Introduction for Vagrant and Docker provider.
This presentation is prepared for Docker Meetup Tokyo 2014 #1 in 12, Feb, 2014 at National Institute of Informatics.
Copyright 2014, NTT Data Corporation.
Published on Feb 11, 2014
Introduction for Vagrant and Docker provider.
This presentation is prepared for Docker Meetup Tokyo 2014 #1 in 12, Feb, 2014 at National Institute of Informatics.
Copyright 2014, NTT Data Corporation.
Ansible Container is a tool that uses Ansible playbooks to build and deploy Docker containers. It was created because Ansible is commonly used to manage containers, shell scripts are limited, and Ansible can bridge containers to orchestration tools. With Ansible Container, a playbook replaces the Dockerfile for building images from roles and tasks. It aims to end the need for complex shell scripts by providing a simple way to build, run, push and deploy containers using Ansible. Key commands are init to set up project files, build to build the image, run to start containers, and push to upload images to a registry.
This document discusses migrating the HoiClue website from a shared server to AWS. It outlines the current infrastructure with the shared server and WordPress CMS. It then describes setting up a test environment in AWS with Elastic Beanstalk, EC2 instances, RDS, ElastiCache, S3, CloudFront, and Route 53. Cost estimates are provided for the test environment. Finally, it discusses the planned production infrastructure in AWS and performance testing of the test environment.
Aws ebs snapshot with iam cross account accessNaoya Hashimoto
This document provides instructions for setting up cross-account access to take EBS snapshots in AWS. It describes creating IAM roles in the target and own accounts to allow the EC2 instance to assume a role and take snapshots. Ruby scripts are used on the EC2 instance to take snapshots and rotate them based on a cron job. Required packages and steps to set up the environment are also outlined.
AWS CloudFormation template with single & redundant systemNaoya Hashimoto
* Use CloudFormation to create Stacks composed of VPC, Internet Gateway, Route Table, ELB, EC2 Instance, EBS Volumes
* Single pattern with EC2 Instances WEB server and DB server with the same AZ
* Redundant pattern with EC2 Instances WEB server and DB server with multi-AZ
This document discusses system migration solutions for moving existing systems to the AWS cloud. It describes the speaker's experience migrating 100 VMs from an on-premise VMware environment to AWS. Several commercial migration solutions are presented, including CloudVelocity One Hybrid Cloud and Yuruware Bolt VTA, which aim to minimize downtime during migration. The document also covers using AWS VM Import/Export to import virtual machine images from VMware or Hyper-V directly into AWS as Amazon Machine Images.
14. # monit -c /etc/monit.conf summary
The Monit daemon 5.3.2 uptime: 27d 7h 36m
Process 'syslogd' Running
Process 'sshd' Running
Process 'ntpd' Running
Process 'cron' Running
System 'system_mgm01' Running