Bekoji is a small town in the Ethiopian highlands where daily life involves long distances on foot to fetch water and firewood. The thin air at the town's high altitude of nearly 10,000 feet above sea level provides natural high-altitude training. Additionally, the people of Bekoji have disproportionately long legs, advantageous for distance running. Many of the world's best distance runners have come from Bekoji, motivated by local legends like Olympic gold medalist Derartu Tulu and the potential for success to improve their lives. Thousands of children from surrounding villages now crowd the school in hopes of becoming the next great runner from Bekoji.
The passage discusses the history and traditions of high school proms in America. It notes that proms first emerged in the 1920s and became common by the 1930s. Originally, proms were modest affairs held in school gymnasiums. However, since the 1960s and especially the 1980s, proms have become exaggerated displays of excess consumption, with expensive clothing, limousines, and after-parties. For many teenagers, prom night can be a traumatic experience dealing with peer pressure and relationships. In response, alternative proms have been organized since the 1990s to meet the needs of all students.
Bekoji is a small town in the Ethiopian highlands where daily life involves long distances on foot to fetch water and firewood. The thin air at the town's high altitude of nearly 10,000 feet above sea level provides natural high-altitude training. Additionally, the people of Bekoji have disproportionately long legs, advantageous for distance running. Many of the world's best distance runners have come from Bekoji, motivated by local legends like Olympic gold medalist Derartu Tulu and the potential for success to improve their lives. Thousands of children from surrounding villages now crowd the school in hopes of becoming the next great runner from Bekoji.
The passage discusses the history and traditions of high school proms in America. It notes that proms first emerged in the 1920s and became common by the 1930s. Originally, proms were modest affairs held in school gymnasiums. However, since the 1960s and especially the 1980s, proms have become exaggerated displays of excess consumption, with expensive clothing, limousines, and after-parties. For many teenagers, prom night can be a traumatic experience dealing with peer pressure and relationships. In response, alternative proms have been organized since the 1990s to meet the needs of all students.
1) Wetas are a type of grasshopper-like insect found only in New Zealand. The Maori people nicknamed them "weta", meaning "god of bad looks" due to their bulky and ugly appearance.
2) Wetas are nocturnal and live in caves and trees. Giant wetas can grow over 3 inches long and weigh up to 1.5 ounces. They communicate by rubbing body parts together.
3) Wetas have lived in New Zealand since dinosaurs but are now endangered due to introduced rats that prey on them. The growing rat population poses a serious threat to the native weta population.
Football teaches valuable lessons about teamwork and cooperation. It shows players that they must work together with their teammates to succeed. Former players understand that society also requires cooperation between individuals. They know their role is to contribute as a member of a team for the good of the larger community. Teamwork is essential to modern living, and all citizens must play their part for a nation to prosper.
This document contains an English reading comprehension test with 30 multiple choice questions and summaries of 3 passages.
The first passage discusses how young adults influence household clothing purchases and how mothers look to their daughters as trend experts. Department stores have found success appealing to both mothers and daughters.
The second passage compares fresh onions and storage onions. Fresh onions are available in various colors from March to August and have thin skins, while storage onions are available from August to April and have thick, dark skins.
The third passage discusses potential health risks of bottled water from plastic chemicals and bacteria growth during improper storage. Bottled water also contributes to global warming and solid waste problems due to lack of recycling.
Mr. Lin is a very productive writer who publishes five novels each year. Taking warm baths can sometimes relieve lower back pain. Peter drank coffee to stay awake in class after staying up late. Due to inflation, prices for daily necessities have increased. The government is trying to preserve the cultures of tribal peoples.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.