The document lists over 80 functions available in the REXX programming language, including functions to manipulate strings, numbers, dates, storage, and streams. Some key functions are ABS to return the absolute value of a number, DATE to return the current date, LENGTH to return the length of a string, SUBSTR to extract a substring, and VALUE to query or change the value of a variable. The functions provide capabilities for text manipulation, mathematical operations, programming logic, and interacting with the operating environment.
The velocity of a vector function is the absolute value of its tangent vector. The speed of a vector function is the length of its velocity vector, and the arc length (distance traveled) is the integral of speed.
The document discusses matrices and determinants. It defines a matrix as a rectangular table with numbers or formulas as entries. It provides examples of 2x2 and 3x3 matrices. The document explains that square matrices have a number called the determinant extracted from them. It then discusses how the 2x2 determinant represents the signed area of a parallelogram defined by the row vectors, and explores properties of the sign of the determinant. Finally, it suggests generalizing these concepts to 3x3 determinants.
1. The document outlines different data structures in R including vectors, matrices, arrays, lists, and data frames.
2. It discusses how to subset and coerce between these different structures and provides examples to experiment with.
3. The last section involves loading quiz data and answering questions to test understanding of the differences between vectors, lists, matrices, and data frames.
The document discusses the calculation of work done by a force on an object moving along a curve in a vector field. It defines a vector field as a function that assigns a vector to each point in space, representing the force. For a constant force along a straight line, work is calculated as the dot product of the force and displacement vectors. This concept is generalized to calculate work for a varying force along a curved path by partitioning the curve into small line segments, taking the dot product of the force and incremental displacement vectors, and taking the limit as the segment size approaches zero, yielding a line integral formulation for work as the integral of the force dotted with velocity over the curve.
The document discusses general partial derivatives and the chain rule. It defines partial derivatives for functions of multiple variables as holding all other variables constant. It provides an example function z = f(v,w,x,y) and explains how to compute the partial derivatives dz/dx, dz/dy by treating the other variables as constants. The chain rule is introduced for functions of composite variables, where the derivative dz/dt is the sum of the products of partial derivatives along all paths from z to the variable t. An example using this chain rule is worked out in detail. Variable trees are presented as a way to visualize the relationships between composite variables in a chain.
1. This tutorial covers using the ggplot2 package in R to visualize data. It demonstrates basic functions like qplot() to produce plots with a single line of code.
2. qplot() is used to visualize relationships in the diamonds dataset between variables like price and carat using scatter plots. Additional parameters like color and shape map variables to different plot aspects.
3. Other geoms like smooth, boxplot, and histogram are used to add trends, summarize distributions, and compare groups in the data. Faceting allows splitting plots by variables. Maps from other packages can also be visualized.
The document discusses double integrals in polar coordinates. It defines a domain D bounded by functions r1(θ) and r2(θ) between angles A and B. It partitions the domain into tiles of widths Δr and Δθ and approximates the area and volume integrals using sums over the tiles. The volume integral over the domain D of a function z=f(r,θ) is written as a double integral in polar coordinates from r1 to r2 and θ from A to B.
The document provides an outline and summary of topics to be covered in Part 2 of "The Go Programming Language" presentation, including composite types, methods, and interfaces. The outline includes exercises on Fibonacci numbers, composite types like structures, arrays, slices, and maps. It then goes into more detail on these composite types, explaining how to declare, initialize, and use them. It also covers methods and how they are declared separately but attached to types, and briefly mentions interfaces will be covered tomorrow.
The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 26 of 196Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Ring provides several functions for manipulating strings. Strings can be accessed like lists, with individual characters retrieved using indexes. Functions like len(), lower(), upper(), left(), right(), and trim() allow manipulating case and extracting substrings. Strings can be compared using strcmp() and converted to and from lists with str2list() and list2str(). Substr() supports finding, extracting, and replacing substrings.
