Lived In Washington IN
Related To Gertrude Burkhart, Richard BurkhartAlso known as Phyllis T Burkhart, Phyllis J Trinkle, Chyllis J Burkhart
Includes Address(13) Phone(5)
Lived In Oklahoma City OK, Bethany OK, Grand Junction CO, Tukwila WA
Related To Melvin Aylor, Aylor BeanAlso known as Phyllis Faye Aylor, Phyllis Fat Aylor, Phyllis F Ayler, Paul Burkhart
Includes Address(10) Phone(11) Email(3)
Lived In Cornville AZ, Pioneer OH
Related To Patricia Burkhart, Richard BurkhartAlso known as Phillis I Burkhart, Phyliss Burkhart
Includes Address(5) Phone(5) Email(2)
Lived In Vancouver WA, Portland OR
Related To Michael BurkartAlso known as Phillis L Burkart, Phyliss L Burkart, Phyllis L BurkhartIncludes Address(8) Phone(3) Email(5)
Demographic Info for Phyllis Burkhart
Statistics based on US Census data for all 7 people with this name.
78 yrs
75% are in their 80s, while the average age is 78.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $27k.
20% of these people are married, and 80% are single.