See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe:jaeunJemma
*thanks for your help joanie
<scribe> Chair:Rich_Schwerdtfeger
group is talking about combo box email correspondence
Rich: not sure what AT will implement
bryan: current implementation is working so worried about change in case it breaks something
mat: if we use "should" for conformance, it would work
rich: I prefer "should"
... does not like to put this in cfc again
... we can look into combo box now
<Rich> The ARIA 1.0 specification describes a combobox pattern where a text input element has the combobox role and owns a listbox element. User agents and assistive technologies SHOULD continue to support the ARIA 1.0 pattern so that existing implementations of the ARIA 1.0 pattern remain functional.
matt: do we use the word,
... yes, we use it
rich: it is really conformance checker
matt: joanie, will you change this?
joanie: I am changing it now
rich: I will create
... it is "should', not "must"
<Rich> Group: Agrees to include conformance checkers as the list of technologies that SHOULD allow a role of combobox on an input type fo text.
<bgaraventa1979> +1
Rich: group have no objection for
janina to chair the meting
... any progress for ARIA keyboard shortcut, matt?
... can it be done before memorial week?
matt: yes
matt: first change is in
definition itself
... second change is "author must" statement in third
... "Authors must ensure that one of the following two sets of
conditions is met when setting the value of
aria-activedescendant on an element with DOM focus:" with
specific condition and examples
rich: is there a tree
... is there a tree widget in Inherits into Roles?
... I am making sure about the section, "Inherits into
Cynthia: It looks more clear to me with bulleted list items
rich: any objections for Matt's proposal?
Jemma: no objection
RESOLUTION: Accept Matt's revision for action 1743 covering changes to role=application details in the action
Cynthia: copied below statement should go to AAM
<Rich> Group agrees to remove thest statements: “Some user agents use aria-activedescendant to tell assistive technologies that the active descendant has focus. User agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “
<Rich> from aria-aria-activedescendant
<Rich> ACTION: Cynthia Add this statement to the Core-AAM: “User agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “ [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2065 - Add this statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “ [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-05-19].
<Rich> action-2065?
<trackbot> action-2065 -- Cynthia Shelly to Add this statement to the core-aam: “user agents are not expected to validate that the active descendant is a descendant of the focused container. “ -- due 2016-05-19 -- OPEN
Rich: will get out that for CFC
<joanie> action-2059
<trackbot> action-2059 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Add aria-posinset, aria-setsize as supported states and properties to roles: menutitem, menuitemcheckbox, and menuitemradio -- due 2016-05-05 -- PENDINGREVIEW
Joanie: did not remove anything, added about posinset, setsize about menuitem
matt: we are going to ask user
agent to do this?
... because user agents do this things differently
... this should be author statement
rich: it is more about mapping spec.
Joanie: matt raise a good point
joanie: grouping, not with the sense of aria "group" starts differently in some browsers
matt: can we create action for this item?
Joanie: I am happy to give consultation to Joseph if Joseph has this action item.
<Rich> ACTION: Joseph include spec. text in 5.6.4 for automatic computation of posinset and setsize for menuitems and their subclasses. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2066 - Include spec. text in 5.6.4 for automatic computation of posinset and setsize for menuitems and their subclasses. [on Joseph Scheuhammer - due 2016-05-19].
<Rich> action-2066?
<trackbot> action-2066 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Include spec. text in 5.6.4 for automatic computation of posinset and setsize for menuitems and their subclasses. -- due 2016-05-19 -- OPEN
Rich: any other changes to Joanie's proposal?
<Rich> *
<Rich> *
RESOLUTION: accept Joanie's proposal and send
out cfc
... accept Joanie's proposal and send out cfc
rich: no objections to Michael' proposal, host language conflicts.
rich: 1489 resolved. michale, do we need add something more?
michale: it looks good
... do we need clarificaiton for dpub graphic roles?
rich: we don't talk about this in spec. so do we need it here?
michale: I would argue we may need that somewhere in spec.
<JF> +1 to M Cooper
michale: there may be a question about how dpub graphic role is related to aria in the future.
rich: we should just say "modular
extention" in aria 1.1
... do you want me leave it open?
michale: it is done for now, I will just add it "modular extenion" here.
rich: if you want to, you can
also include the link to the modular extension.
... Michael will move to formal working draft.
jania: it would be nice to have it as agenda for next week meeting in regards to michale's work.
<Rich> RIch: I will add requirements to (action 1513) review of a public working draft next meeting
Next itme
Next item
<mck> action-2040?
<trackbot> action-2040 -- Michael Cooper to Modify section 7.4 to include role values as native host language semantics in paragraph 2 -- due 2016-03-17 -- OPEN
rich: can you look at this next week, Michale?
