Lived In Baltimore MD, Parker CO, Glen Rock PA, Forest Hill MD
Related To Andrew Klima, John KlimaAlso known as Janet Eileen Sansom, Janet E Kilma, Janet K Lima
Includes Address(7) Phone(6) Email(4)
Lived In Ocala FL, Kansas City KS, Atlanta GA
Related To Paul Patton, Cynthia PattonAlso known as Janet Carlene Patton, Janet C Klima, Jane T Patton, Paul S PattonIncludes Address(7) Phone(4) Email(1)
Lived In Kannapolis NC, Concord NC, Huntersville NC, Frederick MD
Related To Shirley Simons, John SimonsAlso known as Janet L Simons Jr., Janet Louise Klima, Janet Louise Simons, Janet KlimeIncludes Address(20) Phone(5) Email(7)
Demographic Info for Janet Klima
Statistics based on US Census data for all 6 people with this name.
58 yrs
67% are in their 50s, while the average age is 58.
Our wealth data indicates income average is $85k.
60% of these people are married, and 40% are single.