The document discusses triple integrals and their use in calculating the mass of an object with a non-uniform density distribution. It defines a triple integral as the limit of Riemann sums used to approximate the mass of an object partitioned into subvolumes. For a continuous density function over a rectangular region, the triple integral can be written as an iterated integral and evaluated in any order of integration. Examples are given of defining the bounding region of a solid object using set notation for different types of boundary domains.
The document outlines various derivative rules including:
- The power rule for derivatives of functions with exponents like x^n.
- Sum and difference rules for derivatives of sums and differences of functions.
- Product and quotient rules for derivatives of products and quotients of functions.
- The chain rule for derivatives of composite functions like f(g(x)).
- Derivative rules for common trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions.
Examples are provided to demonstrate how to apply each rule to find derivatives.
The document defines two types of nonrectangular domains for double integrals. Type 1 is bounded by continuous functions y=f(x) and y=g(x) with a < x < b. Type 2 is bounded by continuous functions x=f(y) and x=g(y) with c < y < d. It provides an example of evaluating a double integral over a Type 1 domain bounded by y=x and y=2x-x^2, finding the volume over the domain to be 120/7. It also discusses describing the domains and the order of integration depends on the type of domain.
Scientific Computing with Python Webinar March 19: 3D Visualization with MayaviEnthought, Inc.
In this webinar, Didrik Pinte provides an introduction to MayaVi, the 3D interactive visualization library for the open source Enthought Tool Suite. These tools provide scientists and engineers a sophisticated Python development framework for analysis and visualization.
Today's presentation will cover reshaping data using the reshape2 package and creating tables in LaTeX using the xtables package. It will demonstrate melting and casting data to change its format, and how to style tables created with xtables to follow best practices using features from the booktabs package. Advanced techniques for xtables include adding captions, labels, and removing row names.
The document discusses calculating the area of a region R. It introduces using a ruler x to measure the span of R from x=a to x=b. It defines the cross-sectional length L(x) and partitions the interval [a,b] into subintervals. The Riemann sum of the areas of approximating rectangles is shown to approach the actual area of R, defined as the definite integral of L(x) from a to b. As an example, it calculates the area between the curves y=-x^2+2x and y=x^2 by finding the interval spans from 0 to 1 and taking the integral of the difference of the functions.
The NumPy library provides multidimensional array objects and tools for working with these arrays. It allows users to create arrays, perform arithmetic operations on arrays, manipulate array shapes, combine and split arrays, and more. NumPy arrays can be inspected, saved/loaded from files, sorted, and copied.
The closed interval method tells us how to find the extreme values of a continuous function defined on a closed, bounded interval: we check the end points and the critical points.
This Mathematica code plots the hyperbolic tangent function Tanh[x] from -10 to 10, then plots scaled and modified versions of Tanh[x] by multiplying it by constants and adding polynomial terms inside the function. It demonstrates how changing the parameters inside Tanh[] alters the shape of the plotted function.
Ce document est imprimable par rapport à l'original qui ne l'est pas. Le document original se trouve à cette URL:
Neha Gupta has over 7 years of experience as a DB2 Database Administrator for z/OS. She has extensive experience creating and maintaining database objects, privileges, and utilities in test and production environments. She is proficient in JCL, has participated in system upgrades, and has successfully handled 24x7 on-call production support. She has worked as a DBA for telecommunications companies Telstra and Sprint, maintaining their DB2 databases and providing support to application teams.
Shows some advanced REXX techniques to make your programs more efficient and more readable for easier debugging. Also describes some tips for creating file and program structures not discussed in a typical REXX class.
This document provides tips for improving productivity in TSO/ISPF. It discusses logging on using different 3278 terminal types, starting ISPF directly from the logon command, customizing ISPF settings such as log and list defaults, and using the ISPF editor more efficiently with features like masks, bounds, and macros. The overall goals are to describe ways to set up ISPF for maximum efficiency and learn techniques for getting more out of the editor.