Michale: Yes
<mck> action-1624?
<trackbot> action-1624 -- Michael Cooper to Work with shane to develop publication strategy and solution that would exclude abstract roles for authors -- due 2016-03-17 -- OPEN
rich: do you think this is an issue in Microsoft?
cynthia: no
Rich: I don't think this is not important issue.
jn: I think it is..
rich: would rather to push to aria2.2
<JF> +1 to deferring to ARIA 2.0
<joanie> +1
rich: any objection for moving this to aria 2.0?
RESOLUTION: move action 1624 to ARIA 2.0
<Zakim> jamesnurthen, you wanted to say i think it is an issue
<trackbot> action-1560 -- Stefan Schnabel to Email list with discussion of on/off value labels (maybe valuetext?) and extending value descriptions to other controls -- due 2016-02-10 -- OPEN
<Rich> ack
joanie: I would not like to repurpose this
matt: something like value
description is similar role=description, it is not like aria
described by like supplemental info.
... what is the scope of value description?
joanie: it is supposed to be bigger scope when we recollect the meeting at TPAC
<Zakim> joanie, you wanted to say that *how* we expose it is irrelevant to user agents having already implemented switch
rich: I think customizing widget things is more of ARIA 2
<mck> +1 for moving to 2.0
<joanie> +1
<Rich> +1
RESOLUTION: move action 1560 to ARIA 2.0
<Rich> Action-1560?
<trackbot> Action-1560 -- Stefan Schnabel to Email list with discussion of on/off value labels (maybe valuetext?) and extending value descriptions to other controls -- due 2016-02-10 -- OPEN
<mck> issue-619?
<trackbot> issue-619 -- ARIA 1.1 should disallow host languages from declaring @aria-label from being declared in direct semantic conflict with a host language attribute. -- open
rich: action 619 is closed and addressed with 1489
matt: this means anytime aria label present, you cannot override with alt or aria-labledby?
rich: yes
action - 648
<trackbot> Error finding '-'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<trackbot> Sorry, but action-648 does not exist.
<mck> issue-695?
<trackbot> issue-695 -- Clean up nits in the ARIA specification -- open
group is going over open action items now
<mck> issue-701?
<trackbot> issue-701 -- Modify aria-owns such that the idref order pertains to the order of the associated children -- open
matt: I think we already did this work.
rich: I will make sure whether we did it one more time.
rich: I don't see the change here.
matt: I remember it is written somewhere.
<jamesnurthen> it is missing what to do if you have both aria-owns and DOM children
<jamesnurthen> (and the aim is to combine them)
rich: who will take action on this?
<scribe> ACTION:James will try for next week [recorded in]
<Rich> ACTION: jamesn write text to state the order of aria-owns ids wrt. the DOM child order and sequential aria-owns ids [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2067 - Write text to state the order of aria-owns ids wrt. the dom child order and sequential aria-owns ids [on James Nurthen - due 2016-05-19].
<Rich> Action-2067?
<trackbot> Action-2067 -- James Nurthen to Write text to state the order of aria-owns ids wrt. the dom child order and sequential aria-owns ids -- due 2016-05-19 -- OPEN
joanie: do we really want to permit that?
jn: yes
<bgaraventa1979> +q
<jamesnurthen> I would also like to clarify whether child owned elements get pulled in via aria-owns
bryan: I am working this with client now
<trackbot> Sorry, but action-1006 does not exist.
<Rich> issue-1006?
<trackbot> issue-1006 -- The roles that include children presentational = true are not consistent -- open
<Rich> ACTION: Bryan address issue 1106 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2068 - Address issue 1106 [on Bryan Garaventa - due 2016-05-19].
bryan will bring this to the meeting next week.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/jania/janina/ Succeeded: s/charing/chairing/ FAILED: s/actionin/action/ Succeeded: s/Joanie: It/Cynthia: It/ Succeeded: s/and more/ details in the action/ Succeeded: s/Joanie:/Cynthia:/ Succeeded: s/copied/copied below/ Succeeded: s/action 2015/action 2059/ Succeeded: s/should/should be/ Succeeded: s/Resolutions/RESOLUTION/ Succeeded: s/rich:michale/rich: Michael/ Succeeded: s/this// Succeeded: s/I think it is/I think it is./ No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jemma Found Scribe: jaeunJemma Present: Joanmarie_Diggs MichaelC Rich_Schwerdtfeger cyns mattking Janina JF Bryan_Garaventa JamesNurthen Regrets: MichielBijl Found Date: 12 May 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: add bryan cynthia james jamesn joseph statement text this write WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]