(video of these slides available here http://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/fppatterns/)
In object-oriented development, we are all familiar with design patterns such as the Strategy pattern and Decorator pattern, and design principles such as SOLID.
The functional programming community has design patterns and principles as well.
This talk will provide an overview of some of these, and present some demonstrations of FP design in practice.
18. Core principles of FP design
Steal from mathematics
Types are not classes
Functions are things
Composition everywhere
19. Core principle: Steal from mathematics
“Programming is one of the most difficult branches of applied mathematics” - E. W. Dijkstra
20. Why mathematics
Dijkstra said:
•Mathematical assertions tend to be unusually precise.
•Mathematical assertions tend to be general. They are applicable to a large (often infinite) class of instances.
•Mathematics embodies a discipline of reasoning allowing assertions to be made with an unusually high confidence level.
22. Mathematical functions
Function add1(x) input x maps to x+1
Domain (int)
Codomain (int)
let add1 x = x + 1
val add1 : int -> int
23. Function add1(x) input x maps to x+1
Domain (int)
Codomain (int)
Mathematical functions
int add1(int input)
switch (input)
case 0: return 1;
case 1: return 2;
case 2: return 3;
case 3: return 4;
etc ad infinitum
•Input and output values already exist
•A function is not a calculation, just a mapping
•Input and output values are unchanged (immutable)
24. Mathematical functions
•A (mathematical) function always gives the same output value for a given input value
•A (mathematical) function has no side effects
Function add1(x) input x maps to x+1
Domain (int)
Codomain (int)
25. Functions don't have to be about arithmetic
Function CustomerName(x) input Customer maps to PersonalName
Cust1 Cust2 Cust3 Cust3 …
Customer (domain)
Name (codomain)
Alice Bob
Sue John
Name CustomerName(Customer input)
switch (input)
{ case Cust1: return “Alice”;
case Cust2: return “Bob”;
case Cust3: return “Sue”;
26. Functions can work on functions
Function List.map int->int maps to int list->int list
add1 times2 subtract3 add42 …
int list -> int list
eachAdd1 eachTimes2
eachSubtract3 eachAdd42
28. The practical benefits of pure functions
let newCustomer = setCustomerName(aCustomer, newName)
Pure functions are easy to reason about
var name = customer.GetName();
let name,newCustomer = getCustomerName(aCustomer)
Reasoning about code that might not be pure:
Reasoning about code that is pure:
The customer is being changed.
29. The practical benefits of pure functions
let x = doSomething()
let y = doSomethingElse(x)
return y + 1
Pure functions are easy to refactor
30. The practical benefits of pure functions
Pure functions are easy to refactor
let x = doSomething()
let y = doSomethingElse(x)
return y + 1
31. The practical benefits of pure functions
Pure functions are easy to refactor
let helper() = let x = doSomething()
let y = doSomethingElse(x)
return y
return helper() + 1
32. More practical benefits of pure functions
–only evaluate when I need the output
•Cacheable results
–same answer every time
•No order dependencies
–I can evaluate them in any order I like
–"embarrassingly parallel"
42. Functions as inputs and outputs
let useFn f = (f 1) + 2
let add x = (fun y -> x + y)
int ->int
let transformInt f x = (f x) + 1
Function as output
Function as input
Function as parameter
48. Product types
Alice, Jan 12th
Bob, Feb 2nd
Carol, Mar 3rd
Set of people
Set of dates
type Birthday = Person * Date
49. Sum types
Set of Cash values
Set of Cheque values
Set of CreditCard values
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of ChequeNumber
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
52. Types represent constraints on input and output
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type String50 = // non-null, not more than 50 chars
type EmailAddress = // non-null, must contain ‘@’
type StringTransformer = string -> string
type GetCustomer = CustomerId -> Customer option
Instant mockability
54. Types are cheap
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
Only one line of code to create a type!
56. twelveDividedBy(x) input x maps to 12/x
Domain (int)
Codomain (int)
int TwelveDividedBy(int input)
switch (input)
case 3: return 4;
case 2: return 6;
case 1: return 12;
case 0: return ??;
What happens here?