This session is aimed at the regular ISPF user who wants to learn about recent features of ISPF that can make life easier, and also at those that want to learn about the new features for ISPF in z/OS V2R2.
z/OS Small Enhancements - Episode 2016AMarna Walle
This presentation covers small enhancements from older z/OS releases. You might have missed little functions that are helpful, but you never knew existed! The content of each of these z/OS Small Enhancements changes every half year (Episode A and Episode B each year).
The Ring programming language version 1.5.3 book - Part 35 of 184Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document provides documentation on various functions available in the Ring programming language standard library (stdlib). It describes functions for generating permutations, reading lines from a file, finding substrings, changing substrings, sleeping, checking if a file is the main source file, checking if a directory exists, making directories, getting file sizes, trimming strings, getting the epoch time, executing system commands, listing all files in a folder, and more. It also provides details on classes in the stdlib like the String, List, Stack, Queue, HashTable, Tree, Math, DateTime, File, and other classes along with their methods.
The document provides a revision table comparing the key properties and functions of strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries in Python.
It defines each data type and provides examples of their initialization and use. It also summarizes common operations like indexing, slicing, membership testing, comparison operators and various functions that can be performed on each data type like joining, traversing, modifying and retrieving values. Finally, it lists some practice questions focusing on operations related to these fundamental Python data types.
PostgreSQL provides several data types for storing different kinds of data. It supports standard SQL data types like integers, floats, characters, and timestamps. It also provides range, network, geometric, and JSON data types. PostgreSQL allows arrays, composite types, and domains to define constraints on columns. Additional types like hstore and XML are provided by extensions. Indexes can be created on columns and expressions to improve query performance. Tables can be partitioned using table inheritance.
The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 26 of 196Mahmoud Samir Fayed
Ring provides several functions for manipulating strings. Strings can be accessed like lists, with individual characters retrieved using indexes. Functions like len(), lower(), upper(), left(), right(), and trim() allow manipulating case and extracting substrings. Strings can be compared using strcmp() and converted to and from lists with str2list() and list2str(). Substr() supports finding, extracting, and replacing substrings.
The document discusses triple integrals and their use in calculating the mass of an object with a non-uniform density distribution. It defines a triple integral as the limit of Riemann sums used to approximate the mass of an object partitioned into subvolumes. For a continuous density function over a rectangular region, the triple integral can be written as an iterated integral and evaluated in any order of integration. Examples are given of defining the bounding region of a solid object using set notation for different types of boundary domains.
The document outlines various derivative rules including:
- The power rule for derivatives of functions with exponents like x^n.
- Sum and difference rules for derivatives of sums and differences of functions.
- Product and quotient rules for derivatives of products and quotients of functions.
- The chain rule for derivatives of composite functions like f(g(x)).
- Derivative rules for common trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions.
Examples are provided to demonstrate how to apply each rule to find derivatives.
The document defines two types of nonrectangular domains for double integrals. Type 1 is bounded by continuous functions y=f(x) and y=g(x) with a < x < b. Type 2 is bounded by continuous functions x=f(y) and x=g(y) with c < y < d. It provides an example of evaluating a double integral over a Type 1 domain bounded by y=x and y=2x-x^2, finding the volume over the domain to be 120/7. It also discusses describing the domains and the order of integration depends on the type of domain.
Scientific Computing with Python Webinar March 19: 3D Visualization with MayaviEnthought, Inc.
In this webinar, Didrik Pinte provides an introduction to MayaVi, the 3D interactive visualization library for the open source Enthought Tool Suite. These tools provide scientists and engineers a sophisticated Python development framework for analysis and visualization.
Today's presentation will cover reshaping data using the reshape2 package and creating tables in LaTeX using the xtables package. It will demonstrate melting and casting data to change its format, and how to style tables created with xtables to follow best practices using features from the booktabs package. Advanced techniques for xtables include adding captions, labels, and removing row names.
