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Childrens' Books, Cuba, General, Journalism, Music, People, Philippines,
Puerto Rico, Roosevelt, Ships/Navy, Uniforms, Unit Histories, Weapons

Childrens' Books:

Collins, Mary, The Spanish-American War (Cornerstones of Freedom). (Children's Press, 1998).  (Reading level: Ages 9-12).

Conroy, Robert, The Battle of Manila Bay - The Spanish American War in the Philippines.(New York: MacMillan Company, 1968). This book is for young adults.

Gay, Kathryn and Martin K. Gay, Spanish American War (America at War Series). (Twenty First Century Books, 1995). (Reading level 9-12 years old).

McNeese, Tim, Remember the Maine : Spanish-American War Begins (First Battles) (Morgan Reynolds, 2001). (Childrens' book, ages 9-12).


Azoy, A.C.M., Signal 250! The Sea Fight Off Santiago, (New York: David McKay Company, 1964).

Blow, Michael, A Ship to Remember , (New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1992).

Carrasco García, Antonio, En guerra con los Estados Unidos. Cuba 1898. ( In the War Against the United States. Cuba 1898) (Editorial Almena S.L, Madrid 1998).

Cervera y. Topete, Admiral Pasqual, Collection of Documents Relative to the Squadron Operations in the West Indies. (Washington: U.S. Government Printing  Office, 1899. 56.

Clark, Charles E., My Fifty Years in the Navy . (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984). Reprint of original 1917 edition.

Clerk of Joint Committee on Printing, The Abridgement of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 4 vols.

Davis, Richard Harding, Notes of a War Correspondent. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910).

Gannon, Joseph Cuthbert, The U.S.S. Oregon and the Battle of Santiago. (New York: Comet Press Books, 1958).

García, Antonio Carrasco, En guerra con los Estados Unidos. Cuba 1898. ( In War Against United States. Cuba 1898) (Madrid: Editorial Almena S.L, 1998).

Gonzalez, N. G., In Darkest Cuba: Two Months' Service Under Gomez Along the Trocha From the Caribbean to the Bahama Channel. (Columbia, S.C: The State Company, 1922)

Halstead, Murat, The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, including The Ladrones, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto Rico. (Chicago:  Our Possessions Publishing Co.; Copyrighted, 1898 by H. L. Barber).

Hobson, Richmond Pearson, The Sinking of the Merrimac. . (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987, ISBN: 0-87021-632-5, a reprint of an 1899 edition).

Immell, Ralph M., Roster Wisconsin Troops in the Spanish-American War.   (Madison: Democrat Printing Co., 1899).

Jacobsen, Hermann, Notes of Commander J....  (Washington DC: United States Office of Naval   Intelligence, 1899).

Jacobsen, Hermann, 1899 Sketches from the Spanish American War by Commander Jacobsen, Washington: Office of Naval Intelligence, War Notes No. III, Government Printing Office.

Jeffers, H. Paul, Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1897-1898. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996).

Jones, Virgil Carrington, Roosevelt's Rough Riders. (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1971).

Krausz, John (Editor), "U.S.S. Vesuvius", reprinted from Harper's Illustrated, 1891 in How to Buy an Elephant. (New York: Hawthorn Books, 1977) pp. 155-157.

Lovelady, Janet ed., Rough Writings: Persepctives on Buckey O'Neill, Pauline M. O'Neill, and Roosevelt's Rough Riders (Prescott AZ: Sharlot Hall Museum Press, 1998).

McElfresh, Earl B.,  The Battlefield of Santiago de Cuba,Cuba 1898. (World Battlefields Watercolor Map Series) (McElfresh Map Co., LLC, 1998).

McIntosh, Burr, The Little I Saw of Cuba. (New York: F. Tennyson Neely, 1899).

McSherry, Patrick, “The Battle of Cuzco Well, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,” Leatherneck. Vol. XCI, No. 9 (Quantico: Marine Corps Association, September, 2008) 36 – 40.

