Lived In Youngstown OH, Summerville SC
Related To Joseph OrwigAlso known as Suzanne M Orwig, Suzanne M Slikfa, Suzi M Orwig, Sue Orwig
Includes Address(6) Phone(7) Email(8)
Lived In Cape Coral FL, Export PA, West Point GA
Related To Mark Stephens, Rita DuckwitzAlso known as Susan E Slifka, Suzi E Slifka
Includes Address(4) Phone(6) Email(1)
Lived In Riverside IL, Chicago IL, Saint Louis MO, Lemont IL
Related To Suzi Slifka, Robert Slifka, Marlene SlifkaAlso known as Suzane M Slifka, Suzanne M Slifka, Suzi M Marsh, Suzi M SlifkaIncludes Address(6) Phone(6) Email(6)
Demographic Info for Suzanne Slifka
Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.
49 yrs
50% are in their 40s, while the average age is 49.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $55k.
50% of these people are married, and 50% are single.