57. twelveDividedBy(x) input x maps to 12/x
int TwelveDividedBy(int input)
switch (input)
case 3: return 4;
case 2: return 6;
case 1: return 12;
case -1: return -12;
Constrain the input
0 is doesn’t have to be handled
NonZeroInteger -> int
0 is missing
Types are documentation
58. twelveDividedBy(x) input x maps to 12/x
Some 4
Some 6
Some 12
None …
int TwelveDividedBy(int input)
switch (input)
case 3: return Some 4;
case 2: return Some 6;
case 1: return Some 12;
case 0: return None;
Extend the output
0 is valid input
int -> int option
Types are documentation
60. Output types as error codes
LoadCustomer: CustomerId -> Customer
LoadCustomer: CustomerId -> SuccessOrFailure<Customer>
ParseInt: string -> int
ParseInt: string -> int option
FetchPage: Uri -> String
FetchPage: Uri -> SuccessOrFailure<String>
No nulls
No exceptions
Use the signature, Luke!
62. Types can represent business rules
type EmailContactInfo =
| Unverified of EmailAddress
| Verified of VerifiedEmailAddress
type ContactInfo =
| EmailOnly of EmailContactInfo
| AddrOnly of PostalContactInfo
| EmailAndAddr of EmailContactInfo * PostalContactInfo
64. Using sum vs. inheritance
interface IPaymentMethod {..}
class Cash : IPaymentMethod {..}
class Cheque : IPaymentMethod {..}
class Card : IPaymentMethod {..}
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of ChequeNumber
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
class Evil : IPaymentMethod {..}
Definition is scattered around many locations
What goes in here? What is the common behaviour?
OO version:
68. It’s ok to expose public data
type PersonalName = {
FirstName: String50
MiddleInitial: String1 option
LastName: String50 }
Can’t create invalid values
70. Types are executable documentation
type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart
type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
type Card = Suit * Rank
type Hand = Card list
type Deck = Card list
type Player = {Name:string; Hand:Hand}
type Game = {Deck:Deck; Players: Player list}
type Deal = Deck –› (Deck * Card)
type PickupCard = (Hand * Card) –› Hand
71. Types are executable documentation
type CardType = Visa | Mastercard
type CardNumber = CardNumber of string
type ChequeNumber = ChequeNumber of int
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of ChequeNumber
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
72. More on DDD and designing with types at fsharpforfunandprofit.com/ddd
Static types only! Sorry Clojure and JS developers
80. Transformation oriented programming
Transformation to internal model
Internal Model
Transformation from internal model
validation and wrapping happens here
unwrapping happens here
81. Outbound tranformation
Flow of control in a FP use case
Inbound tranformation
Request DTO
Domain Type
Response DTO
Works well with domain events, FRP, etc
82. Flow of control in a OO use case
Application Services
App Service
App Service
Customer Repo.
Email Message
Database Service
SMTP Service
83. Interacting with the outside world
Nasty, unclean outside world
Nasty, unclean outside world
Nasty, unclean outside world
Beautiful, clean, internal model
Gate with filters
Gate with filters
Gate with filters
84. Interacting with the other domains
Subdomain/ bounded context
Gate with filters
Subdomain/ bounded context
Gate with filters
85. Interacting with the other domains
Bounded context
Bounded context
Bounded context
88. Parameterize all the things
let printList() =
for i in [1..10] do
printfn "the number is %i" i
89. Parameterize all the things
It's second nature to parameterize the data input:
let printList aList =
for i in aList do
printfn "the number is %i" i
90. Parameterize all the things
let printList anAction aList =
for i in aList do
anAction i
FPers would parameterize the action as well:
We've decoupled the behavior from the data
91. Parameterize all the things
public static int Product(int n)
int product = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
product *= i;
return product;
public static int Sum(int n)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
sum += i;
return sum;
92. public static int Product(int n)
int product = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
product *= i;
return product;
public static int Sum(int n)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
sum += i;
return sum;
Parameterize all the things
93. Parameterize all the things
let product n =
let initialValue = 1
let action productSoFar x = productSoFar * x
[1..n] |> List.fold action initialValue
let sum n =
let initialValue = 0
let action sumSoFar x = sumSoFar+x
[1..n] |> List.fold action initialValue
Lots of collection functions like this: "fold", "map", "reduce", "collect", etc.
95. Generic code
let printList anAction aList =
for i in aList do
anAction i
// val printList :
// ('a -> unit) -> seq<'a> -> unit
Any kind of collection, any kind of action!
F# and other functional languages make code generic automatically
96. Generic code
int -> int
How many ways are there to implement this function?
'a -> 'a
How many ways are there to this function?
97. Generic code
int list -> int list
How many ways are there to implement this function?