The document discusses calculating the area of a region R. It introduces using a ruler x to measure the span of R from x=a to x=b. It defines the cross-sectional length L(x) and partitions the interval [a,b] into subintervals. The Riemann sum of the areas of approximating rectangles is shown to approach the actual area of R, defined as the definite integral of L(x) from a to b. As an example, it calculates the area between the curves y=-x^2+2x and y=x^2 by finding the interval spans from 0 to 1 and taking the integral of the difference of the functions.
The NumPy library provides multidimensional array objects and tools for working with these arrays. It allows users to create arrays, perform arithmetic operations on arrays, manipulate array shapes, combine and split arrays, and more. NumPy arrays can be inspected, saved/loaded from files, sorted, and copied.
The closed interval method tells us how to find the extreme values of a continuous function defined on a closed, bounded interval: we check the end points and the critical points.
This Mathematica code plots the hyperbolic tangent function Tanh[x] from -10 to 10, then plots scaled and modified versions of Tanh[x] by multiplying it by constants and adding polynomial terms inside the function. It demonstrates how changing the parameters inside Tanh[] alters the shape of the plotted function.
Ce document est imprimable par rapport à l'original qui ne l'est pas. Le document original se trouve à cette URL:
Neha Gupta has over 7 years of experience as a DB2 Database Administrator for z/OS. She has extensive experience creating and maintaining database objects, privileges, and utilities in test and production environments. She is proficient in JCL, has participated in system upgrades, and has successfully handled 24x7 on-call production support. She has worked as a DBA for telecommunications companies Telstra and Sprint, maintaining their DB2 databases and providing support to application teams.
Shows some advanced REXX techniques to make your programs more efficient and more readable for easier debugging. Also describes some tips for creating file and program structures not discussed in a typical REXX class.
This document provides tips for improving productivity in TSO/ISPF. It discusses logging on using different 3278 terminal types, starting ISPF directly from the logon command, customizing ISPF settings such as log and list defaults, and using the ISPF editor more efficiently with features like masks, bounds, and macros. The overall goals are to describe ways to set up ISPF for maximum efficiency and learn techniques for getting more out of the editor.
This session is aimed at the regular ISPF user who wants to learn about recent features of ISPF that can make life easier, and also at those that want to learn about the new features for ISPF in z/OS V2R2.
z/OS Small Enhancements - Episode 2016AMarna Walle
This presentation covers small enhancements from older z/OS releases. You might have missed little functions that are helpful, but you never knew existed! The content of each of these z/OS Small Enhancements changes every half year (Episode A and Episode B each year).
The Ring programming language version 1.5.3 book - Part 35 of 184Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document provides documentation on various functions available in the Ring programming language standard library (stdlib). It describes functions for generating permutations, reading lines from a file, finding substrings, changing substrings, sleeping, checking if a file is the main source file, checking if a directory exists, making directories, getting file sizes, trimming strings, getting the epoch time, executing system commands, listing all files in a folder, and more. It also provides details on classes in the stdlib like the String, List, Stack, Queue, HashTable, Tree, Math, DateTime, File, and other classes along with their methods.
The document provides a revision table comparing the key properties and functions of strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries in Python.
It defines each data type and provides examples of their initialization and use. It also summarizes common operations like indexing, slicing, membership testing, comparison operators and various functions that can be performed on each data type like joining, traversing, modifying and retrieving values. Finally, it lists some practice questions focusing on operations related to these fundamental Python data types.
PostgreSQL provides several data types for storing different kinds of data. It supports standard SQL data types like integers, floats, characters, and timestamps. It also provides range, network, geometric, and JSON data types. PostgreSQL allows arrays, composite types, and domains to define constraints on columns. Additional types like hstore and XML are provided by extensions. Indexes can be created on columns and expressions to improve query performance. Tables can be partitioned using table inheritance.
The document discusses two-dimensional arrays in C++. It explains that a two-dimensional array is an array of arrays, with elements arranged in rows and columns. It provides examples of declaring, initializing, accessing, inputting, and passing two-dimensional arrays as parameters to functions. It also gives examples of functions that perform operations on two-dimensional arrays, such as addition, multiplication, finding row/column sums, diagonal sums, and transposing the array.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 35 of 181Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document summarizes the key classes and methods in the Ring programming language documentation. It describes classes for strings, lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees and math functions. For each class it lists parent classes and example methods with brief descriptions of functionality. An example usage section demonstrates the methods on various classes.
