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Futerra greenwash guide
The two minute version               1
10 signs of greenwash                2
The temptation of greenwash          4
A short history of greenwash         6
The world wakes up to greenwash     14
Greenwash: Annoying or dangerous?   18
And the industry response is…       22
Goodbye greenwash                   26
A virtuous or vicious cycle         36
A greener future                    38
Learn more                          40
End notes                           41
The two minute version
Greenwash is with us, and unless we take action, it is likely to be with us to
stay. Greenwash is an environmental claim which is unsubstantiated (a fib)
or irrelevant (a distraction). Found in advertising, PR or on packaging, and
made about people, organisations and products. Greenwash is an old concept,
wrapped in a very modern incarnation.

And greenwash is growing. The Advertising               business towards greater greenness. Greenwash
Standards Authority in the UK is upholding more and     is the spanner in the works that could sabotage the
more complaints against advertising that can’t live     whole environmental movement within business.
up to its green bluster. Around the world regulators
are trying to keep up, and the USA’s Federal Trade      This guide reveals the industries most actively
Commission has brought forward to 2008 its plan         greenwashing, and those environmental claims
to review their environmental marketing guidelines.     most likely to be greenwash. Not enough is being
France has just announced new guidelines and            done to prevent this accelerating negative feedback
the UK is reviewing the advertising Green Claims        loop. None of the UK’s biggest advertising agencies
guidance. But is this enough?                           claim to have training or guidelines for their staff on
                                                        what is a justified green claim. And none of the main
                                                        publications in the UK who sell advertising space
Why all the fuss?
                                                        have their own standard.
Greenwash isn’t simply annoying, it’s dangerous.
In a market economy the consumer is king,
and consumers have started sending strong               It’s not all bad news
environmental signals through their purchasing. This    Most greenwash is due to ignorance and/
growing ‘green pound’ is a powerful force compelling    or sloppiness rather than malicious intent, and
the economy to clean up its environmental act.          businesses and advertising agencies can take simple
But consumers often rely on advertising and other       steps to prevent greenwash slipping through. As a
corporate messaging to inform their purchasing          consumer, you too can spot the worst greenwash
choices, and greenwash is undermining confidence        symptoms, and this guide lists the simple tests for
in that advertising. That confidence is now at an all   ‘greenwash’ versus ‘good claims’. Tear off and keep
time low, with only 10% of consumers trusting green     our simple Greenwash Guide postcard for when
information from business and government1. Without      you’re shopping.
confidence in the claims, consumers are reluctant to    At a time of impending economic challenges, it’s
exercise the power of their green purchasing, as they   more vital than ever that green messages have
no longer know who or what to believe. This puts        credibility. The next few years will demonstrate if
the whole market for the ‘green pound’ in danger        together companies, agencies and consumers can
and might damage the virtuous circle of companies       spin the virtuous circle, or if runaway greenwash will
promoting their green products, consumers choosing      bring the new green revolution crashing down.
them over non-green products thereby encouraging

From the international codes and research for this
report we have identified 10 signs of greenwash, be it
in an advert or a speech by a government minister.
1.                                                  6.
                   Fluffy language                                     Just not credible
                   Words or terms with no clear meaning,                  ‘Eco friendly’ cigarettes anyone? ‘Greening’
                   e.g. ‘eco-friendly’                                       a dangerous product doesn’t make it safe

                   2.                                                  7.
                   Green products v                                    Gobbledygook
                   dirty company                                       Jargon and information that
                   Such as efficient light bulbs made in a factory     only a scientist could check or understand
                   which pollutes rivers

                   3.                                                  Imaginary friends
                   Suggestive pictures                                 A ‘label’ that looks like third party endorsement …
                   Green images that indicate a (un-justified) green   except it’s made up
                   impact e.g. flowers blooming from exhaust pipes

                   4.                                                           No proof
                   Irrelevant claims                                            It could be right, but where’s the
                   Emphasising one tiny green attribute when                    evidence?
                   everything else is un-green

                                                                       Out-right lying
                   5.                                                  Totally fabricated claims or data
                   Best in class?
Cut out and keep

                   Declaring you are slightly greener than the rest,
                   even if the rest are pretty terrible
Futerra greenwash guide
Actually there is a very simple answer to this              Of course it’s not only purchasing habits that are
question. It’s that you, the consumer, have started to      shifting, so are public expectations of companies’
change your buying patterns in a way that has caught        behaviour. An overwhelming majority of us
the advertiser’s eye.                                       say companies should improve the social and
                                                            environmental impacts of their products and services
Consider the example of ‘organic’ for a moment. The
                                                            and 83% of us claim to think about a company’s green
Co-operative Bank discovered that organic food sales
                                                            reputation when we shop (a hard core 38% feel this is
in this country have doubled since 2000 and are now
                                                            very important) 6.
growing at an average of 25% per year2. By 2010
the organic market will be worth at least £2billion3.       So alongside the big juicy organic carrot of the
                                                            ‘green pound’ is the threatening stick of customers’
Think back only a decade or so and imagine trying to
                                                            growing expectations of action. These temptations
buy ‘organic’ in a high street supermarket. Organic
                                                            have led to a boom-town attitude towards green and
then was for real green enthusiasts; the Good Life
                                                            ethical advertising.
types. Today organics is a huge, and relatively young,
market spilling out from food to new ‘marketing
categories’ such as beauty products.                        Show me the money
And new markets make marketers twitchy                      According to reports nearly £17 million was spent
with excitement.                                            on advertising containing the words ‘CO2’, ‘carbon’,
                                                            ‘environmental’, ‘emissions’ or ‘recycle’ from
                                                            September 2006 to August 2007 alone. A similar
New green pound                                             search for the same terms in 2003 uncovers only
Overall, so called ‘ethical’ spending in the UK has         £448k7 of advertising. And that new spend wasn’t
jumped by 81 per cent since 20024; most of us have,         coming from traditionally ‘green’ companies. The
in the last year, bought free-range eggs, or products       deepest pockets are said to be Veolia Environment,
with recycled content (like loo roll) or drunk fair-trade   Exxon Mobil, the UK government, BSkyB and Marks
coffee. At a conservative estimate of £29.7bn5, the         & Spencer.
market is still relatively minor, but big companies can
                                                            The numbers aren’t in for this year yet, but we can
see the writing on the wall. Green has gone from the
                                                            expect to see that spend has doubled or more.
smallest of niches to a very desirable market all set
                                                            Advertising is expensive, and it’s not an exact science
to grow. There’s money to be made and that’s the
                                                            - as Lord Lever the founder of Unilever purportedly
greatest temptation of all.
                                                            acknowledged, “half our advertising is wasted; I just
                                                            don’t know which half”. This growth in selling green
                                                            is a sign of things to come: you want to buy green,
                                                            you expect companies to be green, and they have
                                                            eagerly started to tell you that they are… occasionally
                                                            without good reason for doing so. Enter greenwash.

A short history
of greenwash
Greenwash is nothing new, but the current
scale of it is. Industries that have never
had a problem are now getting in on the
act. And the world is watching.
Futerra greenwash guide
The full, and rather difficult to      As we will see, the themes ‘unfounded’ and ‘irrelevant’ are
                                                         equally important in judging greenwash, even if most of us
                  read, version of the Oxford English    are more concerned with the first crime: that of fibbing.
                  Dictionary defines greenwash as;
                  “Disinformation disseminated by        Green words
                  an organisation, etc., so as to        The term greenwash only officially became part of
                  present an environmentally             the English language in 1999 with that entry into the
                  responsible public image; a public     Oxford English Dictionary, but it’s been around a lot
                  image of environmental                 longer than that. In fact the first recorded use of the
                  responsibility promulgated by or       term was by David Bellamy in the periodical Sanity
                                                         over twenty years ago. By Earth Day in 1990 the
                  for an organisation, etc., but
                                                         concept was catching on. Most greenwash back then
                  perceived as being unfounded or        didn’t include specific claims or marketing messages;
                  intentionally misleading.” 8           instead it was more ham-fisted images of frolicking
                                                         dolphins and lush rainforests set beside the company
                  Perhaps more simply put (without       logo, all to convey an impression of eco-friendliness.
                  words like ‘promulgated’),
                  greenwash…                             These early attempts to green a company’s image
                                                         now seem laughable, especially when you think
                  misleadverts the public by stressing   that Bhopal, Exxon Valdez and other environmental
                                                         and social corporate disasters were still fresh in the
                  the environmental credentials of a
                                                         memory. But even these early attempts at greening
                  person, company or product when        company images didn’t stay fashionable and the
                  these are unfounded or irrelevant.     1990s saw only occasional greenwash spikes. Those
                                                         were the years of specialist green products and
                                                         outlets like the Body Shop. Although greenwash

Motoring sector
may still have been around, the audience affected
                   by it was small and the spending on communications
                   low. Only with the recent green wave, when green
                   consumption first dissolved its boundaries and
                   entered the mainstream, has greenwash raised its
                   head again.

Utilities sector

Energy sector
Since then concern about greenwash
has boomed. Press coverage and
blog searches all show how much
‘buzz’ around greenwash is currently
out there:

                                       Media coverage of
                                       ‘Greenwash’, based on
                                       a review of 30 national
                                       UK newspapers

                                       Blog buzz on
                                       ‘greenwash’, based
                                       on a Google blog

Greenwash booms                                             The wages of sin
This huge rise in interest about greenwash has one          Being criticised by the ASA can be hugely costly as
very tangible measure. The Committee of Advertising         the company is unlikely to receive a refund for any
Practice (CAP) Code, enforced by the Advertising            advertising space or broadcasting slots it’s already
Standards Authority, first created a clause for             paid for. This alone should be a disincentive to
environmental claims in 1995, and since 1998 the            greenwash, yet we find that year-on-year the ASA
UK government has published a non-binding ‘Green            have received more complaints on environmental
Claims Code’, advising advertisers on how best to           claims, and upheld more of those complaints,
make good claims. Read on for a short overview of           thereby forcing the advertiser to alter or cancel the
the British government’s Green Claims Code and              campaign.
how it compares to its international counterparts. The
                                                            The graph below shows only a steady increase in
ASA sets out the rules for advertisers in talking about
                                                            upheld formally investigated complaints since 2005,
their green credentials, product and science claims.
                                                            despite a sharp rise in overall formally-investigated
If a member of the public believes an advert has
                                                            complaints since 2006. One thing not shown here
contravened those rules then the ASA can force the
                                                            is how many people complained: a single advert
company to pull the advert.
                                                            could have many individual complaints lodged
About 10% of the complaints are actually from               against it, and astonishing figures from the ASA’s
companies setting out to rubbish their competitors’         Annual Report 2007 reveal that total environmental
green claims. The battle between the train and the          claims complaints against all ads (whether formally-
plane reached heightened levels of animosity earlier        investigated or not) have risen five fold since 2006 –
this year when easyJet complained to the ASA                surely proof of consumers’ increasing concern about
about a Virgin Trains ad campaign, which claimed            greenwash.
that a train journey emits 75% less carbon dioxide
than a similar trip by air. Ironically, easyJet’s protest
came just weeks after it was criticised by the ASA for
inaccurately portraying the green benefits of its
new fleet.

                                                                                   claims complaints
                                                                                   formally investigated
                                                                                   by the ASA,
                                                                                   2004 - 2007

Worst sinners
It is perhaps no surprise to find in the charts below
that utilities (energy and water companies etc) have
stayed favourites for upheld complaints to the ASA.
But since 2006 the numbers for car companies and
holiday firms have climbed. The ‘non-commercial’
sector includes the UK government (although it
receives an awful lot more complaints from climate
change deniers than are upheld), and also pressure
groups, whose adverts and leaflets are subject to the
same rules as companies.

                                                        Adverts formally
                                                        investigated for
                                                        environmental claims
                                                        by sector,
                                                        2007 (top) and
                                                        2006 (bottom).
                                                        Source: ASA website
                                                        Analysis: Futerra

Greenwash itself has its fashions.
Based on the Broadcast and non-
Broadcast Committee of Advertising
Practice codes, the graph below
shows the most popular infringements
for upheld environmental claims
complaints from last year and 2005.

                                                                                       Formally investigated
                                                                                       upheld infringements.
                                                                                       Source: ASA website.
                                                                                       Analysis: Futerra

Worst sins                                                       Greenwash UK
The chart above refers to specific clauses and parts of the      All of the above provide a picture of greenwash in
Broadcast and non-Broadcast Committee of Advertising
                                                                 the UK that is somewhat worrying. The phenomenon
Practice Code. All figures are for formally investigated
                                                                 is becoming more widespread and the issues are
adverts, and we find a clear but perhaps unsurprising
trend that infringements have significantly increased in         growing more complex. This is not going unnoticed
the last two years, while incidents of vague, exaggerated        and the news and blog tables demonstrate that
or otherwise dodgy comparisons have rocketed fourfold.           expressing concern about greenwash is almost as
Clearly, claiming to be ‘greener than thou’ has become a         popular as the problem itself. The question remains
favourite tactic – but not one that will escape the notice of
                                                                 however, does any of this matter?
the ASA.

The fact that ‘truthfulness’ and ‘substantiation’ are the most
frequent infringements shows that, when adjudications
are made, the ASA views greenwash not as a niche,
sector-specific matter but as a threat to the foundation of
advertising: consumers’ trust.

The world
wakes up
to greenwash
An interesting guide to International Codes
Attempts to regulate the increasing
flow of greenwash around the world
actually predate the most recent
flood of complaints by some years.
Across the world different guidelines
and rules are in force to stem the
tide. Most are up for review as you
read this.
As far back as 1992 the United States Environmental       how far the need for tighter regulation has grown.
Protection Agency and Federal Trade Commission             The Australian guide, by tying its advice tightly to
jointly published a set of ‘Guidelines for Environmental   existing legislation (The Trade Practices Act 1974),
Marketing Claims’9. They weren’t easy to enforce and       is much more assertive warning businesses that
were somewhat vague but they did signal that ‘green’       substantiating green claims is not only good practice,
issues couldn’t be a free-for-all for advertisers.         it’s the law and attempts to mislead or deceive
                                                           consumers carry serious penalties.
Although they set the early rules, they missed classic
greenwash errors such as the use of environmental          The French have taken a slightly different approach.
visuals and pictures (images of verdant natural            Building on the work of the ‘Bureau de Verification
scenery with the product centre stage), that may           de la Publicité’, which became a moral (but not
make you think ‘green’ without it ever being said, or      legal) arbiter on green claims in 1998, this year they
making claims that while literally true are unlikely to    launched the ‘Charte d’engagement et d’objectifs
happen in practice (e.g. the biodegradable bin-bag         pour une publicité eco-responsible’. Led by a jury
that is only truly biodegradable when separated from       of advertising professionals, the Charte enables
the rubbish it contains). In 2003 the UK Government        them to impose fines and enforce the withdrawal of
revamped their own ‘Green Claims Code’10. This             environmentally misleading campaigns12.
code did address previous omissions like those listed
                                                           Finally the recent rash of green advertising emanating
above and made specific reference to the then new
                                                           from the motoring industry led the Norwegian
International Standard on Environmental Claims ISO
                                                           Consumer Ombudsman’s office to issue a warning on
14001. For the first time enlightened consumers had
                                                           environmental claims about vehicles13 under the legal
a benchmark against which to test green marketers
                                                           cover of the Marketing Control Act. Befuddled by
claims, and criteria on which to base complaints.
                                                           multiple claims to the title of ‘most environmentally
Under the auspices of the Committee of Advertising         friendly vehicle’ or ‘cleanest engine’ the Ombudsman
Practice code, the UK Advertising Standards                outlined clear instructions about the quantification
Authority can pro-actively investigate a potentially       and comparability of competing claims and gave all
spurious claim. However, the majority of adverts are       involved a set time period to sort their acts out…
formally investigated following complaints from the        or else.
public and other parties (such as commercial rivals).
Just one complaint is required to trigger a preliminary
investigation, so the public has great responsibility to   Future developments
make noise about dubious marketing practices and           During 2008 the USA are reviewing their code and
alert the ASA to unclear, unfounded or misleading          the UK is considering further guidance on theirs.
environmental claims.                                      It’s likely that the Australian, French and Norwegian
                                                           codes will all encourage other countries to consider
                                                           greenwash rules. Of course, greenwash doesn’t
Global greenwash                                           mean the same wherever you are. One apocryphal
Other countries are either using the ISO standard or       story has it that a climate campaign run by a large
bringing in their own. The most recently published         company across the UK, USA and China was accused
guidance in Australia, ‘Green Marketing and Trade          of greenwash in the first, hailed a brave in the second
Practices Act’11, and France’s new ‘Charte’, show just     and pulled because of government upset at being
                                                           implicitly criticised in the last.

                                                           The next twelve months should be interesting for
                                                           those planning worldwide green marketing campaigns.

AUS – Australia
FRA – France
NOR – Norway
USA – United States of America
UK – United Kingdom

Futerra greenwash guide
Annoying or
There does seem to be a lot of greenwash
out there, and the temptation for more is
significant. But you could question…is it
really a problem?
If you’re an ‘environmentalist’ type of person adverts for ‘eco-friendly’
SUVs are obviously annoying, but why do we get so much more upset about
greenwash than the thousands of adverts that happily and legally try to sell us
unsustainable products?
A truly rational approach would surely rail against adverts for disposable
nappies, cheap flights, water-polluting detergents and obesity-causing fast
food. There’s far more money spent on advertising those destructive products
and services than on greenwash.

A delicate balance                                     Destructive forces
But you’d actually be right to be worried. Greenwash   Greenwash eats away at that market demand by
is having an insidious, measureable, and potentially   confusing consumers and making them uncertain
catastrophic impact. It’s actually quite simple:       about buying green products. Eventually they’ll
greenwash threatens the whole business rationale for   stop buying based on their green preferences
becoming more environmentally friendly. Greenwash      altogether. Greenwash destroys the very market it
is slowly eating away at the best part of the green    hopes to exploit.
business case.
                                                       Surveys in the UK and USA show this undermining of
The opening chapter of this guide revealed the         consumer confidence is well underway. In fact some
huge temptation of greenwash: the growing green        show that 9 out of 10 of us are sceptical about green
pound. In a free market economy this ‘consumer         or climate change information from companies and
demand’ is actually more influential than government   governments14. Half of us in the UK have no idea
pressure, campaigning groups’ demands or even the      what to believe and 80% want to see companies back
company directors’ own self-interest in preserving     up ethical claims with proof15. The same is the case
the environment. What the market demands the           in America. Seven in ten Americans either “strongly”
market often gets, and focus groups and market         or “somewhat” agree that when companies call a
research demonstrating growing market demand for       product green it’s usually just a “marketing tactic”
green products have driven the innovation and shift    and therefore to be mistrusted.
towards green by many major companies. You’re
                                                       The continued greening of business requires the
asking for and buying green products, so companies
                                                       continuing, compelling business case of market
are making them. If you stop, so will they.
                                                       demand. The terrible irony is that greenwash may
                                                       put itself out of business; by causing consumers to
                                                       mistrust every green claim, no matter how justified.