'a list -> 'a list
How many ways are there to this function?
98. Generic code
('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
How many ways are there to implement this function?
100. Function types are interfaces
interface IBunchOfStuff
int DoSomething(int x);
string DoSomethingElse(int x);
void DoAThirdThing(string x);
Let's take the Single Responsibility Principle and the Interface Segregation Principle to the extreme...
Every interface should have only one method!
101. Function types are interfaces
interface IBunchOfStuff
int DoSomething(int x);
An interface with one method is a just a function type
type IBunchOfStuff: int -> int
Any function with that type is compatible with it
let add2 x = x + 2 // int -> int
let times3 x = x * 3 // int -> int
102. Strategy pattern is trivial in FP
class MyClass
public MyClass(IBunchOfStuff strategy) {..}
int DoSomethingWithStuff(int x) {
return _strategy.DoSomething(x)
Object-oriented strategy pattern:
Functional equivalent:
let DoSomethingWithStuff strategy x =
strategy x
103. Decorator pattern in FP
Functional equivalent of decorator pattern
let add1 x = x + 1 // int -> int
104. Decorator pattern in FP
Functional equivalent of decorator pattern
let add1 x = x + 1 // int -> int
let logged f x =
printfn "input is %A" x
let result = f x
printfn "output is %A" result
105. Decorator pattern in FP
Functional equivalent of decorator pattern
let add1 x = x + 1 // int -> int
let logged f x =
printfn "input is %A" x
let result = f x
printfn "output is %A" result
let add1Decorated = // int -> int
logged add1
[1..5] |> List.map add1
[1..5] |> List.map add1Decorated
107. Writing functions in different ways
let add x y = x + y
let add = (fun x y -> x + y)
let add x = (fun y -> x + y)
int-> int->int
int-> int->int
int-> (int->int)
108. let three = 1 + 2
let add1 = (+) 1
let three = (+) 1 2
let add1ToEach = List.map add1
110. let names = ["Alice"; "Bob"; "Scott"]
Names |> List.iter hello
let name = "Scott"
printfn "Hello, my name is %s" name
let name = "Scott"
(printfn "Hello, my name is %s") name
let name = "Scott"
let hello = (printfn "Hello, my name is %s")
hello name
115. Continuations
int Divide(int top, int bottom) {
if (bottom == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("div by 0");
return top/bottom;
Method has decided to throw an exception
116. Continuations
void Divide(int top, int bottom,
Action ifZero, Action<int> ifSuccess)
if (bottom == 0)
ifSuccess( top/bottom );
Let the caller decide what happens
what happens next?
117. Continuations
let divide ifZero ifSuccess top bottom =
if (bottom=0)
then ifZero()
else ifSuccess (top/bottom)
F# version
Four parameters is a lot though!
118. Continuations
let divide ifZero ifSuccess top bottom =
if (bottom=0)
then ifZero()
else ifSuccess (top/bottom)
let ifZero1 () = printfn "bad"
let ifSuccess1 x = printfn "good %i" x
let divide1 = divide ifZero1 ifSuccess1
let good1 = divide1 6 3
let bad1 = divide1 6 0
setup the functions to print a message
Partially apply the continuations
Use it like a normal function – only two parameters
119. Continuations
let divide ifZero ifSuccess top bottom =
if (bottom=0)
then ifZero()
else ifSuccess (top/bottom)
let ifZero2() = None
let ifSuccess2 x = Some x
let divide2 = divide ifZero2 ifSuccess2
let good2 = divide2 6 3
let bad2 = divide2 6 0
setup the functions to return an Option
Use it like a normal function – only two parameters
Partially apply the continuations
120. Continuations
let divide ifZero ifSuccess top bottom =
if (bottom=0)
then ifZero()
else ifSuccess (top/bottom)
let ifZero3() = failwith "div by 0"
let ifSuccess3 x = x
let divide3 = divide ifZero3 ifSuccess3
let good3 = divide3 6 3
let bad3 = divide3 6 0
setup the functions to throw an exception
Use it like a normal function – only two parameters
Partially apply the continuations
122. Pyramid of doom: null testing example
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x <> null then
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y <> null then
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z <> null then
let result = z
I know you could do early returns, but bear with me...
123. Pyramid of doom: async example
let taskExample input =
let taskX = startTask input
taskX.WhenFinished (fun x ->
let taskY = startAnotherTask x
taskY.WhenFinished (fun y ->
let taskZ = startThirdTask y
taskZ.WhenFinished (fun z ->
z // final result
124. Pyramid of doom: null example
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x <> null then
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y <> null then
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z <> null then
let result = z
Nulls are a code smell: replace with Option!