The Ring programming language version 1.10 book - Part 45 of 212Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document provides documentation on various functions available in the Ring programming language. It describes functions for string manipulation like TrimLeft(), TrimRight(), functions for file and directory operations like ListAllFiles(), OSCopyFile(), OSDeleteFolder(), functions for executing system commands like SystemCmd(), SystemSilent(), and functions for date/time, math, lists, and more. Syntax and examples are provided for many of the functions.
The document introduces Python programming language. It provides an overview of Python's history and key features such as being an interpreted, object-oriented, and platform independent language. It also discusses Python syntax including data types, variables, input/output, operators, conditional statements, loops, functions, and data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries. Several examples are given to illustrate different Python concepts and syntax.
1. The document discusses arrays in C programming including: one-dimensional arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, initializing arrays, accessing array elements using indexes, and some basic array operations like input/output.
2. Examples are provided to demonstrate declaring and initializing one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays, accessing elements, and using for loops to iterate through arrays.
3. Common array functions like strlen(), strcmp(), strcpy(), and strcat() for string operations are also summarized along with examples.
This document discusses tensor decomposition with Python. It begins by explaining what tensor decomposition and factorization are, and how they can be used to represent multi-dimensional datasets and perform dimensionality reduction. It then discusses matrix and tensor factorization methods like NMF, topic modeling, and CP/PARAFAC decomposition. The remainder of the document provides examples of tensor decomposition using Python tools and libraries, and discusses applications to analyzing temporal network and sensor data.
This document discusses arrays in C programming. It defines one-dimensional and multi-dimensional arrays. It explains how to declare and initialize arrays, access array elements using indexes, and provide some examples using for loops to input and output array elements. Common array operations like finding the sum or average of elements are also demonstrated.
This cheat sheet provides a concise summary of regular expression syntax and functions for working with regular expressions in R. It lists common regex patterns and modifiers, explains what they match, and provides examples of functions like grep, grepl, sub, gsub, and regexpr that allow extracting, replacing, and manipulating text using regex patterns in R. Key regex constructs covered include quantifiers, character classes, word boundaries, grouping, lookarounds, conditionals, escaping, and case-insensitive matching.
1sequences and sampling. Suppose we went to sample the x-axis from X.pdfrushabhshah600
1sequences and sampling. Suppose we went to sample the x-axis from Xmin to Xmax using a
step size of step
A)Draw a picture of what is going on.
B) Write a expression for n the total number of samples involved (in terms of Xmin, Xmax and
C) Write out the sequence of x-samples
D) Write a direct and general expression for xi that captures the sequence
E) Write a recursive expression for the sequence
F) Write a program to compute and store the x-samples over the range -5x5 using a step size of
0.1 do everything in main ()
2 . We talked about the following string functions that are available in C (as long as you include
int strlen(char str[])
void strcpy(char str1[], char str2[])
void strcat(char str1[], str2[])
Write your own versions of these functions; for example: int paul_strlen(int char str[]). Hint: for
your version of the strlen function, start at the first character in the array and keep counting until
you find the ‘\\0’ character (use a while loop for this). Note: Use your version of the strlen
function in the strcpy and strcat functions.
9. We want to insert a number into an array.
(a) Formulate the problem mathematically with two sequences: x and y. (b) Write a function of
the form:
insertNumIntoArray(int n, int array[], int num, int index)
The function inserts num into the array at the specified index. The rest of the array then follows.
For example, if num = 9 and index = 3 and array = [7 2 8 8 3 1 2] then the function will produce:
array = [7 2 8 9 8 3 1 2]
Note: assume that array is properly dimensioned to have at least 1 extra space for storage.
