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Wikidata property for authority control for people⟩ on wikidata tree visualisation (external tool)(depth=1)
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List of wikidata entries using this property with a view to were possible them having a URL match pattern in the future.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q19595382 MINUS { ?item wdt:P8966 [] } . }

Article description country number of records URL match pattern web page title extract pattern
100-Year Guide to Hebrew Theatre person ID identifier for a person on the website A 100-Year Guide to Hebrew Theatre 1889-1989 Israel 410
2nd German Basketball Bundesliga ID unique identifier of a player in der second German basketball league 5000
7 Days person ID identifier for a person on the website of the Russian weekly magazine "7 Days" Russia
AML ID identifier for a person on the Archives et Musée de la littérature (AML) website Belgium
Academy of Russian Television person ID identifier of person in Academy of Russian Television Russia 551
Académie d'Arles member ID identifier for a member of the 'Académie d'Arles' on its website France 119
Académie de Marseille member ID identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Marseille' on its website France 243
Académie de Montpellier member ID identifier for a member of the 'Académie de Montpellier' on its website France 514
Académie de Rouen member ID identifier for a member of the Académie de Rouen on its website France 1621
Académie de Stanislas member ID Wikidata property for authority control for people and Wikidata property for authority control (academies) in France France
Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense person ID Unique identifier of a person on the Acervo de Literatura Digital Mato-Grossense
Afisha person ID identifier for a person on Afisha Russia 300000
African Music Library artist ID identifier of musical artist id entry in African Music Library
Akout ID identifier for an artist on the Akout website France 615
Anagrafe degli studiosi ID (archived) identifier for an historian of the early modern period in the Italian database Anagrafe degli studiosi Italy
Annales des mines person ID identifier for an engineer on the ''Annales des mines''' website France
Archiefpunt archive ID identifier for a person or organization in the Archiefpunt database
Archiefpunt compiler ID identifier for a person or organization in the Archiefpunt database
Archiefpunt curator ID identifier for a person or organization in the Archiefpunt database
Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the website of the Archive of Trinity College, Cambridge United Kingdom 15715
Archive ouverte UNIGE ID identifier for a person in the Archive ouverte UNIGE operated by the University of Geneva Switzerland 19000
Archivio dei possessori ID identifier for an owner of a manuscript (person or organization) in the database Archivio dei possessori curated by the Biblioteca Marciana Italy
Archivio della ceramica person ID identifier for a ceramist in the website Archivio della ceramica italiana del '900 Italy
Associazione Italiana dei Paleografi e Diplomatisti member ID identifier for a paleographer or diplomatist in the website of the Italian Association of Paleographers and Diplomatists Italy
Authority file of the Iraqi Authors ID identifier for a person in the Authority file of the Iraqi Authors Iraq 21500
BDELIS ID identifier for a person on the 'Database of Swiss elites in the 20th century' Switzerland
BES-Net user ID identifier for a user on BES-Net person ID identifier for a person Russia
Babesdirectory ID identifier of a person in the Babesdirectory database 5446
Base Budé person ID identifier for a person in the French database Base Budé France 3242
BeSoccer player ID identifier for a player's profile on the BeSoccer website
Bebo profile ID identifier for an artist on Bebo site
Betrail runner ID ID for a trail runner in France and Benelux on the Betrail website Belgium
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Bibale ID numerical identifier for a person in the French database Bibale France 43328
Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú ID identifier of an entry in the Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú
Biblioteca di Santa Sabina ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the Italian library Biblioteca di Santa Sabina Italy 15815
Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID identifier for an authority in the collective catalogue of the Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme Israel 24366
Biographical Archive of Psychiatry ID identifier for an article in the Biographical Archive of Psychiatry Germany
Biographical Dictionary of Emigrants of Georgia ID identifier for a person in the Biographical Dictionary of Emigrants of Georgia Q230 1069
Biographisches Portal der Rabbiner ID ID of a rabbis in Biographisches Portal der Rabbiner Germany 2703
Bod-Inc Online author ID identifier for an author, translator, editor or dedicatees in the database Bod-Inc Online regarding the incunables in Bodleian Libraries United Kingdom
Bolshoi Theatre person ID identifier for a team member at the Bolshoi Theater of Russia Russia
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, numeric identifier, and Wikidata property for authority control (libraries) in Russia Russia
Brapci author ID identifier for an author in the Brazilian database Brapci Brazil
Brasseur ID identifier of a mathematics teacher on the online Dictionnaire des professeurs de mathématiques spéciales France
British and Irish Furniture Makers Online ID identifier for a person or company, in the British and Irish Furniture Makers Online (BIFMO) database
