Latest information
The latest version of the firmware for this unit is the following.

Japan	: 206.2227
USA	: 206.2227
Europe	: 206.2285 (Previously 206.2227 Updated at this time)

Multiple versions of the latest firmware are available. They differ according to the product region.
Always use the most recent firmware version for your country/region.

Please visit the TASCAM Web Site (https://tascam.jp/int/product/bd-mp1mkii/support) to check for the latest firmware.

206.2285 (October, 24 2024)
< Maintenance item >

- The default value for the "TV system" setting has been corrected.
  The default value has been changed from "NTSC" to "PAL".

206.2227 (August, 8 2024)
< Maintenance item >

- When an ACK command was received by external control via Ethernet or RS-232C, the status notification would be resent. This has been fixed.
  In addition, the response wait time for ACK commands has been changed from 30 ms to 300 ms with this fix. 
  For details, see the "RS-232C/ETHERNET Protocol Specifications" of this unit.