10. Repeat #2 by for the delete operation; that is, we want to delete a single element (at a
specified index) from an array; for example, suppose index = 3 and array = [50 70 10 90 60 20],
then the result will be
array: [50 70 10 60 20]
11. Repeat #2 by for an insert operation where we are inserting several values into the array. The
function should be of the form:
int insertArrayIntoArray(int n, int inArray[],
int nInsert, int insertArray[], int outArray[], int index)
The dimension of outArray is returned (explicitly). For example:
inArrayarray: [7 2 8 6 3 9]
insertArray: [50 60 70]
index: 2
outArray: [7 2 50 60 70 8 6 3 9]
Assume that outArray is large enough to hold all n + nInsert values.
//Simulates strlen() library function
int paul_strlen(char str[])
int l;
for(l = 0; str[l] != \'\\0\'; l++) ;
return l;
//Simulates strcpy() library function
void paul_strcpy(char str1[], char str2[])
int c;
for(c = 0; str1[c] != \'\\0\'; c++)
str2[c] = str1[c];
str2[c] = \'\\0\';
printf(\"\ Original String: %s\", str1);
printf(\"\ Copied String: %s\", str2);
//Simulates strcat() library function
void paul_strcat(char str1[], char str2[])
int i, j;
for(i = 0; str1[i] != \'\\0\'; i++) ;
for (j = 0; str2[j] != \'\\0\'; i++, j++)
str1[i] = str2[j];
str1[i] = \'\\0\';
printf(\"\ Concatenated String: %s\", str1);
int main()
char data1[20], data2[20];
MySQL provides many string functions to manipulate and analyze string values. Some key functions include:
- CONCAT() and CONCAT_WS() which concatenate multiple strings together.
- SUBSTRING() and MID() which extract a portion of a string.
- LENGTH() and CHAR_LENGTH() which return the length of a string.
- LOWER() and UPPER() which convert case.
- TRIM() which removes whitespace from strings.
- REPLACE() which replaces portions of a string.
1. The document provides examples of various functions in R including string functions, mathematical functions, statistical probability functions and other statistical functions. Examples are given for functions like substr, grep, sub, paste etc. to manipulate strings and functions like mean, sd, median etc. for statistical calculations.
2. Examples are shown for commonly used probability distribution functions like dnorm, pnorm, qnorm, rnorm etc. Other examples include functions for binomial, Poisson and uniform distributions.
3. The document also lists various other useful statistical functions like range, sum, diff, min, max etc. with examples. Examples are provided to illustrate the use of these functions through loops and to create a matrix.
This document provides an overview of R programming. It discusses that R was developed in 1993 and is made up of libraries for data science. It covers basic R data types like vectors, matrices, data frames, and lists. It also describes how to import and export data from files in R and introduces several machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, decision trees, and k-means clustering.
The document discusses multidimensional arrays and provides examples of declaring and using two-dimensional arrays in Java. It describes how to represent tables of data using two-dimensional arrays, initialize arrays, access elements, and perform common operations like summing elements. The document also introduces the concept of ragged arrays and declares a three-dimensional array could be used to store student exam scores with multiple parts.
This document contains a summary of a class on string methods in Python. It discusses the str class and how to create strings, various string methods like find(), upper(), lower(), split(), indexing strings, formatting strings, comparing strings, and checking string properties. Traversing strings using for and while loops and that strings are immutable in Python are also mentioned.
The Ring programming language version 1.3 book - Part 26 of 88Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The List Class provides methods for manipulating list data in Ring. Key methods include Add() to add an item, Delete() to remove an item by index, Item() to access an item by index, FindInColumn() to search for an item in a list column, and Sort() to return a new sorted list. Lists can be concatenated using the + operator and initialized from arrays or other lists.
Using R in financial modeling provides an introduction to using R for financial applications. It discusses importing stock price data from various sources and visualizing it using basic graphs and technical indicators. It also covers topics like calculating returns, estimating distributions of returns, correlations, volatility modeling, and value at risk calculations. The document provides examples of commands and functions in R to perform these financial analytics tasks on sample stock price data.
