You Only Look One-level Featureの解説と見せかけた物体検出のよもやま話Yusuke Uchida
You Only Look One-level Featureの解説と、YOLO系の雑談や、物体検出における関連する手法等を広く説明しています
Old slides used in a lab lecture. A summary of object detection from its early days to single-shot systems.
[DL輪読会]Generative Models of Visually Grounded ImaginationDeep Learning JP
The document proposes a new model for visually grounded semantic imagination that can generate images from linguistic descriptions of concepts specified by attributes. The model uses a variational autoencoder with three inference networks to handle images, attributes, and missing modalities. It represents the attribute inference distribution as the product of expert Gaussians, allowing generation of concepts not seen during training by combining learned attributes. The paper introduces three criteria for evaluating such models: correctness, coverage, and compositionality.
cvpaper.challengeにおいてECCVのOral論文をまとめた「ECCV 2020 報告」です。
ECCV2020 Oral論文 完全読破(2/2) []
pp. 7-10 ECCVトレンド
pp. 12-81 3D geometry & reconstruction
pp. 82-137 Geometry, mapping and tracking
pp. 138-206 Image and Video synthesis
pp. 207-252 Learning methods
cvpaper.challengeにおいてECCVのOral論文をまとめた「ECCV 2020 報告」です。
ECCV2020 Oral論文 完全読破(2/2) []
pp. 7-10 ECCVトレンド
pp. 12-81 3D geometry & reconstruction
pp. 82-137 Geometry, mapping and tracking
pp. 138-206 Image and Video synthesis
pp. 207-252 Learning methods
cvpaper.challenge の Meta Study Group 発表スライド
cvpaper.challenge はコンピュータビジョン分野の今を映し、トレンドを創り出す挑戦です。論文サマリ・アイディア考案・議論・実装・論文投稿に取り組み、凡ゆる知識を共有します。2019の目標「トップ会議30+本投稿」「2回以上のトップ会議網羅的サーベイ」
Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-identification. (CVPR2018)
Weekly Supervised Person Re-Identification (CVPR2019)
p7タイトル: "Do Better ImageNet Models Transfer Better? " -> "What makes ImageNet good for transfer learning?"の誤りでした。大変申し訳ございません。
cvpaper.challenge の メタサーベイ発表スライドです。
This document summarizes a paper titled "DeepI2P: Image-to-Point Cloud Registration via Deep Classification". The paper proposes a method for estimating the camera pose within a point cloud map using a deep learning model. The model first classifies whether points in the point cloud fall within the camera's frustum or image grid. It then performs pose optimization to estimate the camera pose by minimizing the projection error of inlier points onto the image. The method achieves more accurate camera pose estimation compared to existing techniques based on feature matching or depth estimation. It provides a new approach for camera localization using point cloud maps without requiring cross-modal feature learning.
4. Viola & Johnsのアルゴリズム
Rainer Lienhartand JochenMaydt, "An Extended Set of Haar-like Features for Rapid Object Detection", IEEE ICIP 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 900- 903, Sep. 2002.
Ojalaand M. Pietikainen, “MultiresolutionGray-Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns”, IEEE Trans on PAMI, Vol. 24. No.7, July, 2002.(LBPの論文)
Paul Viola and Michael J. Jones, "Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features",
IEEE CVPR, 2001. 4
21. Local Binary Pattern (LBP)
Jo Chang-yeon, “Face Detection using LBP features”, CS 229 Final Project Report
•注目画素の8近傍の値が、注目画素より高いか低いかで ラベリングし、符号化
22. Local Binary Pattern (LBP)続き
Jo Chang-yeon, “Face Detection using LBP features”, CS 229 Final Project Report
•顔画像をM個のブロックへ分割(重なりなし)し、それぞれ のヒストグラムを求めて結合する(256×M個のビン)
23. Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)
Dalal, N. & Triggs, B. . Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection. CVPR2005