Bureau des longitudes ID identifier for a member of the 'Bureau des longitudes' between 1795 and 1932 France 274
Business Online ID biography identifier in online media Business Online Russia author ID numeric ID of author in Československá bibliografická databáze Czech Republic
CECC Political Prisoner ID identifier for a person on the CECC Political Prisoner Database website
CEMDP ID identifier for people who were killed or went missing during the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) Brazil
CMI person ID identifier for a person on the Clay Mathematics Institute website United States of America 97
CNR ExploRA author ID identifier for an author in the open-access repository of the National Research Council (Italy) Italy 11754
CNRS Talent page page on the Centre national de la recherche scientifique website presenting a person who has received certain prizes or medals France
CNSflora ID identifier for a person or an organization in the botanical database CNSflora 642
CPDOC ID identifier for a bibliographic record in the Center for Research and Documentation of Contemporary History of Brazil (CPDOC) Brazil 6659
Canadian Virtual War Memorial ID ID of a person in Canadian Virtual War Memorial Canada
Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID identifier in the artist database of Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Canada 535
Capitolium Art artist ID identifier for an artist on the Capitolium Art website
Carte d'autore online ID identifier for a person or organization in the authority file of the web portal Carte d'autore online
Catalog of ID identifier for an entity in the Catalog of Germany
Catalogo storico ragionato degli scrittori sardi dal IV al XXI secolo ID identifier for an Italian author from Sardinia in the Catalogo storico ragionato degli scrittori sardi dal IV al XXI secolo Italy
Catalogue of the General State Archives ID identifier for an entity (person, organization, family) in the catalog of the General State Archives of Greece Greece
Cerist CCDZ ID Cerist CCDZ identifier of a thesis or a PhD holder or a jury member or an institution, on the Algerian thesis database and recorded in the Centre de Recherche sur l'Information Scientifique et Technique Algeria
Challenges billionaire ID numerical identifier for a billionaire on the website of the French magazine Challenges
Church of Jesus Christ missionary ID identifier of a missionary in Church of Jesus Christ missionary database (1830-1930)
Church of Jesus Christ pioneer ID ID of a missionary in Church of Jesus Christ pioneer database 58527
Cimetière russe ID identifier for a person on 'Cimetière russe' project France
CinemaRX person ID (archived) identifier for a person on the website Romania
Cinemaitaliano person ID identifier for a person on the website Cinemaitaliano Italy
Civilisti Italiani member ID identifier for a member of the association Civilisti Italiani Italy
Classiques des sciences sociales ID identifier on the Classiques des sciences sociales website Canada
ClimateCultures Directory ID identifier for a person in the ClimateCultures Directory
Conférence du stage secretary ID identifier for a secretary of the 'Conférence du stage de Paris' on its website France
Crimean virtual necropolis persons ID Crimean virtual necropolis identifier for a person Ukraine
Crosscut author ID identifier of an author for the online newspaper Crosscut
DALFAN ID identifier for a person the ''Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord''
DBIL ID identifier for the Latin American Left Biographic Dictionary Argentina
DFIH financier ID identifier for a financier on the DFIH website France 46294
DFK Paris person ID identifier for a person in the German Centre for Art History (DFK Paris) databases France
DIMA ID identifier for a militant anarchist in the Dictionnaire international des militants anarchistes
Dans nos cœurs ID Wikidata property for authority control for people in France France
Data Collection of the Hungarian Peerage ID identifier of a person in the database of the Hungarian Society of Family History Research Q28 32054
Database of Czech Amateur Theater person ID identifier of a person in the Database of Czech Amateur Theater Czech Republic 8322
Database of Czech librarians ID identifier for person in database of Czech librarianship Czech Republic
Debrett's People of Today ID identifier for a person, in Debrett's "People of Today" United Kingdom
DiVo person ID identifier of a person in the Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti Italy
Diamond Catalog ID for persons and organisations identifier for a person or an organisation in the General Diamond Catalog
Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha ID identifier of a person in the Diccionario biográfico de Castilla-La Mancha
Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art ID identifier on an art historian on the online Dictionnaire critique des historiens de l'art actifs en France de la Révolution à la Première Guerre mondiale France 316
Dictionnaire de spiritualité ID identifier for a topic on the ''Dictionnaire de spiritualité''
Dictionnaire des Vendéens ID identifier for a person on the online Dictionnaire des Vendéens France 8473
Dictionnaire des femmes de l’ancienne France ID identifier for an article in the Dictionnaire des Femmes de l'ancienne France France
Diels-Kranz ID identifier for an author in the fragment collection Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker (5th edition) 90
DigiListan artist ID identifier for an international artist on DigiListan site
Digital Mechanism and Gear Library ID identifier for a person or an organisation in the Digital Mechanism and Gear Library 5823
Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic ID identifier of an ancient Roman from the Roman Republic, an online prosopographical research 10000
Dignity Memorial obituary ID identifier used by Dignity Memorial for its obituaries 5092883
Director Identification Number identifier for a person intending to be a director or an existing director of a company, assigned by the Indian central government India
Directory of Afrocubanas ID biographical note on Afrocuban Women Cuba
Dissernet person ID identifier of a person on the website Russia 6227
9213 ID identifier for Hungarian scientist (based on doctoral degree) Q28
Dostoyevsky and His Entourage ID identifier for a person somehow connected to Fyodor Dostoyevsky in the website in Russia
DriveThruComics numeric publisher ID numeric identifier for a publisher/manufacturer on DriveThruComics and sibling site
ECOF saint ID identifier for a saint on the website of the 'Confrérie Saint-Irénée', affiliated to the ECOF France
EGAFD ID alphanumerical identifier for a female porn performer in the European Girls Adult Film Database 14685
ESEC person ID identifier of a member of the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council France tennis player ID identifier for a tennis player on website United States of America
Edizioni Ares author ID identifier for an author in the database of the Italian publisher Edizioni Ares Italy
Educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes ID identifier for a person on the educational center of resistance and deportation of Landes website France 110
Electrodoc person ID identifier for a person on the Electrodoc website Belgium 7118
Electronic Language International Festival person ID unique identifier of a person on the Electronic Language International Festival website Brazil
Empik author ID identifier for an author on Empik site Poland
Encyclopaedia Herder person ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property related to encyclopedias, and Wikidata property linking to articles in MediaWiki websites 628
Encyklopedia Teatru Polskiego author ID identifier of an author in the Polish Theater Encyclopedia Poland
English & Scottish Football League transfers player ID identifier for a player's profile on the "Post War English & Scottish Football League A–Z Player's Transfer Database" website by Neil Brown United Kingdom 17648
Epson Tour player ID page of a golfer on the Epson Tour website
Erik Amburger database ID identifier for the Erik Amburger database of foreigners in pre-revolutionary Russia Germany 95409
Esperantist ID number in the address book of early Esperanto speakers by Zamenhof
European University Cyprus ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue of the library of the European University Cyprus Cyprus
Fascist Latin Texts author ID ID for an author in Fascist Latin Texts database 82
Female Physicians in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic ID identifier in the database of female physicians in the German Empire and the Weimar Republic Weimar Republic
German Empire
Film Indonesia person ID ID number on the Film Indonesia for the person and film studio Indonesia
Filmový přehled person ID identifier for a person or organisation in the Filmový přehled database Czech Republic 29037
ForPost person ID ForPost identifier for a person Ukraine
Fototeka person ID identifier of a person in Fototeka (Polish National Film Archive) Poland 7837
France bleu journalist ID identifier for a journalist on France bleu website France
Français libres ID identifier for a French resistance fighter on Français libres
Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938 ID identifier for entries in the ARIADNE “Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938” database, published by the Austrian National Library Austria
French Academy in Rome fellow ID identifier for a fellow on the French Academy in Rome website France
French Inspector General for Education (1802-1914) ID identifier for the online version of the French Inspector General for Education dictionary (1802-1914) supervised by Guy Caplat France
Frick Art Research Library Artist File ID identifier for artist file from the Frick Art Research Library Photoarchive
Fréjus et Toulon ID identifier for a cleric on the website of the Fréjus and Toulon diocesan archives France 107
GEPRIS Historisch person ID identifier of a person in GEPRIS Historisch database of funded research projects of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) Germany 13162
Geheugen van de VU person ID identifier for a person in the database of Geheugen van de VU (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 183
Gente di Tuscia ID alphabetical identifier for a person or a family in the Italian biographical website Gente di Tuscia Italy
Georgian National Filmography person ID identifier for a person, in the Georgian National Filmography database Q230
Gesher Theatre Archive person ID identifier for a person in the Gesher Theater Archive Israel
Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online ID identifier for Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online 20000
Guia dos Quadrinhos artist ID identifier for a comic book artist Brazil 15144
Guide of the French Church person ID identifier of a person in the guide of the French Catholic Church, edited by the Bishops' Conference of France France
HAA member ID identifier of the data-sheet of members of the Hungarian Art Academy Q28
HaBama person ID identifier for a person at the HaBama site Israel
Hamburger Professorinnen- und Professorenkatalog ID identifier for a person Germany 5955
Hanslick Online person ID person in the Hanslick Online database Austria 3181
