Alison Ashwell and Chris Lilley are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Taran Ingram Ashwell. His big sister Annis Kara Ashwell is pretty pleased, too!
Although we had planned for a home birth, Alison had to be induced and Taran was finally born by emergency Cesarian Section at 13:06 on 21 Jan 1994 at North Manchester General Hospital.
Mother and baby are now home and doing well.
is Alison the day afer the birth, being visited by our friend Linda, the
midwife who would have delivered Taran at home.
daughter Annis (2 years old) sees Taran for the first time in the recovery
area outside theatre. She had been involved right through the pregnancy which
seems to have paid off - no jealousy so far!
I hold him, daddy?
snuggles with Mummy too.
likes her new brother. Here she climbed into Alison's bed and wanted to be
tucked up with him. She was pretty glad when mummy came out of 'ospical'