Port80 Software has sunset its line of top-tier IIS server security products.
Effective February 14, 2020, Port80 Software no longer offers products for individual or bundled licenses.
For over 17 years, Port80 Software has offered secure, maintainable products for the protection of .NET sites and applications. While IIS Administrators have long relied on our software to guard their networks and servers, Port80 products can no longer be supported through new versions of .NET Framework (4.8) or .NET Core (^1.x).
While the software is robust and can be migrated by knowledgeable teams, Port80 can no longer offer the standard of support our customers have come to expect.
Offers are being accepted for acquisition of the Port80 Software brand and ServerDefender VP product. For inquiries, please contact: info [AT] port80software [DOT] com.
Port80 Software has handed over product support to a third party, PINT Inc. (www.pint.com), during a short decommissioning period, where best efforts will be made to accommodate any former customers' inquiries. Please contactsupport [AT] port80software [DOT] comwith any questions or concerns.