Miller, James W., King of the Gun Runners. (Jackson MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2024)

Miranda, Admiral Carlos Vila . España y la Armada en las Guerras de Cuba. Fundación Alvargonzalez. Gijon.

Naranjo, Consuelo et Als: La nación soñada: Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas ante el 98. Aranjuez: Ediciones Doce Calles, 1996.

Novak, Greg, Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain; Being a Wargamer's Guide to the Spanish American War 1898. (Champagne: Ulster Imports, 1990).

Post, Charles Johnson, The Little War of Private Post : The Spanish-American War Seen Up Close. (Univ of Nebraska Press, 1999).

Quesada, Gonzalo de, and Henry Davenport Northrop, Cuba’s Great Struggle for Freedom. (Washington DC: J. R. Jones, 1898)

Reed, Walter, Victor C. Vaughan and Edward O. Shakespeare, Report on the Origin and Spread of Typhoid Fever in U.S. Millitary Camps During the Spanish War of 1898. Vol. 1 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1904).

Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Relative to Affairs in Cuba. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1898).

Rickover, H. G. How The Battleship Maine Was Destroyed.  )Washington, D.C.: Naval History Division, Department of the Navy, 1976).

Roosevelt, Theodore, The Rough Riders (Da Capo Paperback). (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1920).

Samuels, Peggy and Harold, Remembering the Maine. (Washington: The Smithsonian Institution Press, 1995.

Samuels, Peggy, and Harold Samuels. Teddy Roosevelt at San Juan : The Making of a President. (College Station: Texas A&M University Press 1997).

Santovenia, Emeterio S., Memorial book of the Inauguration of the MAINE Plaza at Havana. (Havana, Cuba, 1928).

Schley, Winfield Scott. Forty-Five Years Under the Flag. (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1904).

Schroeder, Seaton, Rear Admiral, ret'd., A Half Century of Naval Service. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1922).

Sternlicht, Sanford, McKinley's Bulldog, the Battleship Oregon . (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, Inc., 1977).

The American Navy/Cuba and the Wrecked Maine/The Hawaiian Islands. (Chicago: George M. Hill Company, 1898).

Turner, Sergeant John J.,USV, article on Cuban Campaign, Beverly, Massachusetts: Beverly Evening Times, (June 28, 1918).

Tyson, Carolyn (ed.), The Journal of Frank Keeler. (Quantico: The Marine Corps Museum, Marine Corps Letter Series, No. 1). (Guantanamo invasion).

Walker, Dale L., The Boys of '98 : Theodore Roosevelt and the Rough Riders. (Forge, 1998).

Ward, Walter W., Springfield in the Spanish American War. Reprint by Wentworth Press, 2019. [History of the 2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry].

Watson, Harvey, "The Sims-Dudley Dynamite Gun Received its Test on Cuban Soil", The Artilleryman, (Arlington: Cutter & Locke, Inc., Vol 12, No. 4, Fall 1991, pp. 15-17).

Webber, Bert, Battleship Oregon : Bulldog of the Navy. (Medford: Webb Research Group Publishers, 1994).

Weems, John Edward. The Fate of the Maine. Reprint, College Station: Texas A&M University Press,1992.


Alger, Russell A, The Spanish American War. (New York: Harper & brothers Publishers, 1901).

Beede, Benjamin R., ed., The War of 1898 and U.S. Interventions 1898-1934 : An Encyclopedia (Military History of the United States, Vol 2. (New York: Garland publishing, Inc., 1994).

Bradford, James C.,  Crucible of Empire: The Spanish-American War & Its Aftermath. (Annapolis: United States Navy Institute Press, 1993.)

Brands, H.W., The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890s. (New York: St. Martins Press, 1995).

Clerk of Joint Committee on Printing, The Abridgement of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 4 vols.

Cohen, Stan. Images of Spanish American War, April-August,1998.  (Missoula:Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Inc., 1997).

Correspondence relating to the War with Spain And Conditions Growing Out of the Same Including the Insurrection in the Philippine Island and the China Relief Expedition. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1902) 2 vols.

