Every developer needs to see his http traffic. Some tools are great but they either require too much to learn or to fire them up.
Some tools will show you just too much.
When you need to see some traffic of just one app at a time, and you need it now, Reversee is the way to go.
By downloading you agree to Reversee terms and conditions.
Reversee is in beta and is currently free
Mac, Windows and Linux Desktops
Reversee uses reverse proxy as opposed to http proxy to see your traffic. We believe that this makes the usage and configuration much simpler.
There are 2 ways to do that, it depends on what level of control you have on the client.
1. If your client can use http and your server can use only https, then, this is the better choice for you:
On the left drop box, select http.
Choose a listen port for Reversee.
Select https for the destination protocol.
Select the correct port on the destination port (leave blank for the default 443).
Configure your client to use http://loclhost[:selected listen port]
2. If your client can not be configured to use http, but can trust self signed certificate then use this option:
On the left drop box, select https.
Choose a listen port for Reversee.
Select https for the destination protocol.
Select the correct port on the destination port (leave blank for the default 443)
Configure your client to use https://loclhost[:selected listen port]
Configure the client to trust self signed certificates
Select http if your client connects on http, or https if your client connect on https.
Select an available port on your machine (example 9000) and type it into 'Listen Port' box.
Select http / https for the server.
Type the server host / ip.
Type the server port (or leave blank for default)
Toggle the button to ON.
See your traffic.