Luke Skywalker in that dirty ass cantina in a new hope
I know there is no end to horrible news we're getting out of the White House these days, and so many people are suffering. But this is really important and so monstrously, horrifically evil that it is making my stomach turn.
They want to defund and eliminate PEPFAR. If you don't know what PEPFAR is, it is a program that funds HIV/AIDS treatment in poor countries. "As of September 30, 2024 , PEPFAR has enabled 7.8 million babies to be born HIV-free to mothers living with HIV. The program has also provided critical care and support for 6.6 million orphans, vulnerable children, and their caregivers so they can survive and thrive."
This was actually a program started by GWB and was literally the only good thing he ever did. And it has helped so many people. This is just. Beyond evil. Beyond cruel. Even if they have the medicine from PEPFAR at clinics, they're not allowed to distribute it.
They've already paused it. Doctors are worried that it will create a new treatment-resistant form of HIV because it'll be pausing treatment for so many people.
This program has saved 26 MILLION lives.
It has such a tiny, tiny part of the budget. Them cutting this program will do nothing to balance the budget. There is no logical reason for this except abject cruelty. Please, please, please call your lawmakers- especially if you have Republican Senators and House members. Remind them that this was a program created by a Republican president.
I don't even know. I just. We can't just let it die in darkness. At the very least, spread the word. Talk to your normie friends about this. Talk to your non-political friends and ask them if they think a program that makes up less than 1% of the budget should be cut if it has saved MILLIONS of lives. We may fail but we shouldn't let it die without a fight.
Here is a link to find your House member: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
And your Senator: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas or a happy wintery day if you don’t celebrate!! :D
This was my part of a secret Santa on Twitter
Dude. I really want Shadowrot to win..... Maybe...
Here's some examples of my art!!
with the request, send me proof in an ask that you've voted and I'll draw you whatever you want!
(best if mcyt related but if you have a Sona you'd like drawn that's cool too)
It'll be in sketchline form or maybe even colored (so long as it's not complicated or gorey or nsfw, boobs are fine)
Let's have some fun :DDDDD
scientists are in labs right now creating the thinnest and worst material known to mankind so they can make women’s clothing
Technically they're using it for bandages. For now.
Quote from the article
The resulting “nanopasta” can then be spun into a tiny mat about 2 centimetres across. While it isn’t intended as food, Clancy says that it should be safe to eat, but is reticent to talk about having tried it. “It’s an ethical quandary to talk about scientific self-experimentation,” he says. “But, hypothetically, one might expect it to be chewier than you’d expect.”
i feel like the entire online queer community collectively forgot, or rather pretends that queer allies don't exist. like. we literally have a term and even a flag for queer allies. they exist. assuming every single perisex cishet person hates queer people isn't the way to go. allies are a very real and important part of our community. allies challenge the status quo by saying, i'm not queer, but i support what you're doing. they exist. they're out there- and yes, many of them are cishet men.
please don't forget this, or pretend that they don't exist: allies are an extremely important part of our history, community, and safety.
if you find bones in the forest, sit a bit and listen. they are old and have some good stories to tell. maybe they’ll teach you a spell or two, or explain where the water on our planet came from.
if you find bones by the ocean, run. don’t look back. run, faster, faster. the sea may love you but there are nights where she knows neither mercy nor science, and the bones warn you only once.
boi if you find bones call the police i hate this website so much
this is a piece of creative writing, in case you couldn’t tell from the fact that real bones don’t usually go hey lil’ mama lemme whisper bony secrets in your ear or warn you of the incoming tides like a calcified weather frog.
skill issue
yes hello nine one one? i have discovered bones in the forest. there is a femur. it’s from a squirrel or perhaps a rabbit.
I am BEGGING younger drivers. drive carefully. give yourself room. for fuck's sake use your turn signals and don't fucking weave thru traffic. this is not a video game, this is real life and if you get into an accident, you could get killed or kill someone else VERY easily
Here's the best advice my instructor told me: "You're going to have an accident. It's not a matter of if it's a matter of when and it may not even be your fault.
Drive so that when that accident happens it'll be as un-serious as possible"
That means use your seatbelt! The turn signals! And be aware of the speed limits and what other people are doing.
My older sister gave me some really good advice when I was first learning how to drive and would feel stressed or anxious when I'm driving slower than someone behind me on a one-lane street, or when there's someone waiting on me to make a right turn:
Nobody can make you do anything when you're in a car. They can get impatient or annoyed or even honk at you, but the chances of them getting out and berating you is slim to none. And even then, they can't make you move until you feel safe and ready to.
So for anyone with social anxiety who feels awful whenever they're "underperforming" on the road and holding other people up: your safety matters more than their convenience. If you don't feel safe or comfortable, you are not obligated to put your car into motion, even when pressured. You are not being selfish, you are being responsible. If you can easily get out of the way of others, do so. If you can't, fuck them for honking at you for driving at a safe speed, or making sure there's no oncoming traffic before merging or turning right.
Also: headlights in the rain or fog aren't just so you can see. They're also so that other people can see YOU. You do not want to have a barely-visible car on the highway.
I'm mister spine twister. I'm mister curves. I'm mister scoliosis. I'm mister Sitting Hurts
I'm mister heart racer, I'm mister dazed. I'm mister low blood pressure, I'm mister going to faint
I'm the highwayman
where's that picture that ruined my life
found it
this comic did the same thing
Just accidentally had a mistake with the colour fill bucket and the entire tone of the drawing changed
Every time I remember this tag, I need to take a moment to let the sheer implications of it wash over me. Sit with me. Let's all take a minute to think about this single sentence