Cosmas, Graham A., An Army for Empire : The United States Army in the Spanish American War. (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing Co., 1993).

Crabtree, J. B., The Passing of Spain and the Ascendency of America. (Springfield, MA: The King-Richardson Publishing Co., 1898).

Duffield, Brig. Gen. H. M., U.S.V., Deeds of Valor. (Detroit: The Perrien-Keydel Company, 1906)

Dyal, Donald H., Brian B. Carpenter, Mark Thomas, Historical Dictionary of the Spanish American War. (Greenwood Publishing Group, 1996).

Everett, Marshall, ed., Exciting Experiences in Our War With Spain and the Filipinos. (Chicago: Book Publishers Union, 1899).

Farrow, Edward S., A Dictionary of Military Terms. (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., 1918).

Flores Roman, Milagros, 1898: Spanish American War. Bibliographical Sources Available at the Military Archive Collection. (San Juan: U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service, San Juan National Historical Site, 1994).

Freidel, Frank, The Splendid Little War. (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1958).

Golay, Michael, John Bowman (Editor), The Spanish-American War (America at War). (Facts on File, Inc, 1995).

Goldstein, Donald M. and Katherine Dillon, The Spanish-American War : The Story and Photographs. (Washington: Prange Enterprises, 1998).

Gómez Nunez, Severo, 1899 La Guerra Hispano-Americana.  Barcos, cañones y   fusiles. Madrid: Imprenta del Cuerpo de Artillería.

Gonzalez, Agstin R. Rodriguez. La Guerra del 98. Agualarga Editores. Madrid. 1998.

Grávalos, Luis, Die Spanische Armee, (Quirón Ediciones,1998) translation of the 1885 Leipzig edition.

Greater America (New York: F.Tennyson Neely, 1898).

Green, Nathan C., The War with Spain. (Baltimore: International News and Book Co., 1898).

Halstead, Murat, The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, including The Ladrones, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto Rico. (Chicago:  Our Possessions Publishing Co.; Copyrighted, 1898 by H. L. Barber).

Holloway, A, Hero Tales of the American Soldier and Sailor. (Philadelphia: Elliott Publishing Co., 1899).

Long, John Davis, America of Yesterday, As Reflected in the Journal of John  Davis Long.  (Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1923).

McCullough, David, Path Between the Seas : the Creation of the Panama Canal, (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1977).

McSherry, Patrick, “French16 [24] Pdr. Honors U.S. Marines at McCalla Hill, Guantanamo, Cuba,” The Artilleryman. Vol. 28, No. 2 (Tunbridge, VT: Historical Publications, Inc., Spring, 2007) 10-13

McSherry, Patrick, “Two 10-Inch Rodman Columbiads Defended Maine Village in 1898,” The Artilleryman. Vol. 27, No. 4 (Tunbridge, VT: Historical Publications, Inc., Fall, 2006) 14-17.

Méndez Saavedra,Manuel: 1898: la Guerra Hispanoamericana en caricaturas. San Juan: 1992).

Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting A Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain, Signed at the City of Paris, on December 10, 1898. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899). [The Treaty of Paris document].

Millis, Walter, The Martial Spirit. (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1931).

Musicant, Ivan, Empire by Default : The Spanish-American War and the Dawn of the American Century.(Henry Holt and Company: 1998).

Naranjo, Consuelo et Als: La nación soñada: Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas ante el 98. Aranjuez: Ediciones Doce Calles, 1996.

Nofi, Albert A., The Spanish-American War, 1898 . (Conshohocken, PA: Combined Books, 1996).

Novak, Greg, Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain; Being a Wargamer's Guide to the Spanish American War 1898. (Champagne: Ulster Imports, 1990).

Otis, James, The Boys of ’98. (Boston: Dana Estes & Company, 1898).

O'Toole, G.J.A., The Spanish War : An American Epic--1898. (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1984).

Pico, Fernando, La guerra después de la guerra. (Río Piedras: Ediciones Huracán, 1987).