125. Pyramid of doom: option example
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
Much more elegant, yes?
No! This is fugly!
Let’s do a cut & paste refactoring
126. Pyramid of doom: option example
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
127. Pyramid of doom: option example
let doWithX x =
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
doWithX x
128. Pyramid of doom: option example
let doWithX x =
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
doWithX x
129. Pyramid of doom: option example
let doWithY y =
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
let doWithX x =
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y.IsSome then
doWithY y
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
doWithX x
130. Pyramid of doom: option example refactored
let doWithZ z =
let result = z
Some result
let doWithY y =
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z.IsSome then
doWithZ z.Value
let doWithX x =
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y.IsSome then
doWithY y.Value
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
doWithX x.Value
Three small pyramids instead of one big one!
This is still ugly!
But the code has a pattern...
131. Pyramid of doom: option example refactored
let doWithZ z =
let result = z
Some result
let doWithY y =
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z.IsSome then
doWithZ z.Value
let doWithX x =
let y = doSomethingElse x
if y.IsSome then
doWithY y.Value
let optionExample input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
doWithX x.Value
But the code has a pattern...
132. let doWithY y =
let z = doAThirdThing y
if z.IsSome then
doWithZ z.Value
133. let doWithY y =
let z = doAThirdThing y
z |> ifSomeDo doWithZ
let ifSomeDo f x =
if x.IsSome then
f x.Value
134. let doWithY y =
|> doAThirdThing
|> ifSomeDo doWithZ
let ifSomeDo f x =
if x.IsSome then
f x.Value
135. let example input =
doSomething input
|> ifSomeDo doSomethingElse
|> ifSomeDo doAThirdThing
|> ifSomeDo (fun z -> Some z)
let ifSomeDo f x =
if x.IsSome then
f x.Value
146. let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Building an adapter block
Two-track input
Two-track output
147. let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Building an adapter block
Two-track input
Two-track output
148. let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Building an adapter block
Two-track input
Two-track output
149. let bind nextFunction optionInput =
match optionInput with
| Some s -> nextFunction s
| None -> None
Building an adapter block
Two-track input
Two-track output
151. Pyramid of doom: using bind
let bind f opt =
match opt with
| Some v -> f v
| None -> None
let example input =
let x = doSomething input
if x.IsSome then
let y = doSomethingElse (x.Value)
if y.IsSome then
let z = doAThirdThing (y.Value)
if z.IsSome then
let result = z.Value
Some result
152. let example input =
doSomething input
|> bind doSomethingElse
|> bind doAThirdThing
|> bind (fun z -> Some z)
Pyramid of doom: using bind
let bind f opt =
match opt with
| Some v -> f v
| None -> None
No pyramids!
Code is linear and clear.
This pattern is called “monadic bind”
155. Pyramid of doom: using bind for tasks
let taskBind f task =
task.WhenFinished (fun taskResult ->
f taskResult)
let taskExample input =
startTask input
|> taskBind startAnotherTask
|> taskBind startThirdTask
|> taskBind (fun z -> z)
a.k.a “promise” “future”
This pattern is also a “monadic bind”
156. Computation expressions
let example input =
maybe {
let! x = doSomething input
let! y = doSomethingElse x
let! z = doAThirdThing y
return z
let taskExample input =
task { let! x = startTask input
let! y = startAnotherTask x
let! z = startThirdTask z
return z
Computation expression
Computation expression
158. Example use case
Name is blank Email not valid
Receive request
Validate and canonicalize request
Update existing user record
Send verification email
Return result to user
User not found Db error
Authorization error Timeout
"As a user I want to update my name and email address"
type Request = { userId: int; name: string; email: string }
- and see sensible error messages when something goes wrong!