The Perils of ‘Ethics-wash’
                 Greenwash is a snappier term, but of course
                 organisations also can ‘ethics-wash’ their
                 products and performance. This is basically the
                 same as greenwash, except that you substitute
                 unsubstantiated or irrelevant environmental claims
                 for social or ethical ones.

                 Although much of the research for this guide has
                 been focused on green claims, the reader may
                 find help here for avoiding and preventing
                 ‘ethics-wash’ too.

Armaments and
Defence sector
Futerra greenwash guide
So, what is being done about greenwash by the industry that makes the most
out of it: the advertising agencies that design the adverts and of course the
broadcasters and publications which accept that advertising?
During the research for this guide the top 10 advertising agencies in the UK
were contacted, as were the highest profile and largest sellers of advertising
space. They were simply asked what they thought of greenwash and if they
have a policy, training or standards on the issue.

The marketers’ view
Advertising agencies have the potential to play an      Each was asked about their response to the challenge
incredibly powerful role in convincing consumers        of greenwash, whether they have any internal policy
to buy green products, ultimately leading to the        on the prevention of greenwash and if they offer their
greening of the marketplace. But they are also the      staff any training in how to avoid greenwash.
originators of greenwash. Agencies are both the
                                                        Any modern, conscientious industry should
problem and the solution, as the authors of this
                                                        manage the environmental issues of its day-to-day
report, an agency ourselves, well know.
                                                        operations and the advertising industry has taken this
We contacted the ten agencies listed by the Institute   responsibility seriously: eight out of the ten agencies
of Practitioners in Advertising’s as the top London-    have an internal sustainability policy. These policies
based advertising companies:                            cover important impacts such as travel, green energy
                                                        and recycling. But just as a very ‘green’ factory could
1. AMV bbdo
                                                        build a very polluting product, so an agency with very
2. JWT                                                  green operations can still produce greenwash.
3. McCann Erickson
                                                        Only four of the top ten agencies agreed to comment
4. Publicis London
                                                        on their actual product. Of these four, only one had
5. Ogilvy                                               any plans to extend their current green policy to
6. M&C Saatchi                                          cover the client side of the business - how products
7. DDB London                                           were advertised. The other three agencies all
                                                        readily acknowledged the problem, but said it was
8. Saatchi & Saatchi
                                                        impossible to not sell a product on its ‘differentiating
9. Euro RSCG London
                                                        factor’, i.e. what makes it different to the mass of
10. RaineyKellyCampbellRoalfe                           other products in the marketplace. In the words of
                                                        one agency’s Managing Director, “If a car company
                                                        has invented the world’s first hybrid supercar - which
                                                        might still be very polluting - then as an agency, we
                                                        could not turn to the client and tell them to sell it on
                                                        the free sat-nav instead of the environment”.

                                                        Clearly there are tough choices for the advertising
                                                        industry, torn between its potential to aid the
                                                        environment and its power to greenwash. The
                                                        industry is in real need of guidance.

                                                        Perhaps therefore it is the industry’s formal bodies
                                                        who are most responsible for pointing the right
                                                        direction. And that is exactly what the Chartered
                                                        Institute of Public Relations has recently done.
PR fights back
The CIPR’s Best Practice Guidelines for                  Radio Times
Environmental Sustainability Communications16            Hello!
are a laudable effort to bring some rigour to the
                                                         Vanity Fair
fight against greenwash, but in many ways they ask
more questions than they answer. It is imperative
that PR Agencies build their knowledge of technical      Cosmopolitan
and often scientific green issues if current errors of   Red
judgment are to be avoided. This points towards a        Grazia
need for more specialisation across the sector and it
will be intriguing to see how the CIPR supports the
                                                         Saga Magazine
development of these new skills into the future. The
two other major industry bodies; the Charted Institute   Good Housekeeping
of Marketing and the Institute of Practitioners in       ITV
Advertising seem not to have their own guidance for      Channel 4
their large memberships, although the CIPR lesson
may encourage them to start drafting.

Advertising sales
                                                         These 19 national newspapers, 16 of the best-selling
So if not the agencies, then how about those             magazines, and 4 of the UK’s major commercial
publications and broadcasters that are funded by         broadcasters taken together account for £6.77bn17 of
advertising but still have a responsibility to their     advertising spending per year. Out of these thirty-
readers and viewers?                                     nine media outlets, only three (yes, three) had heard
                                                         of the term ‘greenwash’: one commercial broadcaster
Thirty-nine of the major media sellers of advertising
                                                         and two broadvertsheet newspapers. Not a single
space were contacted:
                                                         magazine had heard of one of the biggest, most
The Times                                                recent trends in advertising. Of course we may have
The Sun                                                  unluckily picked one un-informed staff member in
                                                         each organisation we spoke to and the companies
The Daily Mail / Mail on Sunday
                                                         could all have detailed greenwash policies. But if so,
The Sunday Times                                         their advertising sales teams don’t know about them.
The Daily Telegraph / The Sunday Telegraph
                                                         Of these thirty-nine media outlets, only one could
The Independent / Independent on Sunday
                                                         confirm they had any sort of internal policy or staff
The Financial Times                                      training in place to avoid greenwash. Once again,
The Guardian / The Observer                              it was clear from these calls that very many media
Trinity Mirror Group (5 national newspapers)             outlets are concerned about their ecological impact
The Daily Express / Sunday Express                       and are taking steps to reduce it – but this sustainable
                                                         attitude does not translate into advertising policy.
OK! Weekly
                                                         concerned about their ecological impact and are
Vogue                                                    taking steps to reduce it – but this sustainable attitude
Glamour                                                  does not translate into advertising policy.
                                                         Many publications said they could not foresee a time
What’s on TV                                             when adverts making misjudged green claims would
Marie Claire

be turned away, with one Ad Sales Manager saying,           response or standard for greenwash. Yet they are
“To be frank, what needs to happen is that the              willing to start a discussion. There is however, one
general public begins to understand that some               missing factor in this: the advertising buyers, those
adverts are environmentally obscene - but let’s face        companies and organisations that pay the advertising
it, for the moment environmental concern is certainly       agencies to design their adverts and pay the media
not on a par with depiction of violence or nudity”.         outlets to display them.

Asked why they had no policy on greenwash or                Unfortunately calling every company in the country
green advertising, many interviewees said, quite            for their policy on greenwash was beyond the
reasonably, that their organisation could not be            scope of this report. We have however, managed
expected to verify the green claims in every ad they        to interview some brave businesses that have been
print. They simply do not have the time or budgets          stung by criticisms of greenwash, and who are
for such a mammoth task - instead, all organisations        prepared to share their war wounds and learning.
were happy to follow the ASA’s lead, and would
welcome stronger guidance from the Authority.

It seems that both the advertising sellers and
creators are still on the first steps towards an industry
What’s to be done? From our
research we’ve learnt it’s quite
easy to prevent greenwash. But
companies, communications
agencies and consumers will all
need to learn a few new tricks…
British Gas case study
British Gas has a long history of positive green action. They
use green messaging in advertising and marketing across a
range of issues, from new products and services to offering
free home insulation to the over 70s and those on benefits.
As they put it; without advertising how else are people going
to know the offers are there?

Although they believe that ‘green’ is still a growing
competitive issue in the energy market, it has been shown
to be one reason why people stay with their providers. And
British Gas hasn’t been coy about getting out and telling
customers about their commitments.

But they haven’t been free of criticism, and their advertising
for a ‘Zero Carbon Tariff’ (a green energy and offset product)
was pulled up by the ASA for being potentially misleading.
At the time British Gas responded to the ruling, by arguing
that they had the independent evidence to support their
claim. Their evidence demonstrated that customers are
familiar with the ‘zero-carbon’ terminology and wouldn’t
find it misleading (of course all activities have some carbon
footprint – even breathing). Their assertion that they had
the greenest energy tariff had been based on a comparison
of green supply offerings from the independent group
Energy Watch.

They still feel that it’s important for the ASA to see claims
from a customer perspective rather than simply a rule-
based one, but they have gained some important insights
from their experience. Firstly that the word ‘green’ is far
too subjective and that companies should be as specific as
possible (hence British Gas focus on low carbon emissions).
Avoiding caveats is also important - too many asterisks or
brackets and you lose both the power of your marketing
message, and also the understanding of your audience.

It’s also crucial to make sure the lines of communication
between your creative team and your legal team are open.
These two groups don’t always speak the same language
but when it comes to environmental claims they may have to
learn translation.

Finally, British Gas recommends that companies only use
green messages when they’re helping their customers
understand something or offering them something new. If
you’re too insular you might forget the perils of greenwash.
The learnings from British Gas’ experience (supplemented by others who
wish to remain anonymous) uncover some simple steps that can be taken by
companies, agencies and the public to stamp out greenwash.

