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USENIX 1994 Operating Systems Design and Implementation Proceedings
November 14-17, 1994
Monterey, California
Additional information
on this symposium (i.e., the Call for Papers, Program Committee, Summary report from ;login:, Tutorial outlines, etc.).
Tuesday, November 15
Opening Remarks, Jay Lepreau, University of Utah
Keynote Address, David Patterson, University of California, Berkeley
- Lottery Scheduling:
Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management
- Carl A. Waldspurger, William E. Weihl, MIT
- Scheduling for Reduced CPU Energy
- Mark Weiser, Brent Welch, Alan Demers, Scott Shenker, Xerox PARC
- Storage Alternatives for Mobile Computers
- Fred Douglis, Ramón Cáceres, AT&T Bell Laboratories;
Frans Kaashoek, MIT; Kai Li, Princeton University; Brian Marsh,
D.E. Shaw and Co.; Joshua A. Tauber, MIT
- Opportunistic Log: Efficient Installation
Reads in a Reliable Storage Server
- James O'Toole, Liuba Shrira, MIT
- Metadata Update Performance in File Systems
- Gregory R. Ganger, Yale N. Patt, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Disk-directed I/O for MIMD Multiprocessors
- David Kotz, Dartmouth College
- Message-Driven Relaxed Consistency in a
Software Distributed Shared Memory
- Povl T. Koch, Robert J. Fowler, Eric Jul, University of Copenhagen
- Software Write Detection for
Distributed Shared Memory
- Matthew J. Zekauskas, Wayne A. Sawdon, Brian N. Bershad,
Carnegie Mellon University
- The Design and Evaluation of a Shared
Object System for Distributed Memory Machines
- Daniel J. Scales, Monica S. Lam, Stanford University
Wednesday, November 16
- PATHFINDER: A Pattern-Based Packet Classifier
- Mary L. Bailey, Burra Gopal, Michael A. Pagels, Larry L. Peterson,
Prasenjit Sarkar, University of Arizona
- Performance Issues in Parallelized
Network Protocols
- Erich M. Nahum, David J. Yates, James F. Kurose, Don Towsley,
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- Experiences with Locking in a NUMA
Multiprocessor Operating System Kernel
- Ronald C. Unrau, Orran Krieger, Benjamin Gamsa, Michael Stumm,
University of Toronto
- HiPEC: High Performance External Virtual
Memory Caching
- Chao-Hsien Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Ruei-Chuan Chang,
National Chiao Tung University
- Implementation and Performance of
Application-Controlled File Caching
- Pei Cao, Edward W. Felten, Kai Li, Princeton University
- A Caching Model of Operating System
Kernel Functionality
- David R. Cheriton, Kenneth J. Duda, Stanford University
PANEL: Radical Operating Systems Structures for Extensibility
Thursday. November 17
- Distributed Filaments: Efficient
Fine-Grain Parallelism on a Cluster of Workstations
- Vincent W. Freeh, David K. Lowenthal, Gregory R. Andrews,
University of Arizona
- Integrating Coherency and Recovery in
Distributed Systems
- Michael J. Feeley, Jeffrey S. Chase, Vivek R. Narasayya,
Henry M. Levy, University of Washington
- Garbage Collection and DSM Consistency
- Paulo Ferreira, Marc Shapiro, INRIA - Project SOR
- Software Prefetching and Caching for
Translation Lookaside Buffers
- Kavita Bala, M. Frans Kaashoek, William E. Weihl, MIT
- Dynamic Page Mapping Policies for Cache Conflict Resolution
on Standard Hardware
- Theodore H. Romer, Dennis Lee, Brian N. Bershad, University of
Washington; J. Bradley Chen, Harvard University
- Cooperative Caching: Using Remote Client
Memory to Improve File System Performance
- Michael D. Dahlin, Randolph Y. Wang, Thomas E. Anderson,
David A. Patterson, University of California, Berkeley
Program Committee