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2011-09-22 Regular Concall
From W3C Unified Service Description Language
- Date: 2011-09-22, 4-5pm CEST
- Topic: Regular Concall
- Dialin data: was provided by SAP
- Attendance: Kay Kadner
- USDL_XG_Final_Report
- Outlook
- Retrospective
- Some testimonials missing
- Overall good thing
- Future
- Plan to create a WG
- Mgmt approvals required
- Statement of interest
- Alistair
- Massimo
- Retrospective
- Everybody says what was good, what could have been better, etc.
- Daniel
- + first step, widen scope, external partners
- - comittment, to little application
- Massimo
- + good report, lots of material, beyond expectations
- - more participation from the chair
- Jan
- + good way to run, everybody was given the necessary information