159. Use case without error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
return "OK";
160. Use case with error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
return "OK";
161. Use case with error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
return "OK";
162. Use case with error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
try {
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
} catch {
return "DB error: Customer record not updated"
return "OK";
163. Use case with error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
try {
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
} catch {
return "DB error: Customer record not updated"
if (!smtpServer.sendEmail(request.Email)) {
log.Error "Customer email not sent"
return "OK";
164. Use case with error handling
string UpdateCustomerWithErrorHandling()
var request = receiveRequest();
var isValidated = validateRequest(request);
if (!isValidated) {
return "Request is not valid"
try {
var result = db.updateDbFromRequest(request);
if (!result) {
return "Customer record not found"
} catch {
return "DB error: Customer record not updated"
if (!smtpServer.sendEmail(request.Email)) {
log.Error "Customer email not sent"
return "OK";
165. A structure for managing errors
let validateInput input =
if input.name = "" then
Failure "Name must not be blank"
else if input.email = "" then
Failure "Email must not be blank"
Success input // happy path
type TwoTrack<'TEntity> =
| Success of 'TEntity
| Failure of string
166. name50
Bind example
let nameNotBlank input =
if input.name = "" then
Failure "Name must not be blank"
else Success input
let name50 input =
if input.name.Length > 50 then
Failure "Name must not be longer than 50 chars"
else Success input
let emailNotBlank input =
if input.email = "" then
Failure "Email must not be blank"
else Success input
172. Functional flow without error handling
let updateCustomer =
|> validateRequest
|> canonicalizeEmail
|> updateDbFromRequest
|> sendEmail
|> returnMessage
One track
173. Functional flow with error handling
let updateCustomerWithErrorHandling =
|> validateRequest
|> canonicalizeEmail
|> updateDbFromRequest
|> sendEmail
|> returnMessage
See fsharpforfunandprofit.com/rop
Two track
175. World of normal values
int string bool
World of options
int option string option bool option
176. World of options
World of normal values
int string bool
int option string option bool option
177. World of options
World of normal values
int string bool
int option string option bool option
178. How not to code with options
Let’s say you have an int wrapped in an Option, and you want to add 42 to it:
let add42 x = x + 42
let add42ToOption opt =
if opt.IsSome then
let newVal = add42 opt.Value
Some newVal
181. Lifting
World of options
World of normal values
'a -> 'b
'a option -> 'b option
182. The right way to code with options
Let’s say you have an int wrapped in an Option, and you want to add 42 to it:
let add42 x = x + 42
let add42ToOption = Option.map add42
Some 1 |> add42ToOption
Some 1 |> Option.map add42
184. Lifting to lists
World of lists
World of normal values
'a -> 'b
'a list-> 'b list
185. Lifting to async
World of async
World of normal values
'a -> 'b
'a async > 'b async
186. The right way to code with wrapped types
Most wrapped types provide a “map”
let add42 x = x + 42
Some 1 |> Option.map add42
[1;2;3] |> List.map add42
187. Guideline: If you create a wrapped generic type, create a “map” for it.
188. Maps
type TwoTrack<'TEntity> =
| Success of 'TEntity
| Failure of string
let mapTT f x =
match x with
| Success entity -> Success (f entity)
| Failure s -> Failure s
190. Series validation
Problem: Validation done in series.
So only one error at a time is returned
191. Parallel validation
Split input
Combine output
Now we do get all errors at once!
But how to combine?
192. Creating a valid data structure
type Request= {
UserId: UserId;
Name: String50;
Email: EmailAddress}
type RequestDTO= {
UserId: int;
Name: string;
Email: string}
193. How not to do validation
// do the validation of the DTO
let userIdOrError = validateUserId dto.userId
let nameOrError = validateName dto.name
let emailOrError = validateEmail dto.email
if userIdOrError.IsSuccess
&& nameOrError.IsSuccess
&& emailOrError.IsSuccess then
userId = userIdOrError.SuccessValue
name = nameOrError.SuccessValue
email = emailOrError.SuccessValue
else if userIdOrError.IsFailure
&& nameOrError.IsSuccess
&& emailOrError.IsSuccess then
else ...
194. Lifting to TwoTracks
World of two-tracks
World of normal values
createRequest userId name email
createRequestTT userIdOrError nameOrError emailOrError
lift 3 parameter function
195. The right way
let createRequest userId name email =
userId = userIdOrError.SuccessValue
name = nameOrError.SuccessValue
email = emailOrError.SuccessValue
let createRequestTT = lift3 createRequest
196. The right way
let createRequestTT = lift3 createRequest
let userIdOrError = validateUserId dto.userId
let nameOrError = validateName dto.name
let emailOrError = validateEmail dto.email
let requestOrError =
createRequestTT userIdOrError nameOrError emailOrError
197. The right way
let userIdOrError = validateUserId dto.userId
let nameOrError = validateName dto.name
let emailOrError = validateEmail dto.email
let requestOrError =
<!> userIdOrError
<*> nameOrError
<*> emailOrError
198. Guideline: If you use a wrapped generic type, look for a set of “lifts” associated with it
199. Guideline: If you create a wrapped generic type, also create a set of “lifts” for clients to use with it
But I’m not going explain how right now!