Six easy steps for

Step 1:                                                   Step 2:
Know thyself                                              Be green by design, not luck
Before even starting to think about a green marketing     If after Step 1 you realise you’re not as green as you
campaign: work out if you’re green or not.                thought then you’ll need to innovate. The easiest
                                                          products and services to promote responsibly
Pick the products or services you wish to promote
                                                          are those specifically designed to be green or
on green grounds with care, and beware of your
                                                          re-designed to be so, not those where you have
company’s overall reputation in the area (you could
                                                          searched for a green aspect. ‘Green by design’
be making energy-saving light bulbs while polluting
                                                          products are likely to have undergone a full ‘life-
local rivers).
                                                          cycle analysis’ of the impact of their source materials,
Knowing yourself will help you avoid three easy           through manufacture and distribution, impacts of
mistakes;                                                 use and finally how they affect the environment once
                                                          ready to be disposed of.
• Firstly, take care when promoting a single green
  attribute of a product when the rest of the product
  is not e.g. bio-degradable packaging around an          Step 3:
  energy-inefficient product.                             Check and check again
• Notice when creative teams get excited by               Once you’ve got something worth talking about, you
  learning you’re the greenest ‘in your class of          need to make some checks. Many companies bring in
  products’, remember if your ‘class’ is that of super    external experts to help design green products, or to
  heavy SUVs then consumers might laugh you off           test an ‘eco-redesign’ of current products. Of course,
  the stage.                                              there are those much neglected internal experts
                                                          as well: your ‘Sustainability’ or ‘Corporate Social
• Relevance has already been touched upon; be
                                                          Responsibility’ team. If you are a FTSE 100 company
  aware that consumers might be dubious of bold
                                                          these fonts of knowledge and experience on green
  claims about a ‘dolphin-friendly’ chicken pie or
                                                          issues are there already, but other companies
  a ‘CFC-free’ product (being as CFCs have been
                                                          increasingly have internal experts. Not only are they
  effectively banned since 1989)
                                                          likely to be your harshest critics (they know the
One of the mistakes we’re not going to dwell upon         mouldy green skeletons in the company closest),
is deliberate lying. If that is your intention then we    they can also provide audited data on your overall
apologise if the title of this greenwash guide was        company footprint.
misleading: we’re not here to help with that. Our
                                                          Search out both these internal and external experts
presumption is that most greenwash is perpetrated in
                                                          and ask their opinion before embarking on green
ignorance or over-enthusiasm, not out of mendacity.
Of course that type of greenwash does exist, and this
report advises agencies and consumers on how to
spot it. But simply telling you not to be naughty isn’t
going to make much difference is it?

Step 4:
                         Choose your friends wisely
                         Inviting third parties to endorse your product (in the     Eco-friendly
                         form of labels and respected organisations’ logos) is      Natural
                         a powerful indicator to customers of your integrity.
                         Don’t be tempted by easy options or half-hearted
                         initiatives. The big labels are hard to reach and that’s
                         exactly why they are trusted.                              Pollutant-free
                                                                                    Carbon neutral
                         Now you’re ready to plan a campaign. In a report
                         written by a specialist green communications agency
                         it might seem pushy to say ‘choose your agency with        Fair
                         care’. But if you seem to know more about the issue        Recyclable
                         than your agency, it would be wise to check their copy.    Low-impact
                                                                                    Environmentally friendly
                         Step 5:                                                    Energy efficient

                         Remember words can hurt you                                Low carbon
                                                                                    Not tested on animals
                         Long gone are the days when ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘non-
                         toxic’ would cut it. Some terms like ‘organic’ now
                         have legal definitions and others (such as Fairtrade)      Zero carbon
                         are copyrighted. If you like the following terms,          Zero waste
                         take care to justify what you mean by them, and if in
                         doubt, contact the ASA’s free Copy Advice Service.
                                                                                    Don’t forget that images can also give a misleading
                                                                                    impression. A poster showing flowers coming out
                                                                                    of a oil refinery stack very well may be considered
                                                                                    misleading (yes, it did happen).

Examples of good
certification schemes.
Clockwise from top
left: Kitemark®,
Marine Stewardship
Council, Forest
Stewardship Council,
the Fairtrade
Foundation and Soil

Step 6:
                       Greenwash health check
                       Although your campaign might be rigorous in its
                       claims, don’t forget that greenwash can pop up
                       across your communications, from advertising, via
                       CEO speeches or PR, to your product packaging.

                       It’s a good idea to health-check all channels for
                       greenwash infestation.

channels susceptible
to greenwash

Three even easier steps for                                But together we can
communications agencies
                                                           The Climate Group’s campaign Together
Step 1:                                                    has been called “the best inoculation against
Be clear                                                   greenwash”. This is a consumer campaign
                                                           (and label) that companies can join if they
Develop a clear agency policy on greenwash and             meet certain criteria:
train your account teams and creatives on the easy
mistakes that can be made. Have an escalation
process for them to raise concerns or questions to
                                                           • Firstly the company has to sign up to
                                                             the Climate Group’s principles and
                                                             demonstrate a credible policy for
Step 2:                                                      reducing their own emissions

Make some new friends                                      • Together campaigns must promote
                                                             a solution or product that has a
It’s also a good idea to secure a green advisor or two
                                                             measureable impact on reducing carbon
who can check claims. People who have worked for
pressure groups (and have scientific qualifications in     • The solution must be a new initiative (but
the subject) are excellent at this, and also rather          not necessarily new technology). They
enjoy it.                                                    give the example of Marks and Spencer
                                                             re-labelling their clothes to take account
                                                             of green issues.
Step 3:
                                                           • Finally, and most importantly, a Together
Stand up and be counted                                      solution has to make climate action
But remember to let your clients know your policy in         easier, cheaper or more appealing for
advance. It’s never fun to have to point out ‘that we        customers.
don’t do greenwash I’m afraid’ after you’ve already
been commissioned. Publish your policy and they’ll
know to go elsewhere for dirty tricks. Of course, we       If a company can meet these criteria then
all find ourselves in difficult positions sometimes, but   they can use the Together logo on the
if you’ve taken Step 1 then your staff will know it’s      marketing for that specific product. The
OK to say ‘no’.                                            power of Together is that it’s never used
                                                           for companies, only for ideas and products
                                                           which help you, the consumer, reduce your
                                                           own carbon footprint. Keep an eye out
                                                           for it.

Futerra greenwash guide
Wiping away greenwash
Characteristics of greenwash

Wiping away greenwash
Characteristics of good claims

A virtuous or
vicious cycle
So what can we expect in the coming months
and years from the greenwashers? From
our research and interviews here are a few
predictions on what we’ve got coming, both
the good and bad.

Cyber greenwash
The Advertising Standards Authority covers obvious adverts
and PR, but what about the blogs, virals and wikipedias of cyber
space? One of the least pleasant forms of greenwash around is
called ‘astroturfing’, and we’re likely to see more of it. According
to said Wikipedia, ‘astroturfing’ is:

“The term is a wordplay based on ‘grassroots democracy’ efforts,
which are truly spontaneous undertakings largely sustained by
private persons (not politicians, governments, corporations,
or public relations firms). ‘AstroTurf’ refers to the bright green
artificial grass used in some sports stadiums, so ‘astroturfing’
refers to imitating or faking popular (‘grassroots’) opinion or

Watch your mouse
Online ‘astroturfing’ means quotes from the public, blogs
written by interested individuals, spontaneous email chains,
and yes, even Wikipedia pages that seem to be put together by
ordinary folk, but which in fact are the careful creations of PR
firms hired by greenwashers. A moment’s thought shows how
widespread this could be.

Luckily, surveys prove that we grade online information as the
least trustworthy of all types. Keep your greenwash antennae
extra sensitive online and check the sources of all pseudo-
sounding science or green claims.

How long until the first green ‘spam’ email? Actually, it’s
probably already happened.

Global standards
The International Standards Organisation has their own green
claims code, yet a number of national governments have felt
the need to develop their own. Cultural differences, green
awareness levels and even political affiliations all affect how a
society judges greenwash.

It seems likely that greenwash will begin to raise questions at
an international level. National governments may even consider
penalising national companies who greenwash overseas.

Raising the bar
The good news is that with a growing market comes growing
competition, and we are all likely to be offered more specifically
designed green products, and much greener versions of old
favourites. If we buy them we’ll get even more.

However, this opens up a risk for business. A product that looks
‘pretty green’ in 2008 might just look like greenwash by 2009.
A greener future
If we project the current speed of growth in green consumption in the UK
then the ‘green pound’ could be worth £53.76bn in five years and nearly
£180bn by 2022. That kind of market is going to have a real and lasting
positive impact on the planet and probably make us all a bit happier.

But if greenwash follows a similar trajectory
     then a tipping point will soon be reached. Too
     much greenwash and we’ll stop buying based
     on companies’ green claims. That will crush
     the greenwash threat, but take the chance for
     consumer-led green market revolution with it. With
     all that that means for eco-systems, the climate and
     our quality of life.

     The authors of this report prefer a second vision.
     We hope consumers will punish greenwashers
     through avoiding their products, advertising
     agencies will refuse to work for them and media
     outlets won’t take their adverts. Instead we all will
     eagerly buy, and buy again, the products with good,
     justifiable green claims. Soon greenwash is a term
     out of history books and a positive feedback loop
     begins the long slow climb to an eco-friendly
     market place.

     And yes, we know we just used ‘eco-friendly’. Sorry.