Hart Island Project person ID identifier for a person buried in New York's City Cemetery on Hart Island, Bronx, New York United States of America 75363 ID identifier for saints listed on the website 5715
Hessian Literature Council author ID identifier of an author on the Hessian Literature Council website Germany
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library ID identifier for the HMML Authority File (HAF) database United States of America 22520
HistoryMakers Maker Directory ID identifier for a person ("maker") in the HistoryMakers Maker Directory United States of America 3441
Hong Kong Cinema ID identifier for film persons from the Hong Kong Cinema website Russia
Hungarian Film Archive person ID ID of a person in the database of the Hungarian Film Archive Q28
Hungarian National Namespace person ID (old) identifier for a person in the Hungarian National Namespace Q28
IAHR member ID identifier for members of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
ICCD agent ID identifier for a person or an organisation in the General catalog of Italian cultural heritage Italy 58000
ICPSR Personal Names Authority List ID identifier for a person in the ICPSR Personal Names Authority List
ICRC PoW ID identifier for a prisoner of war, in the archives of the International committee of the Red Cross
IDIH ID identifier on a researcher on the International Dictionary of Intellectual Historians
IDU person ID personal identifier for artists in Czechia in Theatre Institute database (IDU) Czech Republic
INDUCKS creator ID identifier for creators and authors related to the Disney Universe
IRFA ID identifier for a French Catholic missionary on the IRFA website France
ITHL author ID identifier for an author in the website of the Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature (ITHL)
Iași Central University Library ID identifier for a person or a work in the catalogue of the Central University Library of Iași Romania
Identifiant Les Recteurs d'Académie en France identifier for the online version of the French education officers dictionary (1808-1940) by Jean-François Condette France 360
ImagesDéfense ID author ID on France
IndExs Exsiccata editor ID identifier in the IndExs online database for an editor of exsiccatae or exsiccata-like series
Index Fungorum person ID identifier for a person in the Index Fungorum database person ID identifier for a person, in the archive of Indian film India
Infames Romani ID ID of a Roman politician in the Infames Romani database France 193
Institute of History of Ukraine ID identifier of a person at the Institute of History of Ukraine Ukraine
Internet Dictionary of Polish Surnames ID identifier in the dictionary of surnames used in Poland Poland 29997
Isidore scholar ID identifier of a scholar on Isidore, a platform that collects links to scholarly documents and academic official texts
Islampidia author ID Wikidata property for authority control for people and Wikidata property related to mathematics
Israel Composers' League composer ID identifier for a composer on the Israel Composers' League website Israel
Israeli Directors' Guild person ID identifier for a member of the Israeli Directors' Guild Israel
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti member ID identifier for a member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti Italy
Ivi person ID ID of an actor on Russia 289046
IxTheo authority ID identifier for a person or an organization in the Index Theologicus (IxTheo) 395807
JewAge person ID identifier for a person on JewAge, a genealogical database for Jewish people 289597
Joseph Smith Papers person ID ID of a person in Joseph Smith Papers Project 3574
KOBIS people ID identifier for a people on the database of the Korea Box-Office Information System (KOBIS) provided by the Korean Film Council South Korea
Kieler Gelehrtenverzeichnis ID identifier for persons in Kieler Gelehrtenverzeichnis, a database of professors from the University of Kiel, Germany Germany
Kinobaza person ID identifier for a person involved in cinematography at the site Ukraine actor ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property for identification in the film industry, and numeric identifier in Ukraine Ukraine
Kinoglaz person ID identifier for a person on the Kinoglaz website France
Russia person ID Wikidata property for identification in the film industry, Wikidata property for authority control for people, and numeric identifier in Ukraine Ukraine actor ID identifier for a person in the database Russia
Korean Academy of Science and Technology member ID identifier for a member of South Korea's Korean Academy of Science and Technology South Korea
Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik person ID identifier for a person in Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik Germany 1804 glossary ID identifier on the website of the President of Russia Russia 1000
Kultboy editor ID video games magazine editor in Kultboy database
Köztérkép creator ID identifier for an author of the Köztérkép (Hungarian sculptors, visual artists, contributors) Q28 9438
Künstlerdatenbank ID identifier for a person in Künstlerdatenbank Germany
Kōmako author ID identifier for Māori writers New Zealand 1626
L'Encyclopédie philosophique ID identifier on 'L'Encyclopédie philosophique' France 184
L'Express person ID identifier for a person on the website of L'Express France
L'Humanité journalist ID identifier for a journalist on ''L'Humanité'' website France
L'Officiel des spectacles ID identifier for an artist on the L'Officiel des spectacles website France
L'Opinion journalist ID identifier for a journalist on ''L'Opinion'' website France
