Lived In Chanute KS, Mojave CA, Salt Lake City UT
Related To Bartholomew Boyd, Bart Bartholomew, Clarence BartholomewAlso known as Shirlery O Bartholmew, Shirley O Bartholomre, Shirley O Barthlamew, Shirley O'Bartholomew
Includes Address(10) Phone(4) Email(2)
Lived In Denver CO, Orem UT, Provo UT, Huntington Beach CA
Related To T Mull, Tristian Mullen, Tiffany Lloyd, Leonard Mullen, James MullenAlso known as Harley D Bartholomew, Shirley Mullen, Halrley MullenIncludes Address(33) Phone(8) Email(9)
Demographic Info for Shirley Bartholomew
Statistics based on US Census data for all 4 people with this name.
90 yrs
100% are in their 90s, while the average age is 90.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $45k.
100% of these people are married, and 0% are single.