Learn more
     Defra and DTI: Green Claims – Practical Guidance:
     How to Make a Good Environmental Claim,
     November 2003

     Forum for the Future and Business for Social
     Responsibility: Eco-promising: Communicating the
     environmental credentials of your products and
     services, April 2008

     TerraChoice: The 6 Sins of Greenwashing, November

End notes
    Accountability and Consumers International:                                How to Make a Good Environmental Claim,
    What Assures Consumers on Climate Change?,                                 November 2003
    p.23 (June 2007)
                                                                               Australian Competition and Consumer
    The Co-operative Bank: Ethical Consumerism                                 Commission: Green Marketing and the Trade
    Report 2007, p. 10                                                         Practices Act, February 2008
     BBC News: “British organic food sales soar”,                         12
                                                                               Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité: “Pour
     22 December 2005 (Source: Mintel in-house                                 une publicité éco-responsable et une nouvelle
     research, 2005)                                                           régulation professionnelle”, 11 April 2008
    The Co-operative Bank: Ethical Consumerism                            13
                                                                               Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman’s Office:
    Report 2007, p. 2                                                          Use of Environmental Claims in the Marketing of
                                                                               Vehicles, 3 September 2007
                                                                               Accountability and Consumers International:
    The Guardian: “The rise and rise of the ethical
                                                                               What Assures Consumers on Climate Change?,
    consumer”, 6 November 2006 (Source: Ipsos-Mori
                                                                               p.23 (June 2007)
    survey, 2006)
                                                                               Ethical Corporation, “Greenwashing – consumers
    Admap Magazine: “Green is the Colour”,
                                                                               getting wise”, 14 November 2007
    December 2007
                                                                               Chartered Institute of Public Relations: CIPR
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 10th Edition
                                                                               Best Practice Guidelines For Environmental
    US Environmental Protection Agency website                                 Sustainability Communications, March 2007

    Defra and DTI: Green Claims – Practical Guidance:
                                                                               Advertising Association, 2007

    Disclaimer: The text of this Greenwash Guide reflects the intellectual opinion of Futerra following our research, and not the views or
    opinions of other third parties. We have endeavoured to afford all interviewees and participants the most transparent process of interview;
    all interviews were carried out with the participants’ full knowledge of the end-use of the interview material.The presence of the Fairtrade
    Foundation, Marine Stewardship Council, Soil Association, British Standards, and FSC marks does not imply that those organisations are
    in any way supportive of, connected to, or have authorised, the text and images in this booklet. The logos for the Climate Group and the
    Together campaign are printed as an illustrative means of showing our thanks only. None of these three organisations have endorsed, or
    are connected to, the content of the Greenwash Guide; nor is our use of the logos meant to imply that this is the case.

    Art direction, design and illustration: Futerra.
    Photographs on cover and inside front cover by Bonnie Lo. All other photographs from iStockphoto.
About the Authors
For more information on      Futerra is a communications agency. We do the
                             things great agencies do; have bright ideas,
our services, or to see if
                             captivate consumers, build energetic websites
we could help you, visit
                             one day and grab opinion formers’ attention
www.futerra.co.uk or call    the next. We’re very good at it.
+44(0) 207 549 4700
                             But the real difference is that since our
To find out more             foundation in 2001, we’ve only ever worked
information about            on green issues, corporate responsibility and
greenwash please email       sustainability.

                             Futerra is extremely thankful for help and
                             advice from:

                             The UK Advertising Standards Authority
                             The Climate Group
                             British Gas
                             And all those who responded
                             to our market research calls.