Benefits of Using Ultrasonic Level Transmitters for Controlnikeson80
Ultrasonic Level Transmitters are a game-changer in liquid and solid level monitoring. These non-contact sensors provide high accuracy, real-time data, and reliable performance in various industries, from water management to chemical processing.
With no moving parts, they require minimal maintenance, reducing downtime and operational costs. Their ability to function in harsh environments makes them ideal for remote and automated level control.
This is the expanded slide deck from the Salesforce Wellington user group lunchtime meeting hosted by Forsyth Barr March 19, 2025.
Presentations were from Forsyth Barr, showing the Tempo app, as well as Katie Connors, Daneen Johnson and Anna Loughnan. Carl Thomas presented prizes for the Uppern Echeleon sponsored photo booth from our Xmas gathering
WSO2Con 2025 - Building AI Applications in the Enterprise (Part 1)WSO2
Building AI applications for the enterprise requires understanding key architectural patterns that enable powerful, scalable, and intelligent solutions. This session explores the core approaches to building AI-driven applications, including Generative AI, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), and AI Agents.
We’ll dive into how to build and integrate AI apps, discover and connect them with enterprise tools, and manage authentication and authorization securely. Additionally, we’ll cover best practices for deploying AI-powered applications and how an AI Gateway can help monitor, secure, and optimize interactions between AI models, agents, and enterprise systems.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 5DianaGray10
In this session, we will cover Excel automation and Email automation.
The self-paced lessons required for this session are:
Excel Automation with the Modern Experience in Studio - 2 modules - 1h 45m - https:/
Email Automation With Studio - 2 modules - 1h 45m - https:/
Project Organization in Studio - 2 modules - 2h - https:/
⁉️ For any questions you may have, please use the dedicated Forum thread. You can tag the hosts and mentors directly and they will reply as soon as possible.
UiPath Automation Developer Associate Training Series 2025 - Session 6DianaGray10
Welcome to session 6 where we will cover Error and Exceptional handling, along with Debugging Studio and an Introduction to Logging in Studio.
The required self-paced lessons that you need to complete are here:
Error and Exception Handling in Studio, Debugging in Studio, Introduction to Logging in Studio - 2 modules - 1h 15m - https:/
Debugging in Studio - 2 modules - 2h - https:/
Introduction to Logging in Studio - 2 modules - 1h 15m - https:/
"This PowerPoint presentation provides an in-depth overview of cloud computing, covering its fundamental concepts, service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), deployment models (Public, Private, Hybrid, and Community Cloud), benefits, challenges, and real-world applications. It also highlights key cloud providers and emerging trends in cloud technology. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone interested in understanding the future of cloud computing."
Emancipatory Information Retrieval (Invited Talk at UCC)Bhaskar Mitra
Our world today is facing a confluence of several mutually reinforcing crises each of which intersects with concerns of social justice and emancipation. This talk will be a provocation for the role of computer-mediated information access in our emancipatory struggles. Information retrieval (IR) is a field in computing that concerns with the design of information access systems, such as search engines and recommender systems, and has traditionally been informed by other fields such as information science, human-computer interaction, and machine learning. I define emancipatory information retrieval as the study and development of information access methods that challenge various forms of human oppression and situates its activities within broader collective emancipatory praxis. The term "emancipatory" here signifies the moral concerns of universal humanization of all peoples and the elimination of oppression to create the conditions under which we can collectively flourish. In this talk, I will present an early framework of practices, projects, and design provocations for emancipatory IR, and will situate some of my own recent work within this framework. My goal is to propose a new framing that challenges the field of IR research to embrace humanistic values and commit to universal emancipation and social justice. In this process, I believe we must both imagine post-oppressive worlds, and reimagine the role of IR in that world and in the journey that leads us there.