Reuter, Bertha Ann, Anglo-American Relations During the Spanish-American War. (New York: The MacMillan Company, 1924).

Rosenfield, Harvey, Diary of a Dirty Little War : The Spanish-American War of 1898. (Praeger Publishing, 2000).

Schubert, Frank N.  Black Valor, Buffalo Soldiers and the Medal of Honor, 1870-1898, (Wilmington:  Scholarly Resources Inc., 1997).

Statistical Exhibit of Strength of Volunteer Forces Called into Service During the War with Spain; with Losses from All Causes. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899).

The American Navy/Cuba and the Wrecked Maine/The Hawaiian Islands. (Chicago: George M. Hill Company, 1898).

Trask, David F. The War With Spain in 1898 . (New York: Macmillian Publishing Company, 1981).

Traxel, David, 1898 : 1898 : The Birth of the American Century . (Knopf, 1998).

United States Government, Correspondence Relating to the War with Spain Including the Insurrection in the Philippine Islands and the China Relief Expedition, April 15, 1898, to July 30, 1902.    Volume I, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC. 1902 (Reprinted by the Center of Military History, United   States Army, Washington, D.C. (1993)

Venzon, Anne Cipriano, America's War With Spain: A Selected Bibliography. (New York: Scarecrow Press. 2003).

Werstein, Irving, 1898: The Spanish-American War Told with Pictures (New York: Cooper Square Publishers, Inc., 1966) Distributed by Pocket Books, Inc.

Wilcox, Marrion, A Short History of the War with Spain.  (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1898).

Wooster, Robert. Nelson A. Miles and the Twilight of the Frontier Army. (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 1993).

Wright, General Marcus J., Wright's Official History of the Spanish American War. (Washington: War Records Office 1900).

Young, James Rankin, History of Our War with Spain, 1898.

Young, James Rankin, Reminiscences and Thrilling Stories of the War by Returned Heroes. 1899.

Home Front:

Frye, Col. James A., The First Regiment Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. (Boston: The Colonial Company, 1899).

Harrison, Noel G., City of Canvas: Camp Russell A. Alger and the Spanish-American War.  (Falls Church Historical Commission, 1988).

"History of the Sixth Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry" (St. Louis, Mo.: Woodward & Tiernan printing Co., 1899) (contributed by Patty Meis).

Langley, Joan, and Wright Langley, Key West and the Spanish American War . (Langley Press, 1998).

Sauers, Richard A., Pennsylvania in the Spanish-American War. (Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Capitol Preservation Committee, 1998).


Brown, Charles H., The Correspondent's War. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1967).

Cruz, E. Aguilar (translator), The War in the Philippines as Reported by Two French Journalists in 1899 (Manila: National Historical Institute, Manila, 1994).

Davis, Richard Harding, "How Stephen Crane Took Juana Dias." (La Crosse: Sumac Press, 1976).

Davis, Richard Harding, Notes of a War Correspondent. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910).

Milton, Joyce. The Yellow Kids : Foreign Correspondents in the Heyday of Yellow Journalism.. (New York: Harper and Row, 1989).

Wisan, Joseph Ezra, The Cuban crisis as reflected in the New York press, 1895-1898". New York: Octagon, 1934.


Agay, Denes, Best Loved Songs of American People. (New York: Doubleday, 1975).

Bierley, Paul E., John Philip Sousa : American Phenomenon.  (Miami, FL, Warner Bros. Publications, 2001.)

Gracyk, Tim, "Berliners: The Earliest Discs, 1882-1900" Website

Howard, John Tasker, Our American Music.  (New York, Thomas Y. Crowell Company Publishers, 1931.)

Wozniak, Steve A.,"Popular Songs 1895-1939" (formerly at http://www.swozniak.com/95-39.htm).


Barrett, John, Admiral George Dewey Manila (Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1899).

Buenzle, Fred J., Bluejacket: An Autobiography. (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1986). Reprint of the original 1939 edition.

Clark, Charles E., My Fifty Years in the Navy . (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1984). Reprint of original 1917 edition.