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Futerra greenwash guide

  • 2. Contents The two minute version 1 10 signs of greenwash 2 The temptation of greenwash 4 A short history of greenwash 6 The world wakes up to greenwash 14 Greenwash: Annoying or dangerous? 18 And the industry response is… 22 Goodbye greenwash 26 A virtuous or vicious cycle 36 A greener future 38 Learn more 40 End notes 41
  • 3. The two minute version Greenwash is with us, and unless we take action, it is likely to be with us to stay. Greenwash is an environmental claim which is unsubstantiated (a fib) or irrelevant (a distraction). Found in advertising, PR or on packaging, and made about people, organisations and products. Greenwash is an old concept, wrapped in a very modern incarnation. And greenwash is growing. The Advertising business towards greater greenness. Greenwash Standards Authority in the UK is upholding more and is the spanner in the works that could sabotage the more complaints against advertising that can’t live whole environmental movement within business. up to its green bluster. Around the world regulators are trying to keep up, and the USA’s Federal Trade This guide reveals the industries most actively Commission has brought forward to 2008 its plan greenwashing, and those environmental claims to review their environmental marketing guidelines. most likely to be greenwash. Not enough is being France has just announced new guidelines and done to prevent this accelerating negative feedback the UK is reviewing the advertising Green Claims loop. None of the UK’s biggest advertising agencies guidance. But is this enough? claim to have training or guidelines for their staff on what is a justified green claim. And none of the main publications in the UK who sell advertising space Why all the fuss? have their own standard. Greenwash isn’t simply annoying, it’s dangerous. In a market economy the consumer is king, and consumers have started sending strong It’s not all bad news environmental signals through their purchasing. This Most greenwash is due to ignorance and/ growing ‘green pound’ is a powerful force compelling or sloppiness rather than malicious intent, and the economy to clean up its environmental act. businesses and advertising agencies can take simple But consumers often rely on advertising and other steps to prevent greenwash slipping through. As a corporate messaging to inform their purchasing consumer, you too can spot the worst greenwash choices, and greenwash is undermining confidence symptoms, and this guide lists the simple tests for in that advertising. That confidence is now at an all ‘greenwash’ versus ‘good claims’. Tear off and keep time low, with only 10% of consumers trusting green our simple Greenwash Guide postcard for when information from business and government1. Without you’re shopping. confidence in the claims, consumers are reluctant to At a time of impending economic challenges, it’s exercise the power of their green purchasing, as they more vital than ever that green messages have no longer know who or what to believe. This puts credibility. The next few years will demonstrate if the whole market for the ‘green pound’ in danger together companies, agencies and consumers can and might damage the virtuous circle of companies spin the virtuous circle, or if runaway greenwash will promoting their green products, consumers choosing bring the new green revolution crashing down. them over non-green products thereby encouraging 1
  • 4. From the international codes and research for this report we have identified 10 signs of greenwash, be it in an advert or a speech by a government minister.
  • 5. 1. 6. Fluffy language Just not credible Words or terms with no clear meaning, ‘Eco friendly’ cigarettes anyone? ‘Greening’ e.g. ‘eco-friendly’ a dangerous product doesn’t make it safe 2. 7. Green products v Gobbledygook dirty company Jargon and information that Such as efficient light bulbs made in a factory only a scientist could check or understand which pollutes rivers 8. 3. Imaginary friends Suggestive pictures A ‘label’ that looks like third party endorsement … Green images that indicate a (un-justified) green except it’s made up impact e.g. flowers blooming from exhaust pipes 9. 4. No proof Irrelevant claims It could be right, but where’s the Emphasising one tiny green attribute when evidence? everything else is un-green 10. Out-right lying 5. Totally fabricated claims or data Best in class? Cut out and keep Declaring you are slightly greener than the rest, even if the rest are pretty terrible
  • 7. Actually there is a very simple answer to this Of course it’s not only purchasing habits that are question. It’s that you, the consumer, have started to shifting, so are public expectations of companies’ change your buying patterns in a way that has caught behaviour. An overwhelming majority of us the advertiser’s eye. say companies should improve the social and environmental impacts of their products and services Consider the example of ‘organic’ for a moment. The and 83% of us claim to think about a company’s green Co-operative Bank discovered that organic food sales reputation when we shop (a hard core 38% feel this is in this country have doubled since 2000 and are now very important) 6. growing at an average of 25% per year2. By 2010 the organic market will be worth at least £2billion3. So alongside the big juicy organic carrot of the ‘green pound’ is the threatening stick of customers’ Think back only a decade or so and imagine trying to growing expectations of action. These temptations buy ‘organic’ in a high street supermarket. Organic have led to a boom-town attitude towards green and then was for real green enthusiasts; the Good Life ethical advertising. types. Today organics is a huge, and relatively young, market spilling out from food to new ‘marketing categories’ such as beauty products. Show me the money And new markets make marketers twitchy According to reports nearly £17 million was spent with excitement. on advertising containing the words ‘CO2’, ‘carbon’, ‘environmental’, ‘emissions’ or ‘recycle’ from September 2006 to August 2007 alone. A similar New green pound search for the same terms in 2003 uncovers only Overall, so called ‘ethical’ spending in the UK has £448k7 of advertising. And that new spend wasn’t jumped by 81 per cent since 20024; most of us have, coming from traditionally ‘green’ companies. The in the last year, bought free-range eggs, or products deepest pockets are said to be Veolia Environment, with recycled content (like loo roll) or drunk fair-trade Exxon Mobil, the UK government, BSkyB and Marks coffee. At a conservative estimate of £29.7bn5, the & Spencer. market is still relatively minor, but big companies can The numbers aren’t in for this year yet, but we can see the writing on the wall. Green has gone from the expect to see that spend has doubled or more. smallest of niches to a very desirable market all set Advertising is expensive, and it’s not an exact science to grow. There’s money to be made and that’s the - as Lord Lever the founder of Unilever purportedly greatest temptation of all. acknowledged, “half our advertising is wasted; I just don’t know which half”. This growth in selling green is a sign of things to come: you want to buy green, you expect companies to be green, and they have eagerly started to tell you that they are… occasionally without good reason for doing so. Enter greenwash. 5
  • 8. A short history of greenwash Greenwash is nothing new, but the current scale of it is. Industries that have never had a problem are now getting in on the act. And the world is watching.
  • 10. The full, and rather difficult to As we will see, the themes ‘unfounded’ and ‘irrelevant’ are equally important in judging greenwash, even if most of us read, version of the Oxford English are more concerned with the first crime: that of fibbing. Dictionary defines greenwash as; “Disinformation disseminated by Green words an organisation, etc., so as to The term greenwash only officially became part of present an environmentally the English language in 1999 with that entry into the responsible public image; a public Oxford English Dictionary, but it’s been around a lot image of environmental longer than that. In fact the first recorded use of the responsibility promulgated by or term was by David Bellamy in the periodical Sanity over twenty years ago. By Earth Day in 1990 the for an organisation, etc., but concept was catching on. Most greenwash back then perceived as being unfounded or didn’t include specific claims or marketing messages; intentionally misleading.” 8 instead it was more ham-fisted images of frolicking dolphins and lush rainforests set beside the company Perhaps more simply put (without logo, all to convey an impression of eco-friendliness. words like ‘promulgated’), greenwash… These early attempts to green a company’s image now seem laughable, especially when you think misleadverts the public by stressing that Bhopal, Exxon Valdez and other environmental and social corporate disasters were still fresh in the the environmental credentials of a memory. But even these early attempts at greening person, company or product when company images didn’t stay fashionable and the these are unfounded or irrelevant. 1990s saw only occasional greenwash spikes. Those were the years of specialist green products and outlets like the Body Shop. Although greenwash Motoring sector 8
  • 11. may still have been around, the audience affected by it was small and the spending on communications low. Only with the recent green wave, when green consumption first dissolved its boundaries and entered the mainstream, has greenwash raised its head again. Utilities sector Energy sector
  • 12. Since then concern about greenwash has boomed. Press coverage and blog searches all show how much ‘buzz’ around greenwash is currently out there: Media coverage of ‘Greenwash’, based on a review of 30 national UK newspapers Blog buzz on ‘greenwash’, based on a Google blog review 10
  • 13. Greenwash booms The wages of sin This huge rise in interest about greenwash has one Being criticised by the ASA can be hugely costly as very tangible measure. The Committee of Advertising the company is unlikely to receive a refund for any Practice (CAP) Code, enforced by the Advertising advertising space or broadcasting slots it’s already Standards Authority, first created a clause for paid for. This alone should be a disincentive to environmental claims in 1995, and since 1998 the greenwash, yet we find that year-on-year the ASA UK government has published a non-binding ‘Green have received more complaints on environmental Claims Code’, advising advertisers on how best to claims, and upheld more of those complaints, make good claims. Read on for a short overview of thereby forcing the advertiser to alter or cancel the the British government’s Green Claims Code and campaign. how it compares to its international counterparts. The The graph below shows only a steady increase in ASA sets out the rules for advertisers in talking about upheld formally investigated complaints since 2005, their green credentials, product and science claims. despite a sharp rise in overall formally-investigated If a member of the public believes an advert has complaints since 2006. One thing not shown here contravened those rules then the ASA can force the is how many people complained: a single advert company to pull the advert. could have many individual complaints lodged About 10% of the complaints are actually from against it, and astonishing figures from the ASA’s companies setting out to rubbish their competitors’ Annual Report 2007 reveal that total environmental green claims. The battle between the train and the claims complaints against all ads (whether formally- plane reached heightened levels of animosity earlier investigated or not) have risen five fold since 2006 – this year when easyJet complained to the ASA surely proof of consumers’ increasing concern about about a Virgin Trains ad campaign, which claimed greenwash. that a train journey emits 75% less carbon dioxide than a similar trip by air. Ironically, easyJet’s protest came just weeks after it was criticised by the ASA for inaccurately portraying the green benefits of its new fleet. Environmental claims complaints formally investigated by the ASA, 2004 - 2007 11
  • 14. Worst sinners It is perhaps no surprise to find in the charts below that utilities (energy and water companies etc) have stayed favourites for upheld complaints to the ASA. But since 2006 the numbers for car companies and holiday firms have climbed. The ‘non-commercial’ sector includes the UK government (although it receives an awful lot more complaints from climate change deniers than are upheld), and also pressure groups, whose adverts and leaflets are subject to the same rules as companies. Adverts formally investigated for environmental claims by sector, 2007 (top) and 2006 (bottom). Source: ASA website Analysis: Futerra 12
  • 15. Greenwash itself has its fashions. Based on the Broadcast and non- Broadcast Committee of Advertising Practice codes, the graph below shows the most popular infringements for upheld environmental claims complaints from last year and 2005. Formally investigated upheld infringements. Source: ASA website. Analysis: Futerra Worst sins Greenwash UK The chart above refers to specific clauses and parts of the All of the above provide a picture of greenwash in Broadcast and non-Broadcast Committee of Advertising the UK that is somewhat worrying. The phenomenon Practice Code. All figures are for formally investigated is becoming more widespread and the issues are adverts, and we find a clear but perhaps unsurprising trend that infringements have significantly increased in growing more complex. This is not going unnoticed the last two years, while incidents of vague, exaggerated and the news and blog tables demonstrate that or otherwise dodgy comparisons have rocketed fourfold. expressing concern about greenwash is almost as Clearly, claiming to be ‘greener than thou’ has become a popular as the problem itself. The question remains favourite tactic – but not one that will escape the notice of however, does any of this matter? the ASA. The fact that ‘truthfulness’ and ‘substantiation’ are the most frequent infringements shows that, when adjudications are made, the ASA views greenwash not as a niche, sector-specific matter but as a threat to the foundation of advertising: consumers’ trust. 13
  • 16. The world wakes up to greenwash An interesting guide to International Codes
  • 17. Attempts to regulate the increasing flow of greenwash around the world actually predate the most recent flood of complaints by some years. Across the world different guidelines and rules are in force to stem the tide. Most are up for review as you read this.
