dpub?

shane: no

jg: will send out notice for testing meeting wednesday

rich: Craig will get to mappings in December
... Don't know what's happening with Microsoft. No response from anyone there
... If no responses in next few weeks, may need to drop them from the table
... Notes change in doc-pullquote -- will need to map
... probably shouldn't be mapped at all, but will discuss with Craig
... May want to go to CR even while I'm on vacation, which is OK with me

michael: Need CfC urgently

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/11/03 18:03:22 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148  of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14  
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/Micael/Michael/
Found Scribe: janina
Inferring ScribeNick: janina
Default Present: Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joanmarie_Diggs, Janina, matt_king, ShaneM, MichaelC, jongund
Present: Rich_Schwerdtfeger Joanmarie_Diggs Janina matt_king ShaneM MichaelC jongund
Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Nov/0008.html
Found Date: 03 Nov 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/11/03-aria-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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