Dewey, Adelbert, The Life and Letters of Admiral Dewey. (New York: The Woolfall Co., 1899).

Dewey, George, Autobiography of George Dewey (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987, originally published in 1913 by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York) ISBN 0-87021-028-9.

Dyer, John P., From Shiloh to San Juan: The Life of "Fightin' Joe" Wheeler (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State
University Press, 1961). Revised Edition.

Gannon, Joseph Cuthbert, The U.S.S. Oregon and the Battle of Santiago. (New York: Comet Press Books, 1958).

Graham, George Edward, Schley and Santiago. (Chicago: W. B. Conkey Co., 1902).

Healy, Laurin Hall, and Kutner, Luis, The Admiral. (New York: Ziff Davis Publishing Co., 1944).

Hobson, Richmond Pearson, The Sinking of the Merrimac. (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987, ISBN: 0-87021-632-5, a reprint of an 1899 edition).

Jeffers, H. Paul, Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1897-1898. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996).

Kindleberger, Dr. Charles P., "Narrative of Dr. Charles P. Kindleberger, Junior Surgeon of the Flag-ship 'Olympia.'" Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Vol LVI (New York: Macmilan & Co., Ltd., 1898) 621-626.

 Kinney, Anders M. Joseph Wheeler: Uniting the Blue and the Gray. (Lincoln, Nebraska, Writers Club Press, 2002).

LeJeune, John A., The Reminiscences of a Marine.  Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company  Publishers, 1930).

Long, John Davis, America of Yesterday, As Reflected in the Journal of John  Davis Long.  (Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1923).

Lovelady, Janet ed., Rough Writings: Persepctives on Buckey O'Neill, Pauline M. O'Neill, and Roosevelt's Rough Riders (Prescott AZ: Sharlot Hall Museum Press, 1998).

McCullough, David, Mornings on Horseback . (New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1981).

McSherry, Jack L., Things We Remember (limited edition, printed privately, 1966).

Post, Charles Johnson, The Little War of Private Post : The Spanish-American War Seen Up Close. (Univ of Nebraska Press, 1999).

Sandburg, Carl, Carl Sandburg Diary.  MS5213sld University of Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign.  Rare Book Collection.  Typescript on file with National Park Service, Atlanta, Georgia.

Schley, Winfield Scott. Forty-Five Years Under the Flag. (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1904).

Schroeder, Seaton, Rear Admiral, ret'd., A Half Century of Naval Service. (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1922).

Spector, Ronald, Admiral of the New Empire : the Life and Career of George Dewey. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974).

Tisdale, Lieu G., Three Years Behind the Guns. (New York: Grosset & Dunlap Publishers, 1908).

West, Richard S, Jr., Admirals of American empire.., New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. (Sampson, Schley, Dewey and Mahan)

Williams, Lt. Dion., USMC "The Naval Battle of Manila", Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. (Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, May 1928) #303,  p.345-353.

Young, Louis Stanley with Northrop, Henry Davenport, The Life of Admiral Dewey and the Conquest of the Philippines. (Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler & Co., 1899).


Barrett, John, Admiral George Dewey Manila (Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1899).

Brumby, Thomas, M., "The Fall of Manila," edited by Willard E. Wright, Proceeding of the Naval Institute, Issue #690, August 1960, p. 88

Chao, General Andrés Mas, La Guerra de Filipinas 1896-1898 (War in Philippines 1896-1898). Madrid: Editorial San Martín, 1998).

Clerk of Joint Committee on Printing, The Abridgement of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 4 vols.

Cruz, E. Aguilar (translator), The War in the Philippines as Reported by Two French Journalists in 1899 (Manila: National Historical Institute, Manila, 1994).

Dewey, Adelbert, The Life and Letters of Admiral Dewey. (New York: The Woolfall Co., 1899).

Dewey, George, Autobiography of George Dewey (Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 1987, originally published in 1913 by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York) ISBN 0-87021-028-9.