Measuring Copilot and Gen AI Success with Viva Insights and PurviewNikki Chapple
Session | How to use Viva Insights and Purview to measure and ensure the success of your Copilot and Gen AI initiatives.
Presenter | Nikki Chapple 2 x MVP and Principal Cloud Architect at CloudWay
Event | NIC Empower 2024:
Format | In person Oslo Norway
Date | 14 November 2024
A deep dive into Viva Insights and AI Hub (now called Data Security Management for AI (DSPM for AI))
Topics covered
- Technical Prerequisites for Viva Insights and DSPM for A
- Business Benefits
- How to implement DSPM for AI - How to understand oversharing risks
How to Controlling Oversharing using Microsoft Purview sensitivity labels and DLP
- Compliance and Regulations
By the end of this session, you will have the expertise to effectively evaluate and optimize the success of your By the end of this session, you will learn valuable insights and practical advice and have the expertise to effectively evaluate and optimize the success of your Microsoft 365 Copilot and third-party Generative AI journeys.
C-level executives, directors, and product managers face the complex task of integrating AI into existing systems while addressing challenges related to data quality, scalability, interoperability, ethics, skill gaps, and security compliance.
Join Calvin Hendryx-Parker — AWS Hero and CTO of Six Feet Up, the premier AI and Python agency in the U.S. — for this interactive talk exploring generative AI technologies. You’ll gain ready-to-use resources and a clear understanding of how to roll out AI in your organization.
What You’ll Learn:
AI Implementation Strategies: Get practical tips on evaluating and integrating open source and closed AI models, addressing governance, compliance, and scalability.
Real-Case Demo: Explore what it takes to leverage generative AI technology using RAG.
Team Enablement: Discover how other companies are fostering innovation internally.
Walk away with the tools and insights you need to confidently lead your organization’s AI journey.
"Scaling Product Mindset: From Individual Ideas to Team Culture", Oksana Holu...Fwdays
Developing a product mindset is a long-term process that requires effective communication, team engagement, and a culture of experimentation. When developers feel like they are part of the product, they go beyond just coding—they create real value for users.
Best Crane Manufacturers in India Industry Leaders & Innovations.pdfHercules Hoists
India’s crane manufacturing industry is witnessing significant growth due to increasing infrastructure projects, industrial expansion, and technological advancements. Leading manufacturers focus on innovation, integrating automation and IoT-based monitoring systems to enhance operational efficiency. Companies produce a variety of cranes, including overhead, jib, and mobile cranes, tailored to different sectors like steel, power, and shipping. Indian manufacturers prioritize safety, adhering to international standards such as ISO and IS certifications. With a strong supply chain and competitive pricing, they cater to both domestic and global markets. The industry’s emphasis on quality, reliability, and customization makes India a key player in crane manufacturing.
As enterprises modernise their technology stacks, designing platform-agnostic, scalable, and well-governed cloud-native architectures is essential for long-term success. This lab session will explore how to apply the platformless concept to build cloud-native applications that offer flexibility, portability, and resilience across diverse cloud environments.
Through guided discussions and real-world insights, we will examine key architectural patterns, including microservices, API gateways, and Kubernetes orchestration, while addressing critical aspects such as scalability, governance, and operational efficiency.
Join us to exchange ideas, refine best practices, and explore strategies for architecting cloud-native applications that are future-proof, scalable, and effectively governed.
[QUICK TALK] "Coaching 101: How to Identify and Develop Your Leadership Quali...Fwdays
What does it mean to be a leader, and what qualities should you develop in yourself? And how do you know if you even have these skills? This isn’t just a question—it’s the key to understanding where to start and how to move forward in unlocking your potential.
Let’s break down leadership and coaching as a tool for unleashing your leadership potential. We’ll explore how coaching differs from mentoring, psychotherapy, and training—and why they’re not all the same. Special focus will be on self-coaching: learning to engage in an internal dialogue so you can keep moving forward even when external support is lacking.
I’ll share a few practical life hacks and real-world examples that will help you create a plan and start taking action as soon as tomorrow.