The PsychoPy desktop application is free to download and run for in lab studies. PsychoPy® was written by scientists for scientists, the code underlying the software is open source on github, so even if you want to change the software you can!
As PsychoPy grew in popularity, it became clear that developing it "as a side project" in researchers spare time was not going to be sustainable. We now have a company, Open Science Tools, to sustain professional development. We have three main sources of revenue:
So, if you enjoy PsychoPy and would like to support its maintenance, please consider supporting us through one of these revenue streams. We try to keep our rates low-cost and affordable, whilst generating enough revenue to have a team of staff professionally develop PsychoPy and support users.
Universities all over the world are using PsychoPy® for teaching students about experiments
Hardware accelerated graphics, best-in class timing, and calibration tools built in
Want to run your study on the web, so participants can access it anywhere?
Did you know PsychoPy® has a JavaScript sister library? PsychoJS, this means you can create a version of your experiment to run in a browser, after that you can use to host it!
Pavlovia is: