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2011-05-02 Regular Concall
From W3C Unified Service Description Language
- Date: 2011-05-02, 4-5pm CEST
- Topic: Regular Concall
- Dialin data: was provided by SAP
- Attendance: Kay Kadner, Massimo Romanelli, Bryan Murray, Torsten Leidig, Daniel Oberle, Gunter Stuhec, Christian Hellinger
- Preparation of Kay's attendance at W3C AC Rep meeting in Bilbao, other attendees:
- Tim Berners-Lee, Jeff Jaffe,
- colleagues from companies like HP, Microsoft, Sony, LG, etc.
- Plan smalltalk with
- HP (Peter Linss)
- Microsoft (Paul Cotton)
- AT&T
- DO: would be interesting what they think
- DFKI (Massimo)
- W3C (Yves Lafon)
- Variant management
- Sync offline with Gunter
- Approach Yves before
- Expect talks with
- Jeff Jaffe
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Linked data session ==> mention Linked data as serialization format
- Expected questions in presentation (e.g., from TBL)
- Why only Web Services?
- Not only about Web Services,
- Linked data, reuse good relations?
- Separate session with DO, TL
- How does USDL fit in general to W3C?
- XML Schema
- Linked Data
- Good relation to W3C
- Other Std. orgs work on similar things. Open W3C for biz content things
- How does USDL relate to SA-WSDL?
- Point to Wiki
- Just mechanism, just technology, USDL is about content
- Check with Daniel W3C tech
- Why only Web Services?
- General
- Everybody will present, phyiscally or via phone
- Which direction does USDL take?
- WebServices?
- eGovernment?
- Browser community? Mentioned by Thomas Roessler (tbc by Massimo)
- Important for the presentation
- Not only web services, rather general services (socio economical motivation)
- Something like Good Relations, just for services (1slide)
- Mention linked data as serialization
- Motivation slide from Orestis (Purale Gestaltung des Wirtschaftsraumes)