The 204 Area Code is located in Manitoba, Canada. It covers roughly 7,799,994 unique phone numbers.
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Find out who that 204 phone number is registered to. Our free reverse phone lookup allows you to search records associated with a landline or cell phone number to help quickly identify whoโs calling or texting you.
Spokeo will search through millions of phone records, including both landline and cell phone numbers. One of the fastest services available, we provide free reverse phone lookup results in seconds that let you know if we found matching records, such as name, address, and more.
What Time Zone is Area Code 204?
The 204 area code lies within the Central Daylight Time Zone (or CDT). The current time in Central Daylight Time is 03:11 PM on Jan 02, 2025.
Did you receive an unwanted call from a (204) phone number?