LIBRA Unine ID identifier for a person in the "LIBRA" digital library of the University of Neuchâtel Switzerland
LMHL author ID identifier for a person in the Lexicon of Modern Hebrew Literature Israel
Landshuth ID identifier for a gravestone in the Jewish cemetery in the Große Hamburger Straße in Berlin after Eliezer Landshuth Germany 2800
Latgales dati person ID identifier for a person in the database Latgales dati Latvia
Le Lettere di Theodor Mommsen agli Italiani ID identifier for a person cited in a letter by Theodor Mommsen in the online database Le Lettere di Theodor Mommsen agli Italiani Italy 433
Leopoldina member ID (new) identifier for a Leopoldina member on the Leopoldina web site Germany 7861
Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre ID identifier for a biography in the Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre
Library of Congress of Chile person ID Biographical Articles of the Library of Congress of Chile ID Chile
Library of the Haskala person ID identifier for entries in the ''Library of the Haskala'' database Germany 1200
Liszt Academy Lexikon person ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property related to music, and numeric identifier
Litres author ID identifier for an author at Litres Russia
Livres Hebdo ID identifier for a publisher or person on the website Livres Hebdo France
LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID identifier for an architecture author (not artwork author) in LombardiaBeniCulturali database
LombardiaBeniCulturali artwork author ID identifier of an artwork author in the cultural heritage database of the Lombardy Region of Italy
LongTake person ID identifier for a person on the site Italy
Lotsawa House Indian author ID identifier for Indian authors, in the Lotsawa House library of translations of Tibetan Buddhist religious texts India
Lotsawa House Tibetan author ID identifier for Tibetan authors, in the Lotsawa House library of translations of Tibetan Buddhist religious texts
LoverFans ID identifier for a person on the LoverFanswebsite
Ludzie Nauki ID (new) identifier in the Ludzie Nauki, the new official database of Polish scientists Poland
Léonore ID identifier of a person in the Léonore database France 381155
MAK Collection Online person ID identifier for a person in the MAK Collection Online Austria
MPPDA Digital Archive person ID link to a person's records at the MPPDA Digital Archive Australia 1169
Malmö Museer ID identifier for person or organization connected to an object at Malmö Museer Sweden
Mariinsky Theatre person ID identifier for a person at the Mariinsky Theatre website Russia
Martindale-Hubbell profile profile of a person at Martindale-Hubbell
Media Library for Dance and Theatre person ID identifier in Mime Centrum archive
Medicina author ID identifier for an author in the Medicina database France
Memórias da Ditadura ID identifier for people who were killed or went missing during the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985) Brazil
Mendeley person ID deprecated identifier for an author of scholarly works, at (for numeric ID, see P1153)
Merkelstiftung person ID identifier for the genealogical record of a person in the database of the Merkelstiftung Germany 21549
Merkur author page Identifier for an author of the German intellectual magazine “Merkur” Germany
Military Historical Archive exile army member ID identifier for a member of the Czech exile army (WW2) in the database of the Czech Military Historical Archive Czech Republic 88982
Mnemosine ID Mnemosine Digital Library identifier (Mnemosine: Biblioteca Digital de la otra Edad de Plata) Q29
Model Manual ID identifier for a fashion model in the 'New York' magazine database 846
Modern History Database person ID ID of a person from Modern History Database by Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica author ID author identifier for, a Hungarian social cataloging website Q28
Moravian Lives ID identifier for a person in the Moravian Lives database
MovieMeter person ID identifier for a person on the MovieMeter film database Netherlands
Mozilla Hacks author ID identifier for a writer in the 'Mozilla Hacks' website
Museen Dresden article ID identifier of persons and organisations on Museen der Stadt Dresden Germany
Musica Brasilis composer ID identifier for a composer on the Musica Brasilis website Brazil
Musiikkituottajat artist ID (chart) identifier for an artist on Musiikkituottajat music site Finland
Musée de la Résistance ID identifier for a person on the online Musée de la Résistance 44000
NER portfolio ID identifier of a profile of an engineer listed in the Engineers Australia National Engineering Register Australia
NIP Public official identifier in Indonesia Indonesia
NIPS Proceedings author ID identifier for an author publishing or editor at the NIPS/NeurIPS conference
NSDAP membership number (1925–1945) membership number in the Nazi Party Nazi Germany
NSR doctor ID identifier of a Malaysian doctor on the database of National Specialist Register Malaysia
NTB ID identifier for a person or a theatrical production on the National Theatre Bucharest website Romania
Nachlässe in Austria ID identifier of a reference work on artistic, academic and cultural Nachlässe in Austria Austria
National Archives of Australia entity ID identifier for government agencies created by, and people and organizations associated with, the Commonwealth of Australia, allocated by the National Archives of Australia Australia
National Humanities Medal winner ID identifier for a National Humanities Medal winner on the National Endowment for the Humanities website United States of America
National Library of Uruguay authority ID authority control identifier used at the National Library of Uruguay Uruguay