  • 18. As far back as 1992 the United States Environmental how far the need for tighter regulation has grown. Protection Agency and Federal Trade Commission The Australian guide, by tying its advice tightly to jointly published a set of ‘Guidelines for Environmental existing legislation (The Trade Practices Act 1974), Marketing Claims’9. They weren’t easy to enforce and is much more assertive warning businesses that were somewhat vague but they did signal that ‘green’ substantiating green claims is not only good practice, issues couldn’t be a free-for-all for advertisers. it’s the law and attempts to mislead or deceive consumers carry serious penalties. Although they set the early rules, they missed classic greenwash errors such as the use of environmental The French have taken a slightly different approach. visuals and pictures (images of verdant natural Building on the work of the ‘Bureau de Verification scenery with the product centre stage), that may de la Publicité’, which became a moral (but not make you think ‘green’ without it ever being said, or legal) arbiter on green claims in 1998, this year they making claims that while literally true are unlikely to launched the ‘Charte d’engagement et d’objectifs happen in practice (e.g. the biodegradable bin-bag pour une publicité eco-responsible’. Led by a jury that is only truly biodegradable when separated from of advertising professionals, the Charte enables the rubbish it contains). In 2003 the UK Government them to impose fines and enforce the withdrawal of revamped their own ‘Green Claims Code’10. This environmentally misleading campaigns12. code did address previous omissions like those listed Finally the recent rash of green advertising emanating above and made specific reference to the then new from the motoring industry led the Norwegian International Standard on Environmental Claims ISO Consumer Ombudsman’s office to issue a warning on 14001. For the first time enlightened consumers had environmental claims about vehicles13 under the legal a benchmark against which to test green marketers cover of the Marketing Control Act. Befuddled by claims, and criteria on which to base complaints. multiple claims to the title of ‘most environmentally Under the auspices of the Committee of Advertising friendly vehicle’ or ‘cleanest engine’ the Ombudsman Practice code, the UK Advertising Standards outlined clear instructions about the quantification Authority can pro-actively investigate a potentially and comparability of competing claims and gave all spurious claim. However, the majority of adverts are involved a set time period to sort their acts out… formally investigated following complaints from the or else. public and other parties (such as commercial rivals). Just one complaint is required to trigger a preliminary investigation, so the public has great responsibility to Future developments make noise about dubious marketing practices and During 2008 the USA are reviewing their code and alert the ASA to unclear, unfounded or misleading the UK is considering further guidance on theirs. environmental claims. It’s likely that the Australian, French and Norwegian codes will all encourage other countries to consider greenwash rules. Of course, greenwash doesn’t Global greenwash mean the same wherever you are. One apocryphal Other countries are either using the ISO standard or story has it that a climate campaign run by a large bringing in their own. The most recently published company across the UK, USA and China was accused guidance in Australia, ‘Green Marketing and Trade of greenwash in the first, hailed a brave in the second Practices Act’11, and France’s new ‘Charte’, show just and pulled because of government upset at being implicitly criticised in the last. The next twelve months should be interesting for those planning worldwide green marketing campaigns. 16
  • 19. AUS – Australia FRA – France NOR – Norway USA – United States of America UK – United Kingdom 17
  • 21. Greenwash: Annoying or dangerous? There does seem to be a lot of greenwash out there, and the temptation for more is significant. But you could question…is it really a problem?
  • 22. If you’re an ‘environmentalist’ type of person adverts for ‘eco-friendly’ SUVs are obviously annoying, but why do we get so much more upset about greenwash than the thousands of adverts that happily and legally try to sell us unsustainable products? A truly rational approach would surely rail against adverts for disposable nappies, cheap flights, water-polluting detergents and obesity-causing fast food. There’s far more money spent on advertising those destructive products and services than on greenwash. A delicate balance Destructive forces But you’d actually be right to be worried. Greenwash Greenwash eats away at that market demand by is having an insidious, measureable, and potentially confusing consumers and making them uncertain catastrophic impact. It’s actually quite simple: about buying green products. Eventually they’ll greenwash threatens the whole business rationale for stop buying based on their green preferences becoming more environmentally friendly. Greenwash altogether. Greenwash destroys the very market it is slowly eating away at the best part of the green hopes to exploit. business case. Surveys in the UK and USA show this undermining of The opening chapter of this guide revealed the consumer confidence is well underway. In fact some huge temptation of greenwash: the growing green show that 9 out of 10 of us are sceptical about green pound. In a free market economy this ‘consumer or climate change information from companies and demand’ is actually more influential than government governments14. Half of us in the UK have no idea pressure, campaigning groups’ demands or even the what to believe and 80% want to see companies back company directors’ own self-interest in preserving up ethical claims with proof15. The same is the case the environment. What the market demands the in America. Seven in ten Americans either “strongly” market often gets, and focus groups and market or “somewhat” agree that when companies call a research demonstrating growing market demand for product green it’s usually just a “marketing tactic” green products have driven the innovation and shift and therefore to be mistrusted. towards green by many major companies. You’re The continued greening of business requires the asking for and buying green products, so companies continuing, compelling business case of market are making them. If you stop, so will they. demand. The terrible irony is that greenwash may put itself out of business; by causing consumers to mistrust every green claim, no matter how justified. 20
  • 23. The Perils of ‘Ethics-wash’ Greenwash is a snappier term, but of course organisations also can ‘ethics-wash’ their products and performance. This is basically the same as greenwash, except that you substitute unsubstantiated or irrelevant environmental claims for social or ethical ones. Although much of the research for this guide has been focused on green claims, the reader may find help here for avoiding and preventing ‘ethics-wash’ too. Armaments and Defence sector
  • 25. So, what is being done about greenwash by the industry that makes the most out of it: the advertising agencies that design the adverts and of course the broadcasters and publications which accept that advertising? During the research for this guide the top 10 advertising agencies in the UK were contacted, as were the highest profile and largest sellers of advertising space. They were simply asked what they thought of greenwash and if they have a policy, training or standards on the issue. The marketers’ view Advertising agencies have the potential to play an Each was asked about their response to the challenge incredibly powerful role in convincing consumers of greenwash, whether they have any internal policy to buy green products, ultimately leading to the on the prevention of greenwash and if they offer their greening of the marketplace. But they are also the staff any training in how to avoid greenwash. originators of greenwash. Agencies are both the Any modern, conscientious industry should problem and the solution, as the authors of this manage the environmental issues of its day-to-day report, an agency ourselves, well know. operations and the advertising industry has taken this We contacted the ten agencies listed by the Institute responsibility seriously: eight out of the ten agencies of Practitioners in Advertising’s as the top London- have an internal sustainability policy. These policies based advertising companies: cover important impacts such as travel, green energy and recycling. But just as a very ‘green’ factory could 1. AMV bbdo build a very polluting product, so an agency with very 2. JWT green operations can still produce greenwash. 3. McCann Erickson Only four of the top ten agencies agreed to comment 4. Publicis London on their actual product. Of these four, only one had 5. Ogilvy any plans to extend their current green policy to 6. M&C Saatchi cover the client side of the business - how products 7. DDB London were advertised. The other three agencies all readily acknowledged the problem, but said it was 8. Saatchi & Saatchi impossible to not sell a product on its ‘differentiating 9. Euro RSCG London factor’, i.e. what makes it different to the mass of 10. RaineyKellyCampbellRoalfe other products in the marketplace. In the words of one agency’s Managing Director, “If a car company has invented the world’s first hybrid supercar - which might still be very polluting - then as an agency, we could not turn to the client and tell them to sell it on the free sat-nav instead of the environment”. Clearly there are tough choices for the advertising industry, torn between its potential to aid the environment and its power to greenwash. The industry is in real need of guidance. Perhaps therefore it is the industry’s formal bodies who are most responsible for pointing the right direction. And that is exactly what the Chartered Institute of Public Relations has recently done. 23
  • 26. PR fights back The CIPR’s Best Practice Guidelines for Radio Times Environmental Sustainability Communications16 Hello! are a laudable effort to bring some rigour to the Vanity Fair fight against greenwash, but in many ways they ask Elle more questions than they answer. It is imperative that PR Agencies build their knowledge of technical Cosmopolitan and often scientific green issues if current errors of Red judgment are to be avoided. This points towards a Grazia need for more specialisation across the sector and it Economist will be intriguing to see how the CIPR supports the Saga Magazine development of these new skills into the future. The two other major industry bodies; the Charted Institute Good Housekeeping of Marketing and the Institute of Practitioners in ITV Advertising seem not to have their own guidance for Channel 4 their large memberships, although the CIPR lesson five may encourage them to start drafting. BSkyB Advertising sales These 19 national newspapers, 16 of the best-selling So if not the agencies, then how about those magazines, and 4 of the UK’s major commercial publications and broadcasters that are funded by broadcasters taken together account for £6.77bn17 of advertising but still have a responsibility to their advertising spending per year. Out of these thirty- readers and viewers? nine media outlets, only three (yes, three) had heard of the term ‘greenwash’: one commercial broadcaster Thirty-nine of the major media sellers of advertising and two broadvertsheet newspapers. Not a single space were contacted: magazine had heard of one of the biggest, most The Times recent trends in advertising. Of course we may have The Sun unluckily picked one un-informed staff member in each organisation we spoke to and the companies The Daily Mail / Mail on Sunday could all have detailed greenwash policies. But if so, The Sunday Times their advertising sales teams don’t know about them. The Daily Telegraph / The Sunday Telegraph Of these thirty-nine media outlets, only one could The Independent / Independent on Sunday confirm they had any sort of internal policy or staff The Financial Times training in place to avoid greenwash. Once again, The Guardian / The Observer it was clear from these calls that very many media Trinity Mirror Group (5 national newspapers) outlets are concerned about their ecological impact The Daily Express / Sunday Express and are taking steps to reduce it – but this sustainable attitude does not translate into advertising policy. OK! Weekly concerned about their ecological impact and are Vogue taking steps to reduce it – but this sustainable attitude Glamour does not translate into advertising policy. Heat Many publications said they could not foresee a time What’s on TV when adverts making misjudged green claims would Marie Claire 24
  • 27. be turned away, with one Ad Sales Manager saying, response or standard for greenwash. Yet they are “To be frank, what needs to happen is that the willing to start a discussion. There is however, one general public begins to understand that some missing factor in this: the advertising buyers, those adverts are environmentally obscene - but let’s face companies and organisations that pay the advertising it, for the moment environmental concern is certainly agencies to design their adverts and pay the media not on a par with depiction of violence or nudity”. outlets to display them. Asked why they had no policy on greenwash or Unfortunately calling every company in the country green advertising, many interviewees said, quite for their policy on greenwash was beyond the reasonably, that their organisation could not be scope of this report. We have however, managed expected to verify the green claims in every ad they to interview some brave businesses that have been print. They simply do not have the time or budgets stung by criticisms of greenwash, and who are for such a mammoth task - instead, all organisations prepared to share their war wounds and learning. were happy to follow the ASA’s lead, and would welcome stronger guidance from the Authority. It seems that both the advertising sellers and creators are still on the first steps towards an industry
  • 28. Goodbye greenwash What’s to be done? From our research we’ve learnt it’s quite easy to prevent greenwash. But companies, communications agencies and consumers will all need to learn a few new tricks…
  • 29. British Gas case study British Gas has a long history of positive green action. They use green messaging in advertising and marketing across a range of issues, from new products and services to offering free home insulation to the over 70s and those on benefits. As they put it; without advertising how else are people going to know the offers are there? Although they believe that ‘green’ is still a growing competitive issue in the energy market, it has been shown to be one reason why people stay with their providers. And British Gas hasn’t been coy about getting out and telling customers about their commitments. But they haven’t been free of criticism, and their advertising for a ‘Zero Carbon Tariff’ (a green energy and offset product) was pulled up by the ASA for being potentially misleading. At the time British Gas responded to the ruling, by arguing that they had the independent evidence to support their claim. Their evidence demonstrated that customers are familiar with the ‘zero-carbon’ terminology and wouldn’t find it misleading (of course all activities have some carbon footprint – even breathing). Their assertion that they had the greenest energy tariff had been based on a comparison of green supply offerings from the independent group Energy Watch. They still feel that it’s important for the ASA to see claims from a customer perspective rather than simply a rule- based one, but they have gained some important insights from their experience. Firstly that the word ‘green’ is far too subjective and that companies should be as specific as possible (hence British Gas focus on low carbon emissions). Avoiding caveats is also important - too many asterisks or brackets and you lose both the power of your marketing message, and also the understanding of your audience. It’s also crucial to make sure the lines of communication between your creative team and your legal team are open. These two groups don’t always speak the same language but when it comes to environmental claims they may have to learn translation. Finally, British Gas recommends that companies only use green messages when they’re helping their customers understand something or offering them something new. If you’re too insular you might forget the perils of greenwash.
