$Id: errata.html,v 1.30 2011/03/14 15:02:04 ivan Exp $
This document records errata and corrections suggested by the community in the RDF specification as published on the 10 February 2004:
- Errata for RDF Primer
- Errata for RDF Concepts
- Errata for RDF Syntax
- Errata for RDF Semantics
- Errata for RDF Vocabulary
- Errata for RDF Test Cases
These corrections have no normative status as they have not been incorporated in the specification through the Recommendation Track process. Ivan Herman, Semantic Web Activity lead, is the editor of this document. Note that the RDF Core WG has closed; there may be issues relating to the RDF specifications which are not currently listed here. If you find something in one of the documents listed above that you believe may be an error and wish to have it recorded here, please post your discovery to the www-rdf-comments mailing list, cc-ing to the editor of this document, Ivan Herman. The community has the possibility to react on the post and, typically after 5-6 business days and unless the community strongly objects for the discovery to be recorded as an official erratum, the entry is added to this list by the editor.
The errata are separated into six sections, corresponding to the six parts of the specification.
Three kinds of changes are highlighted: ↑new, added text↑, ↑changed text↑, and ↓deleted text↓.
http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-concepts-20040210/#ref-uris points to http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2396.txt, but this leads to a 403 Forbidden error.
Why would this point to a university copy of the RFC instead of to http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt?
Hard coded reference to XML 1.0 and to Unicode 3.0 are unduly restrictive. Both reference should be exchanged
against a normative reference to the generically latest versions of both standards.
See the error submission
The following text, in the second bullet of the subheading "The value space" of Section 5.1 of the RDF Concepts document:
disjoint from the value space of any XML schema datatype [XML-SCHEMA2]
should be replaced by:
disjoint from the value space of any XML schema datatype [XML-SCHEMA2]other present or future datatype (e.g., XML schema [XML-SCHEMA2]), with the exception of future sub- or supertypes of this datatype
The reason for the replacement is that the definition was ambiguous: the
relationship between the value space of rdf:XMLLiteral and the value
spaces of datatypes not defined in the 2001 version of XML Schema (e.g.,
rdf:text) is unclear. For example, one cannot infer from the
specifications whether there is overlap between the value spaces.
See the error submission for further details.
- 10 Feb 2004 Recommendation:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-syntax-grammar-20040210/
- Latest version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/
Hard coded reference to XML 1.0 and to Unicode 3.0 are unduly restrictive. Both reference should be exchanged
against a normative reference to the generically latest versions of both standards.
See the error submission
Serialization of datatyped empty literals is
not anticipated by the RDF/XML grammar.
This is believed by several developers and former WG-members to be an
omission in the grammar defined by the RDF/XML Syntax Specification: a
bug was reported (and acknowledged by the editor), relating to the
use of an rdf:datatype attribute on empty RDF properties. See the
archived mailing list thread
for technical details. In addition to the
question of the RDF/XML grammar's syntactic completeness, note that this
issue identifies a construct that occurs within RDF graphs that cannot
be serialized in the RDF/XML syntax.
Incorrect resolve(...) Calls
Section 6 of the RDF/XML Syntax Specification (Revised)
says that
the parent property of the element information item in the XML Infoset
is required, but section 6.1.2 Element Event does not create a parent
accessor for that event.
Element events therefore do not have a parent accessor, and yet a
parent accessor on element events is made use of in a number or sections. See the
error submission for further details.
Missing Parent Accessor
Section 6.3.3 Grammar Action Notation of the RDF/XML Syntax
Specification defines the resolve action with the
signature resolve(e, s), i.e. taking two arguments, and yet we find
the following:
- 7.2.11 Production nodeElement
- 7.2.21 Production emptyPropertyElt
Which is a bug. I believe that both of these should read:
u:=uri(identifier:=resolve(e, a.string-value))
See the error submission
Syntax typo “tiple”
"and the following tipletriple is
added to the graph" (in 7.2.11 Production nodeElement)
See the error submission
- 10 Feb 2004 Recommendation:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/
- Latest version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-mt/
The following text in the instance lemma proof:
To be precise, a Skolemization of E (with respect to V) is a ground instance of E with respect to V with a 1:1 instance mapping that maps each blank node in G to a URI reference that does not appear in G (so the Skolem vocabulary V must be disjoint from the vocabulary of E)
should be replaced by:
To be precise, a Skolemization of E (with respect to V) is a ground instance of E with respect to V with a 1:1 instance mapping that maps each blank node in GE to a URI reference that does not appear in GE (so the Skolem vocabulary V must be disjoint from the vocabulary of E)
See error report and subsequent discussion
The following text, in Paragraph #13 of Section 5.1 of the document:
If D is a datatype
map, a D-interpretation of a vocabulary V is any rdfs-interpretation
I of V union {aaa: < aaa, x > in D for some x } which satisfies the following extra conditions for every pair < aaa,
x > in D:
should be replaced by:
If D is a datatype map, a D-interpretation of a vocabulary
V is any rdfs-interpretation I of V union {aaa: < aaa, x > in D for some x } union { "sss"^^aaa : < aaa, x > in D for some x and "sss" in the lexical space of x } which satisfies the following extra conditions for every pair < aaa, x > in D:
See the error report on the mailing list for further technical details.
In section 4.4. the document says:
Since every rdfs-interpretation is an rdf-interpretation, if S rdfs-entails E then it rdf-entails E;
and it should say:
Since every rdfs-interpretation is an rdf-interpretation, if S rdf-entails E then it rdfs-entails E;
See error report
- 10 Feb 2004 Recommendation:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-testcases-20040210/
- Latest version:
- http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-testcases/
The N-Triples Grammar is Ambiguous
According to the N-Triples grammar,
the following is a valid
instance of the line production in an N-Triples document:
<p:> <> <q:> <> <r:> <> "s" .
But which part of the line matches the subject production, and which
part matches the predicate production? See the
error submission for further details.
The references to cwm, n-triples2kif.pl, Euler, and RDF Issue Tracking are currently listed as
normative references. They should not (they are not recommendations or equivalent.
See error report.