National Park Service people ID identifier for a person on the website of the National Park Service, an American federal agency United States of America 1549
Natural History Museum (London) person ID identifier for a person (including 'legal person', such as a company) in the Natural History Museum (London) archives United Kingdom
Naver Post member ID identifier for a member of the professional blogging site Naver Post South Korea
Netflix person ID identifier for a person on Netflix United States of America
Nevada Women's History Project ID identifier for a biography created by the Jean Ford Research Center United States of America
Newman Numismatics Portal ID identifier for a person on the Newman Numismatics Portal website
Nobel Laureate API ID REST API service with info about Nobel laureates Sweden 968
Noovie person ID (archived) identifier for a person on the site
North Data ID identifier of a company or person at
Norwegian National Museum producer ID ID for a producer (artist etc.) at the Norwegian National Museum 7126
Norwegian war refugees register ID Norwegian register for refugees at Kjesæter 1940 to 1945 ID Q20
Oblio author ID identifier for an author of the Italian academic journal Oblio, regarding Italian literature Italy
Occitanie Livre et Lecture ID identifier for a person or an organization on the directory of Occitanie Livre et Lecture France 3527
Odeon ID identifier for a person or a theatrical production on the Odeon Theatre's website Romania
Oh!FM-7 ID identifier of an item in the Oh!FM-7 database Q17
Olschki author ID identifier for an author in the database of the Italian publisher Olschki Italy
Online Begraafplaatsen person ID identifier for a person found on grave markings and war memorials on the Online Begraafplaatsen website Kingdom of the Netherlands
OpenStates person ID identifier for person entries in
Order of Canada recipient ID identifier for the recipients of the Order of Canada, one of the highest orders conferred by the Canadian governemnt Canada 7659
Oskar Schindler Archive agent ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property for an identifier, and numeric identifier in United States of America United States of America ID identifier for OsobnostiRegionů.cz, a database of regionally important people in the Czech Republic Czech Republic 2067
Ozon person ID identifier for a person on the website of the Russian online store Ozon Russia
PASE name standardised name (including disambiguation number) given to a person in the Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England United Kingdom
PGM author ID identifier for an author on Poésie Grande Guerre France
PMB – Personen der Moderne Basis person ID numeric identifier for a person in the PMB – Personen der Moderne Basis web service with entities from Vienna around 1900 Austria 33120
PNM Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom person ID identifier for a non-royal person from ancient Egypt in the database Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom and early New Kingdom 2889
Parcours de vies dans la Royale ID identifier for a person on the 'Parcours de vies dans la Royale' website France 22000
Parque de la Memoria ID identifier for people who were killed or went missing by action of the State terrorism in Argentina Argentina 8857
Patrinum ID identifier for a subject (person, organisation, place, etc.) in the Swiss database Patrinum regarding the Canton of Vaud Switzerland 69671
Pennsylvania State Senate ID identifier for a Pennsylvania State senator 1520
People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID Wikidata property for authority control for people and numeric identifier in Indonesia Indonesia
Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID entry in the Digital Index of Persons of Germania Sacra
Personnel Records of the First World War ID ID of a person in Personnel Records of the First World War Canada
Personnel de l'administration préfectorale ID identifier for an official on the online version of ''Le Personnel de l'administration préfectorale (1881-1926)'' France
Persons of Ancient Athens identifier for a person in Persons of Ancient Athens (Q21994990) by John S. Traill (Q13422797)
PhilPapers author ID identifier for authors of papers on PhilPapers
Physics Magazine author ID identifier for an author in the online magazine Physics
Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library (B) ID identifier for an authority in the catalogue B of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation Library Greece sports executive ID identifier for a sports executive in the database
Podchaser numeric creator ID Podchaser creator ID used by their API 92000
Poincaré Papers person ID identifier for a correspondent of Henri Poincaré, or for a person cited on his letters France 1239
Priest of Archidiecezja Gdańska ID Wikidata property for authority control for people, Wikidata property related to Catholicism and the Catholic Church, and numeric identifier in Poland Poland
Professional shogi player number the number assigned to professional shogi players by the Japan Shogi Association Q17 334
Prosocour person ID Prosocour identifier of a person 26000
Prosopographia Attica identifier for a person in Prosopographia Attica (Q2113277) by Johannes Kirchner (Q1697841)
Prosopographia Imperii Romani online ID identifier for a person in the Prosopographia Imperii Romani Online Germany
Présent author ID Wikidata property for authority control for people and Wikidata property related to journalism in France France
Prêtres du diocèse de Quimper ID identifier for a priest from the diocese of Quimper on the website of the Roman Catholic Church in Finistère, France France 4689
