(See also photos.)
Karl Fogel is an open source software developer, author, and consultant. He has been active in free and open source software since 1992. In 2005 he wrote Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project (O'Reilly Media), based partly on his experiences in the Subversion project.
He is a founding partner at Open Tech Strategies, LLC, where he helps organizations launch and engage with open source projects. He has worked at CollabNet, Google, Canonical, O'Reilly Media, and Code for America / Civic Commons, all as an open source specialist. He has also been an Open Internet Tools Project Fellow at the New America Foundation and a member of the board of directors of the Open Source Initative. He is currently a member of the Apache Software Foundation and President of QuestionCopyright.org.
He can be found at @kfogel on Identi.ca and Twitter, and his home page is red-bean.com/kfogel.
Karl Fogel is an open source software developer, author, and copyright reform activist. In 1999 he wrote "Open Source Development With CVS" (Coriolis OpenPress, online at cvsbook.com), and in 2005 "Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project" (O'Reilly Media, online at producingoss.com), based partly on his experiences in the Subversion project; both books were released under free licenses and translated into multiple languages as a result. He has worked at CollabNet, Google, Canonical, O'Reilly Media, and Code for America / Civic Commons, all as an open source specialist. He is now a partner at Open Tech Strategies, LLC, where he helps organizations launch and engage with open source projects. He has been an Open Internet Tools Project Fellow at the New America Foundation and a member of the board of directors of the Open Source Initiative; he is currently a member of the Apache Software Foundation and serves on the Advisory Board of the Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom. In 2007 he founded Question Copyright and serves as its President and Executive Director. He writes and speaks regularly on copyright, open source, and the application of open source principles in areas outside software. His home page is red-bean.com/kfogel, and he is @kfogel on Identi.ca and Twitter.
Karl Fogel has been an open source software developer for over 20 years. He is also an author and consultant; his book "Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project" was first published by O'Reilly Media 2005, revised in 2017, and is online under a free license at producingoss.com. He is a founding partner at Open Tech Strategies LLC, where he helps organizations launch and engage with open source projects. He has worked at CollabNet, Google, Canonical, O'Reilly Media, and Code for America, all as an open source specialist. He has also been an Open Internet Tools Project Fellow at the New America Foundation and a member of the board of directors of the Open Source Initative (opensource.org). He is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and President of QuestionCopyright.org. He can be found online at @kfogel (Twitter, Identi.ca, Keybase) and http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/
Karl Fogel is an open source software developer, author, and consultant. In 2005 he wrote "Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project" (O'Reilly Media, online at "producingoss.com":http://producingoss.com/), based partly on his experiences in the "Subversion":http://subversion.apache.org/ project. He has worked at "CollabNet":http://collab.net/, "Google":http://google.com/, "Canonical":http://canonical.com/, "O'Reilly Media":http://oreilly.com/, and "Code for America":http://codeforamerica.org/ / "Civic Commons":http://civiccommons.org/, all as an open source specialist. He is now a partner at "Open Tech Strategies, LLC":http://opentechstrategies.com/, where he helps organizations launch and engage with open source projects. He is also an "Open Internet Tools Project Fellow":http://openitp.org/ at the "New America Foundation":http://newamerica.net/, a former member of the board of directors of the "Open Source Initative":http://opensource.org/, and a member of the "Apache Software Foundation":http://apache.org/. He is @kfogel on "Identi.ca":http://identi.ca/kfogel and "Twitter":http://twitter.com/#!/kfogel, and his home page is "red-bean.com/kfogel":http://www.red-bean.com/kfogel/.
Karl Fogel has been working in free software since 1993, as a programmer and later as a specialist in open source project management. He was one of the founders of the Subversion project at CollabNet and is the author of Producing Open Source Software. He is now a partner at Open Tech Strategies, LLC. Karl is also a former director at the Open Source Initiative and a member of the Apache Software Foundation.
(See also bio.)
All photographs here are freely redistributable under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY 3.0) license.
Here are a few photographs of me for conferences and such — click on an image to get a high-resolution version suitable for printing:
If none of those are quite what you're looking for, there are other similar images available. You can also browse the original JPEGS straight from the camera; much thanks to Rick Falkvinge, founder of Sweden's Pirate Party and an excellent amateur photographer. Note that some of the raw JPEGS would need to be rotated 90 degrees.
If you need something less formal, try this:
(Taken by Mike Pilato in Chicago's Grant Park in the summer of 2005. Thanks, Mike!)
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