Faust, Karl Irving, Campaigning in the Philippines (San Francisco: The Hicks-Judd Company, 1899)

Gómez Nunez, Severo, 1902 La Guerra Hispano-Americana.  Puerto Rico y Filipinas.    Madrid: Imprenta del Cuerpo de Artillería.

Halstead, Murat, The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, including The Ladrones, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto Rico. (Chicago:  Our Possessions Publishing Co.; Copyrighted, 1898 by H. L. Barber).

Healy, Laurin Hall, and Kutner, Luis, The Admiral. (New York: Ziff Davis Publishing Co., 1944).

Independence Seaport Museum, Preservation Plan for the Cruiser Olympia. (October 2, 1996).

Independence Seaport Museum, "Deck Plans, USS Olympia".

Linn, Brian McAllister, The Philippine War, 1899-1902 (Modern War Studies) (University Press of Kansas, 2000).

Littlebear, Vincent, "Dewey's Flagship 'Olympia' Used Modern Guns, Techniques", The Artilleryman, (Arlington, MA: Cutter & Locke, Inc., Publishers, Vol. 9, No. 3, Summer 1988).

Naranjo, Consuelo et Als: La nación soñada: Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas ante el 98. Aranjuez: Ediciones Doce Calles, 1996.

Sargent, Cmdr. Nathan, USN, Admiral Dewey and the Manila Campaign. (Washington, DC: Naval Historical Foundation, 1947).

Spector, Ronald, Admiral of the New Empire : the Life and Career of George Dewey. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974).

Stickney, Joseph L., Admiral Dewey at Manila. (Chicago: Imperial Publishing Co., 1899).

Williams, Lt. Dion., USMC "The Naval Battle of Manila", Proceedings of the United States Naval Institute. (Annapolis: United States Naval Institute, May 1928) #303,  p.345-353.

Young, Louis Stanley, (Editor), Bounding Billow. (November, 1897 to December, 1898 (Newspaper of USS OLYMPIA, published on board the vessel.)

Young, Louis Stanley, The Cruise of the U. S. Flagship OLYMPIA. (Cruise Book).

Young, Louis Stanley with Northrop, Henry Davenport, The Life of Admiral Dewey and the Conquest of the Philippines. (Philadelphia: P. W. Ziegler & Co., 1899).

Puerto Rico:

Agosto Cintrón, Nelida: Religión y cambio social en Puerto Rico (1898-1940). (Río Piedras: Editorial Huracán, 1996).

Berbusse, Edward J.: The United Sates in Puerto Rico, 1898-1900. (Chapell Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1966).

Bunzey, R.S. History of Company I and E 6th Regiment Illinois Volunteers.  Whiteside County Boys in Puerto Rico  (Morrison, Illinois, 1901).

Clements, J. Reginald, "History of Louisville's Soldiers from the War with Spain Until the Dissolution of the Artillery Battalion K.S.G." (Louisville, Kentucky, 1907).

Clerk of Joint Committee on Printing, The Abridgement of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899. 4 vols.

Coll y Toste, Cayetano: La invasión americana en Puerto Rico. San Juan:1974.

Creager, Charles E. (Sergt. Maj.), The Fourteenth Ohio National Guard, The Fourth Ohio   Volunteer Infantry, A Complete Record of this   Organization from its Foundation to the Present Day.  (Columbus, Ohio: The   Landon Printing and Publishing Company, 1899).

Davis, Richard Harding, "How Stephen Crane Took Juana Dias." (La Crosse: Sumac Press, 1976).

Davis, Richard Harding, Notes of a War Correspondent. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910).

Edwards, Frank E., The '98 Campaign of the 6th Massachusetts, U.S.V. (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1899).

Estades Font, María Eugenia: La presencia militar de Estados Unidos en Puerto Rico, 1898-1918. (Río Piedras: Ediciones Huracán, 1988).

Fiala, Anthony, Troop "C" in Service, An Account of the Part Played by   Troop "C" of the New York Volunteer Cavalry in the   Spanish-American War of 1898.  (Brooklyn: Eagle Press, 1899).