Quadrinhopédia artist ID identifier for an article on the online biographical reference work about Brazilian comics artists 1090
Quirinale ID decorated for honors of the Italian Republic record on the Quirinale site Italy 335611
RAG ID identifier for a person in the Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG)
RFI Musique artist ID identifier for an artist or a band on the music-focused website of Radio France Internationale France
RHE doctor ID identifier of a doctor on the database of doctoral thesis submitted in French faculties of Arts from 1808 to 1940 France 3102
RPPS ID identifier for a health professional in the Répertoire partagé des professionnels intervenant dans le système de santé France
Radio France person ID alphabetical identifier for a person on the Radio France website France 25484
Ratingraph actor ID identifier for a person on the Ratingraph site - actor 181863
Ratingraph actress ID identifier for an actress on the Ratingraph site 118655
Real Academia de Doctores de España ID identifier for a member of the Real Academia de Doctores de España Q29
Real Time person ID identifier for a person at the online newspaper Real Time Russia
Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) ID unique identifier for members of the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) Canada
Renacyt ID identifier for the National Scientific, Technological and Technological Innovation Registry, a Peruvian database Peru
Rendez-vous de l'histoire ID identifier of a participant of the 'Rendez-vous de l'histoire' on the website of this festival France 1000
Repairs ID identifier of a former French slave owner on Repairs France
Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID static identifier ("Zitierlink") of an entry in Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank (the "recnums" is not stable!) Germany 12698
RomanianActors person ID identifier for an actor on the RomanianActors site Romania
Romanistenlexikon ID identifier for a topic in the online encyclopedia Romanistenlexikon regarding Romance philology Germany 778 ID identifier on the website Российские и советские актёры Russia 2296
Ruskino actor ID identifier for the actor in the Russian cinema database RUSKINO.RU Russia
Russian Academy of Sciences person ID identifier for a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russia person ID page of film personalities in the Encyclopedia of National Cinema Russia
SISSCO ID identifier for a person who is member of the Società Italiana per lo Studio della Storia Contemporanea Italy 895
SMA ID identifier for a religious on the SMA website
SOUNZ contributor ID numerical identifier for persons or organisations listed in the SOUNZ database of New Zealand Music New Zealand 687
SPLC individual ID identifier of an individual in the Southern Poverty Law Center's Extremist Files United States of America 133
SWERIK ID identifier in the SWERIK project about Swedish PM Corpus Sweden
Savoirs ENS ID identifier for a lecturer on Savoirs ENS France 2979
Scholars Strategy Network ID identifier for a person in the Scholars Strategy Network
Science Magazine author ID identifier for a Science Magazine author
Sinhala Cinema artist ID identifier for persons from the Sinhala Cinema Database website Sri Lanka
Slovník českých nakladatelství 1848-1949 person ID identifier of person in Czech database of publishing houses (1848-1949) Czech Republic 871
Slovo i Dilo person ID identifier for person on Slovo i Dilo site Ukraine 2300 author ID identifier for author in Russia
Social Security Death Index entry identifier for a person listed in Social Security Death Index or Death Master File 89430629 director ID ID for the director of a French company on France
Speleologi del passato ID identifier for a caver or a speleologist in the Italian biographic website Speleologi del passato Italy
Spiritains ID identifier for a person on the website of the Holy Ghost Fathers France
Stan Radar dossier ID Wikidata property for authority control for people and Wikidata property related to biographical dictionaries in Kazakhstan about Central Asia Q232 344
State Historical Museum of Russia person ID identifier for person at the State Historical Museum of Russia online collection Russia 329
Stathletics ID identifier for 43308
Studio di Fonologia Musicale RAI person ID identifier for a person in the website of the Studio di Fonologia Musicale RAI Italy 495 ID ID of a fashion model on the website
Survey of Scottish Witchcraft - Accused witch ID Accused witch identifier in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database United Kingdom
Svoya Igra television player ID identifier for a Svoya Igra TV show player at the Russia
TBDB ID identifier of a person in the Prosopographic and Social Network Database of the Tang and Five Dynasties (TBDB) Q148 39000
TEİS ID identifier for an entry in the Biographical Dictionary of Turkish Literature (Türk Edebiyatı İsimler Sözlüğü) Turkey 14000
Taiwan Biographical Database ID ID for a person in The Taiwan Biographical Database by National Taiwan Normal University Taiwan 2332
Tekściory artist ID identifier for an artist on Tekściory site Poland
The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church ID identifier for a cardinal in the website The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church
The Coptic Library ID identifier of author or subject in The Coptic Library
The Homicide Report person ID identifier for a homicide in Los Angeles County recorded by the Los Angeles Times' The Homicide Report project 19325
The Israeli Opera (English) person ID identifier for a person in English on The Israeli Opera website Israel
TheatreOnline ID identifier for a theater actor/actress in website France