  • 30. The learnings from British Gas’ experience (supplemented by others who wish to remain anonymous) uncover some simple steps that can be taken by companies, agencies and the public to stamp out greenwash. Six easy steps for companies Step 1: Step 2: Know thyself Be green by design, not luck Before even starting to think about a green marketing If after Step 1 you realise you’re not as green as you campaign: work out if you’re green or not. thought then you’ll need to innovate. The easiest products and services to promote responsibly Pick the products or services you wish to promote are those specifically designed to be green or on green grounds with care, and beware of your re-designed to be so, not those where you have company’s overall reputation in the area (you could searched for a green aspect. ‘Green by design’ be making energy-saving light bulbs while polluting products are likely to have undergone a full ‘life- local rivers). cycle analysis’ of the impact of their source materials, Knowing yourself will help you avoid three easy through manufacture and distribution, impacts of mistakes; use and finally how they affect the environment once ready to be disposed of. • Firstly, take care when promoting a single green attribute of a product when the rest of the product is not e.g. bio-degradable packaging around an Step 3: energy-inefficient product. Check and check again • Notice when creative teams get excited by Once you’ve got something worth talking about, you learning you’re the greenest ‘in your class of need to make some checks. Many companies bring in products’, remember if your ‘class’ is that of super external experts to help design green products, or to heavy SUVs then consumers might laugh you off test an ‘eco-redesign’ of current products. Of course, the stage. there are those much neglected internal experts as well: your ‘Sustainability’ or ‘Corporate Social • Relevance has already been touched upon; be Responsibility’ team. If you are a FTSE 100 company aware that consumers might be dubious of bold these fonts of knowledge and experience on green claims about a ‘dolphin-friendly’ chicken pie or issues are there already, but other companies a ‘CFC-free’ product (being as CFCs have been increasingly have internal experts. Not only are they effectively banned since 1989) likely to be your harshest critics (they know the One of the mistakes we’re not going to dwell upon mouldy green skeletons in the company closest), is deliberate lying. If that is your intention then we they can also provide audited data on your overall apologise if the title of this greenwash guide was company footprint. misleading: we’re not here to help with that. Our Search out both these internal and external experts presumption is that most greenwash is perpetrated in and ask their opinion before embarking on green ignorance or over-enthusiasm, not out of mendacity. promotions. Of course that type of greenwash does exist, and this report advises agencies and consumers on how to spot it. But simply telling you not to be naughty isn’t going to make much difference is it? 28
  • 31. Step 4: Choose your friends wisely Inviting third parties to endorse your product (in the Eco-friendly form of labels and respected organisations’ logos) is Natural a powerful indicator to customers of your integrity. Non-toxic Don’t be tempted by easy options or half-hearted Green initiatives. The big labels are hard to reach and that’s exactly why they are trusted. Pollutant-free Carbon neutral Now you’re ready to plan a campaign. In a report Ethical written by a specialist green communications agency it might seem pushy to say ‘choose your agency with Fair care’. But if you seem to know more about the issue Recyclable than your agency, it would be wise to check their copy. Low-impact Environmentally friendly Step 5: Energy efficient Remember words can hurt you Low carbon Not tested on animals Long gone are the days when ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘non- Clean toxic’ would cut it. Some terms like ‘organic’ now have legal definitions and others (such as Fairtrade) Zero carbon are copyrighted. If you like the following terms, Zero waste take care to justify what you mean by them, and if in doubt, contact the ASA’s free Copy Advice Service. Don’t forget that images can also give a misleading impression. A poster showing flowers coming out of a oil refinery stack very well may be considered misleading (yes, it did happen). Examples of good certification schemes. Clockwise from top left: Kitemark®, Marine Stewardship Council, Forest Stewardship Council, the Fairtrade Foundation and Soil Association 29
  • 32. Step 6: Greenwash health check Although your campaign might be rigorous in its claims, don’t forget that greenwash can pop up across your communications, from advertising, via CEO speeches or PR, to your product packaging. It’s a good idea to health-check all channels for greenwash infestation. Communications channels susceptible to greenwash 30
  • 33. Three even easier steps for But together we can communications agencies The Climate Group’s campaign Together Step 1: has been called “the best inoculation against Be clear greenwash”. This is a consumer campaign (and label) that companies can join if they Develop a clear agency policy on greenwash and meet certain criteria: train your account teams and creatives on the easy mistakes that can be made. Have an escalation process for them to raise concerns or questions to • Firstly the company has to sign up to management. the Climate Group’s principles and demonstrate a credible policy for Step 2: reducing their own emissions Make some new friends • Together campaigns must promote a solution or product that has a It’s also a good idea to secure a green advisor or two measureable impact on reducing carbon who can check claims. People who have worked for pressure groups (and have scientific qualifications in • The solution must be a new initiative (but the subject) are excellent at this, and also rather not necessarily new technology). They enjoy it. give the example of Marks and Spencer re-labelling their clothes to take account of green issues. Step 3: • Finally, and most importantly, a Together Stand up and be counted solution has to make climate action But remember to let your clients know your policy in easier, cheaper or more appealing for advance. It’s never fun to have to point out ‘that we customers. don’t do greenwash I’m afraid’ after you’ve already been commissioned. Publish your policy and they’ll know to go elsewhere for dirty tricks. Of course, we If a company can meet these criteria then all find ourselves in difficult positions sometimes, but they can use the Together logo on the if you’ve taken Step 1 then your staff will know it’s marketing for that specific product. The OK to say ‘no’. power of Together is that it’s never used for companies, only for ideas and products which help you, the consumer, reduce your own carbon footprint. Keep an eye out for it. 31
  • 37. 15
  • 38. A virtuous or vicious cycle So what can we expect in the coming months and years from the greenwashers? From our research and interviews here are a few predictions on what we’ve got coming, both the good and bad. Cyber greenwash The Advertising Standards Authority covers obvious adverts and PR, but what about the blogs, virals and wikipedias of cyber space? One of the least pleasant forms of greenwash around is called ‘astroturfing’, and we’re likely to see more of it. According to said Wikipedia, ‘astroturfing’ is: “The term is a wordplay based on ‘grassroots democracy’ efforts, which are truly spontaneous undertakings largely sustained by private persons (not politicians, governments, corporations, or public relations firms). ‘AstroTurf’ refers to the bright green artificial grass used in some sports stadiums, so ‘astroturfing’ refers to imitating or faking popular (‘grassroots’) opinion or behaviour.” Watch your mouse Online ‘astroturfing’ means quotes from the public, blogs written by interested individuals, spontaneous email chains, and yes, even Wikipedia pages that seem to be put together by
  • 39. ordinary folk, but which in fact are the careful creations of PR firms hired by greenwashers. A moment’s thought shows how widespread this could be. Luckily, surveys prove that we grade online information as the least trustworthy of all types. Keep your greenwash antennae extra sensitive online and check the sources of all pseudo- sounding science or green claims. How long until the first green ‘spam’ email? Actually, it’s probably already happened. Global standards The International Standards Organisation has their own green claims code, yet a number of national governments have felt the need to develop their own. Cultural differences, green awareness levels and even political affiliations all affect how a society judges greenwash. It seems likely that greenwash will begin to raise questions at an international level. National governments may even consider penalising national companies who greenwash overseas. Raising the bar The good news is that with a growing market comes growing competition, and we are all likely to be offered more specifically designed green products, and much greener versions of old favourites. If we buy them we’ll get even more. However, this opens up a risk for business. A product that looks ‘pretty green’ in 2008 might just look like greenwash by 2009.
  • 40. A greener future If we project the current speed of growth in green consumption in the UK then the ‘green pound’ could be worth £53.76bn in five years and nearly £180bn by 2022. That kind of market is going to have a real and lasting positive impact on the planet and probably make us all a bit happier. 14
  • 41. But if greenwash follows a similar trajectory then a tipping point will soon be reached. Too much greenwash and we’ll stop buying based on companies’ green claims. That will crush the greenwash threat, but take the chance for consumer-led green market revolution with it. With all that that means for eco-systems, the climate and our quality of life. The authors of this report prefer a second vision. We hope consumers will punish greenwashers through avoiding their products, advertising agencies will refuse to work for them and media outlets won’t take their adverts. Instead we all will eagerly buy, and buy again, the products with good, justifiable green claims. Soon greenwash is a term out of history books and a positive feedback loop begins the long slow climb to an eco-friendly market place. And yes, we know we just used ‘eco-friendly’. Sorry. 39
  • 42. Learn more Defra and DTI: Green Claims – Practical Guidance: How to Make a Good Environmental Claim, November 2003 Forum for the Future and Business for Social Responsibility: Eco-promising: Communicating the environmental credentials of your products and services, April 2008 TerraChoice: The 6 Sins of Greenwashing, November 2007 40
  • 43. End notes 1 Accountability and Consumers International: How to Make a Good Environmental Claim, What Assures Consumers on Climate Change?, November 2003 p.23 (June 2007) 11 Australian Competition and Consumer 2 The Co-operative Bank: Ethical Consumerism Commission: Green Marketing and the Trade Report 2007, p. 10 Practices Act, February 2008 3 BBC News: “British organic food sales soar”, 12 Bureau de Vérification de la Publicité: “Pour 22 December 2005 (Source: Mintel in-house une publicité éco-responsable et une nouvelle research, 2005) régulation professionnelle”, 11 April 2008 4 The Co-operative Bank: Ethical Consumerism 13 Norwegian Consumer Ombudsman’s Office: Report 2007, p. 2 Use of Environmental Claims in the Marketing of Vehicles, 3 September 2007 5 Ibid. 14 Accountability and Consumers International: 6 The Guardian: “The rise and rise of the ethical What Assures Consumers on Climate Change?, consumer”, 6 November 2006 (Source: Ipsos-Mori p.23 (June 2007) survey, 2006) 15 Ethical Corporation, “Greenwashing – consumers 7 Admap Magazine: “Green is the Colour”, getting wise”, 14 November 2007 December 2007 16 Chartered Institute of Public Relations: CIPR 8 Concise Oxford English Dictionary, 10th Edition Best Practice Guidelines For Environmental 9 US Environmental Protection Agency website Sustainability Communications, March 2007 10 Defra and DTI: Green Claims – Practical Guidance: 17 Advertising Association, 2007 Disclaimer: The text of this Greenwash Guide reflects the intellectual opinion of Futerra following our research, and not the views or opinions of other third parties. We have endeavoured to afford all interviewees and participants the most transparent process of interview; all interviews were carried out with the participants’ full knowledge of the end-use of the interview material.The presence of the Fairtrade Foundation, Marine Stewardship Council, Soil Association, British Standards, and FSC marks does not imply that those organisations are in any way supportive of, connected to, or have authorised, the text and images in this booklet. The logos for the Climate Group and the Together campaign are printed as an illustrative means of showing our thanks only. None of these three organisations have endorsed, or are connected to, the content of the Greenwash Guide; nor is our use of the logos meant to imply that this is the case. Art direction, design and illustration: Futerra. Photographs on cover and inside front cover by Bonnie Lo. All other photographs from iStockphoto.
  • 44. About the Authors For more information on Futerra is a communications agency. We do the things great agencies do; have bright ideas, our services, or to see if captivate consumers, build energetic websites we could help you, visit one day and grab opinion formers’ attention www.futerra.co.uk or call the next. We’re very good at it. +44(0) 207 549 4700 But the real difference is that since our To find out more foundation in 2001, we’ve only ever worked information about on green issues, corporate responsibility and greenwash please email sustainability. info@futerra.co.uk Futerra is extremely thankful for help and advice from: The UK Advertising Standards Authority The Climate Group British Gas And all those who responded to our market research calls.