Fernández Aponte, Irene, El cambio de soberanía en Puerto Rico: otro 1898. (Madrid: Editorial Mapfre, 1992).

Gómez Nunez, Severo, 1902 La Guerra Hispano-Americana.  Puerto Rico y Filipinas.    Madrid: Imprenta del Cuerpo de Artillería.

Halstead, Murat, The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, including The Ladrones, Hawaii, Cuba and Porto Rico. (Chicago:  Our Possessions Publishing Co.; Copyrighted, 1898 by H. L. Barber).

Herbert, Barry, Squadron A, A History of its First Fifty Years, 1889-1939.  Published by the Association of Ex-Members of   Squadron A.  New York, 1939.

Herrmann, Karl Stephen, From Yauco to Las Marias.  (Boston: E.H. Bacon & Company, 1907).

Hoppin, Capt. C. B., "Troop B, in the Porto Rico Campaign." Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States, Volume  34, 1904

Howard-Smith, Logan and Reynolds-Scott, J. F., The History of Battery A. (Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Co., 1912).

Immell, Ralph M., Roster Wisconsin Troops in the Spanish-American War.   (Madison: Democrat Printing Co., 1899).

Jacobsen, Hermann, Notes of Commander J....  (Washington DC: United States Office of Naval   Intelligence, 1899).

Jacobsen, Hermann, 1899 Sketches from the Spanish American War by Commander Jacobsen, Washington: Office of Naval Intelligence, War Notes No. III, Government Printing Office.

LeJeune, John A., The Reminiscences of a Marine.  Philadelphia: Dorrance and Company  Publishers, 1930).

Melendez, Edgardo. Movimiento anexionista en Puerto Rico. Rio Piedras. (Puerto Rico: Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1993).

Morales Carrión, Arturo, Puerto Rico: a Political and Cultural History. (New York: Norton and Company, 1983) p. 129-151.

Naranjo, Consuelo et Als: La nación soñada: Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipinas ante el 98. Aranjuez: Ediciones Doce Calles, 1996.

Novak, Greg, Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain; Being a Wargamer's Guide to the Spanish American War 1898. (Champagne: Ulster Imports, 1990).

Oliver, William, Roughing It with the Regulars.  New York, 1902.

Pabon Carneco, Arleen and Eduardo A. Regis, La Memoria de sus origenes or El origen de sum memoria.    La trascendencia del poblado de Guanica en el proceso historico puertorriqueno, 1850-1938.  1996. Manuscript on file  with National Park Service, Atlanta.

Porter, Valentine Mott, A History of Battery "A" of St. Louis.  Missouri Historical Society Collections, Volume 2, No. 4, March, 1904 (Published by the Society 1600 Locust Street, St. Louis,   Missouri).

Reichard, Fred. H., The American Volunteer - A History of the 4th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Spanish American War. (Allentown: F. H. Reichard, 1898)

Rivero, Angel, Crónica de la guerra Hispanoamericana en Puerto Rico. (Primera Edición 1923, San Juan: Editorial Edil, 1971).

Rosario Natal, Carmelo, Puerto Rico y la crisis de la Guerra Hispanoamericana (1895-1898). (San Juan: Editorial Edil, 1989).

Rosario Natal, Carmelo, 1898 puertorriqueño en la historiografía- Ensayo y Bibliografía Crítica. (San Juan: Academia Puertorriqueña de la Historia, 1997).

Sandburg, Carl, Carl Sandburg Diary.  MS5213sld University of Illinois,  Urbana-Champaign.  Rare Book Collection.  Typescript on file with National Park Service, Atlanta, Georgia.

Schwarz,  W.R., and J.T. Milligan, History of the First Regiment of Infantry Kentucky National Guard, from its Organization in 1847 to the Present Day.  Louisville, KY: Joban Printing Company, 1915).

Silen, Juan A. Historia de Puerto Rico. (San Juan, Puerto Rico: Distribuidora de Libros, 1993).

Silva Gotay, Samuel, Protestantismo y política en Puerto Rico 1898-1930. (Editorial Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1997).

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