Theatrical Index person ID identifier for a person listed in Theatrical Index
TrENSmissions person ID identifier for a person on 'TrENSmissions' France 427
Tropicos person ID identifier for a person in the Tropicos database
Télé-Loisirs ID numerical identifier for a person on the website of Télé-Loisirs, a French TV magazine France
UCA authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalog of the Library of the University of Cádiz (UCA) 12804
UK Modern House Index architect ID identifier for an architect or architectural practice, in the UK Modern House Index 5344
US Bureau of Prisons Inmate Register Number unique number assigned to inmates
UWIND ID identifier in the University Women's International Networks Database Germany 240
Union Catalog of Armenian Libraries authority ID identifier for an authority in the catalog of the Union Catalog of Armenian Libraries Armenia
United States Armed Forces service number number assigned by the US military to soldiers and sailors as the primary means of service member identification from 1918 until 1974 United States of America
Univ-droit jurist ID identifier of a legal scholar on Univ-droit France 4066
VI.BE platform ID ID of an artist/band on the Belgian VI.BE platform Belgium
VMI Historical Rosters Database ID names of all enrolled students (both graduates and non-graduates) from VMI's opening in 1839 through the World War II era 13200
Vatican Library ID (former scheme) historical identifier for authority control used at the Vatican Library. Format: "ADV" + 8 digits. Use P8034 for newer IDs. Vatican City
Veterans Legacy Memorial ID veterans by gravesites 10000000
Vie publique person ID identifier for a public personality on Vie publique France
Vie publique report ID identifier for a public report on Vie publique France
Viperson ID identifier for person on site Viperson Russia
Visages du diocèse d'Autun ID identifier for a Catholic presbyter or laic active on the Autun Diocese from 1962 to 2012 France person ID identify for person in Russia
WBPLN author ID identifier for authors listed in the West Bengal Public Library Network India
WUA author ID identifier for an author who is member of the Writers Union of Armenia Armenia
Warsaw Uprising insurgent ID ''Powstańcze Biogramy'' (en. Insurgent Biographies) is a kind of online encyclopedia dedicated to the Warsaw Uprising Poland 26776
WeChangEd ID identifier for an item in the WeChangEd database of Women Editors in Europe
Webtoon creator ID identifier for a comics creator in Webtoon platform
Women in Resistance ID identifier for a biographical entry on the website Frauen im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus (Women in Resistance against National Socialism) 316
Women's World Golf Rankings player ID identifier in Women's World Golf Rankings
Württembergische Kirchengeschichte person ID identifier for a person in the database of the Evangelic church in Württemberg Germany
XWord Info author ID identifier for a New York Times crossword (also variety or acrostic) puzzle constructor on XWord Info 1996
YCBA agent ID identifier for a person in the Yale Center for British Art database United States of America
United Kingdom
Zürich Herbaria collector ID numerical identifier for a botanical collector in the Zürich Herbaria Switzerland person ID identifier for a person at the Russia ID identifier for an archaeologist on the Romanian website Romania 185
author citation (zoology) short form of the name used after a taxon this person has authored name or company ID identifier for a person or company in Italy organization ID identifier for a organization Russia literary agent ID identifier for a literary agent/agency on ID identifier for a person at the Ukraine Panteono ID unique ID for the person in Panteono of the website
elFilm person ID identifier for a person at the Egypt movie database elFilm Egypt person ID identifier for a person in the database of science, education, and government organisations in Russia Russia person ID identifier for a person at the Russia person ID identifier for a person Russia author ID identifier of an author in the French database France athlete ID identifier for an athletes at the Data accounting system of Cross Country Ski Federation of Russia Russia person ID identifier for a minister or senior official on Russia 500 person ID identifier for a person in the Armenian website regarding Armenian grave records Armenia
islamway authority ID scholar ID on the islamway website person ID identifier for a person at the Kyrgyzstan person ID identifier for a person at the Kyrgyzstan person ID identifier for a person at the Russian energy website Russia actor ID identifier for a person at the site Ukraine person ID identifier for a person, in the archive of Indian film India person ID identifier for a person at the Russia
1090 football manager ID identifier for an association football (soccer) manager Q184 ID identifier of a tribune of the plebs and his gens prior to the Hortensian plebiscite on the site France
vedidk ID identifier for researchers in the Czech Republic Czech Republic person ID identifier for a person at the Kyrgyzstan
‎AniSearch person ID ID for a person at AniSearch
‎FantLab artist ID identifier for the artist in FantLab
‎German University Collections person ID identifier for persons in "University collections in Germany: Information resource on collections and museums at universities in Germany", a database of persons and literature associated with and items in German university collections Germany
‎Tretyakov Gallery artist ID identifier for an artist at the My Tretyakov online collection Russia 865

∑ 416 items.

End of automatically generated list.