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Time-to-Live and Expiration

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Time-To-Live Feature

With RabbitMQ, you can set a TTL (time-to-live) argument or policy for messages and queues. As the name suggests, TTL specifies the time period that the messages and queues "live for".

Message TTL determines how long messages can be retained in a queue. If the retention period of a message in a queue exceeds the message TTL of the queue, the message expires and is discarded.

"Discarded" means that the message will not be delivered to any of subscribed consumers and won't be accessible through basic.get method applied directly on queue. Message TTL can be applied to a single queue, a group of queues, or applied on the message-by-message basis.

TTL can also be set on queues, not just queue contents. This feature can be used together with the auto-delete queue property. Setting TTL (expiration) on queues generally only makes sense for transient (non-durable) classic queues. Streams do not support expiration.

Queues will expire after a period of time only when they are not used (a queue is used if it has online consumers).

TTL behavior is controlled by optional queue arguments and the best way to configure it is using a policy.

TTL settings also can be enforced by operator policies.

Per-Queue Message TTL in Queues

Message TTL can be set for a given queue by setting the message-ttl argument with a policy or by specifying the same argument at the time of queue declaration.

A message that has been in the queue for longer than the configured TTL is said to be expired. Note that a message routed to multiple queues can expire at different times, or not at all, in each queue in which it resides. The death of a message in one queue has no impact on the life of the same message in other queues.

The server guarantees that expired messages will not be delivered using basic.deliver (to a consumer) or sent in response to a polling consumer (in a basic.get-ok response).

Further, the server will try to remove messages at or shortly after their TTL-based expiry.

The value of the TTL argument or policy must be a non-negative integer (equal to or greater than zero), describing the TTL period in milliseconds.

Thus a value of 1000 means that a message added to the queue will live in the queue for 1 second or until it is delivered to a consumer. The argument can be of AMQP 0-9-1 type short-short-int, short-int, long-int, or long-long-int.

Define Message TTL for Queues Using a Policy

To specify a TTL using policy, add the key "message-ttl" to a policy definition:

rabbitmqctl set_policy TTL ".*" '{"message-ttl":60000}' --apply-to queues
rabbitmqctl (Windows)
rabbitmqctl set_policy TTL ".*" "{""message-ttl"":60000}" --apply-to queues

This applies a TTL of 60 seconds to all queues.

Define Message TTL for Queues Using x-arguments During Declaration

This example in Java creates a queue in which messages may reside for at most 60 seconds:

Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-message-ttl", 60000);
channel.queueDeclare("myqueue", false, false, false, args);

The same example in C#:

var args = new Dictionary<string, object>();
args.Add("x-message-ttl", 60000);
model.QueueDeclare("myqueue", false, false, false, args);

It is possible to apply a message TTL policy to a queue which already has messages in it but this involves some caveats.

The original expiry time of a message is preserved if it is requeued (for example due to the use of an AMQP method that features a requeue parameter, or due to a channel closure).

Setting the TTL to 0 causes messages to be expired upon reaching a queue unless they can be delivered to a consumer immediately. Thus this provides an alternative to the immediate publishing flag, which the RabbitMQ server does not support. Unlike that flag, no basic.returns are issued, and if a dead letter exchange is set then messages will be dead-lettered.

Per-Message TTL in Publishers

A TTL can be specified on a per-message basis, by setting the expiration property when publishing a message.

The value of the expiration field describes the TTL period in milliseconds. The same constraints as for x-message-ttl apply. Since the expiration field must be a string, the broker will (only) accept the string representation of the number.

When both a per-queue and a per-message TTL are specified, the lower value between the two will be chosen.

This example uses RabbitMQ Java client to publish a message which can reside in the queue for at most 60 seconds:

byte[] messageBodyBytes = "Hello, world!".getBytes();
AMQP.BasicProperties properties = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder()
channel.basicPublish("my-exchange", "routing-key", properties, messageBodyBytes);

The same example in C#:

byte[] messageBodyBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, world!");

IBasicProperties props = model.CreateBasicProperties();
props.ContentType = "text/plain";
props.DeliveryMode = 2;
props.Expiration = "60000";

routingKey, props,

Per-Message TTL and Dead Lettering

Quorum Queues

Quorum queues dead letter expired messages when they reach the head of the queue.

Classic Queues

Classic queues dead letter expired messages in a few cases:

  • When the message reaches the head of the queue
  • When the queue is notified of a policy change that affects it

Per-message TTL Applied Retroactively (to an Existing Queue)

Queues that had a per-message TTL applied to them retroactively (when they already had messages) will discard the messages when specific events occur.

Only when expired messages reach the head of a queue will they actually be discarded (marked for deletion). Consumers will not have expired messages delivered to them. Keep in mind that there can be a natural race condition between message expiration and consumer delivery, e.g. a message can expire after it was written to the socket but before it has reached a consumer.

When setting per-message TTL expired messages can queue up behind non-expired ones until the latter are consumed or expired. Hence resources used by such expired messages will not be freed, and they will be counted in queue statistics (e.g. the number of messages in the queue).

When retroactively applying a per-message TTL policy, it is recommended to have consumers online to make sure the messages are discarded quicker.

Given this behaviour of per-message TTL settings on existing queues, when the need to delete messages to free up resources arises, queue TTL should be used instead (or queue purging, or queue deletion).

Queue TTL

TTL can also be set on queues, not just queue contents. This feature can be used together with the auto-delete queue property.

Setting TTL (expiration) on queues generally only makes sense for transient (non-durable) classic queues. Streams do not support expiration.

Queues will expire after a period of time only when they are not used (a queue is used if it has online consumers).

Expiry time can be set for a given queue by setting the x-expires argument to queue.declare, or by setting the expires policy. This controls for how long a queue can be unused before it is automatically deleted. Unused means the queue has no consumers, the queue has not been recently redeclared (redeclaring renews the lease), and basic.get has not been invoked for a duration of at least the expiration period. This can be used, for example, for RPC-style reply queues, where many queues can be created which may never be drained.

The server guarantees that the queue will be deleted, if unused for at least the expiration period. No guarantee is given as to how promptly the queue will be removed after the expiration period has elapsed.

The value of the x-expires argument or expires policy describes the expiration period in milliseconds. It must be a positive integer (unlike message TTL it cannot be 0). Thus a value of 1000 means a queue which is unused for 1 second will be deleted.

Define Queue TTL for Queues Using a Policy

The following policy makes all queues expire after 30 minutes since last use:

rabbitmqctl set_policy expiry ".*" '{"expires":1800000}' --apply-to queues
rabbitmqctl (Windows)
rabbitmqctl.bat set_policy expiry ".*" "{""expires"":1800000}" --apply-to queues

Define Queue TTL for Queues Using x-arguments During Declaration

This example in Java creates a queue which expires after it has been unused for 30 minutes.

Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
args.put("x-expires", 1800000);
channel.queueDeclare("myqueue", false, false, false, args);