214. The generalization
•You start with a bunch of things, and some way of combining them two at a time.
•Rule 1 (Closure): The result of combining two things is always another one of the things.
•Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Rule 3 (Identity element): There is a special thing called "zero" such that when you combine any thing with "zero" you get the original thing back.
A monoid!
215. •Rule 1 (Closure): The result of combining two things is always another one of the things.
•Benefit: converts pairwise operations into operations that work on lists.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
[ 1; 2; 3; 4 ] |> List.reduce (+)
216. 1 * 2 * 3 * 4
[ 1; 2; 3; 4 ] |> List.reduce (*)
•Rule 1 (Closure): The result of combining two things is always another one of the things.
•Benefit: converts pairwise operations into operations that work on lists.
217. "a" + "b" + "c" + "d"
[ "a"; "b"; "c"; "d" ] |> List.reduce (+)
•Rule 1 (Closure): The result of combining two things is always another one of the things.
•Benefit: converts pairwise operations into operations that work on lists.
218. •Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Benefit: Divide and conquer, parallelization, and incremental accumulation.
1 + 2 + 3 + 4
219. •Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Benefit: Divide and conquer, parallelization, and incremental accumulation.
(1 + 2) (3 + 4)
3 + 7
220. •Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Benefit: Divide and conquer, parallelization, and incremental accumulation.
(1 + 2 + 3)
221. •Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Benefit: Divide and conquer, parallelization, and incremental accumulation.
(1 + 2 + 3) + 4
222. •Rule 2 (Associativity): When combining more than two things, which pairwise combination you do first doesn't matter.
•Benefit: Divide and conquer, parallelization, and incremental accumulation.
(6) + 4
223. Issues with reduce
•How can I use reduce on an empty list?
•In a divide and conquer algorithm, what should I do if one of the "divide" steps has nothing in it?
•When using an incremental algorithm, what value should I start with when I have no data?
224. •Rule 3 (Identity element): There is a special thing called "zero" such that when you combine any thing with "zero" you get the original thing back.
•Benefit: Initial value for empty or missing data
226. type OrderLine = {Qty:int; Total:float}
let orderLines = [
{Qty=2; Total=19.98}
{Qty=1; Total= 1.99}
{Qty=3; Total= 3.99} ]
let addLine line1 line2 =
let newQty = line1.Qty + line2.Qty
let newTotal = line1.Total + line2.Total
{Qty=newQty; Total=newTotal}
orderLines |> List.reduce addLine
Any combination of monoids is also a monoid
233. Monoids in the real world
Metrics guideline: Use counters rather than rates
Alternative metrics guideline: Make sure your metrics are monoids
• incremental updates
• can handle missing data
234. Is function composition a monoid?
Function 1 apple -> banana
Function 2 banana -> cherry
New Function apple -> cherry
Not the same thing.
Not a monoid
235. Is function composition a monoid?
Function 1 apple -> apple
Same thing
Function 2 apple -> apple
Function 3 apple -> apple
A monoid!
236. Is function composition a monoid?
“Functions with same type of input and output”
Functions where the input and output are the same type are monoids! What shall we call these kinds of functions?
237. Is function composition a monoid?
“Functions with same type of input and output”
Functions where the input and output are the same type are monoids! What shall we call these kinds of functions?
All endomorphisms are monoids
238. Endomorphism example
let plus1 x = x + 1 // int->int
let times2 x = x * 2 // int->int
let subtract42 x = x – 42 // int->int
let functions = [
subtract42 ]
let newFunction = // int->int
functions |> List.reduce (>>)
newFunction 20 // => 0
Put them in a list
Reduce them
Another endomorphism
239. Event sourcing
Any function containing an endomorphism can be converted into a monoid.
For example: Event sourcing
Is an endomorphism
-> State
-> State
240. Event sourcing example
let applyFns = [
apply event1 // State -> State
apply event2 // State -> State
apply event3] // State -> State
let applyAll = // State -> State
applyFns |> List.reduce (>>)
let newState = applyAll oldState
• incremental updates
• can handle missing events
Partial application of event
A function that can apply all the events in one step
241. Bind
Any function containing an endomorphism can be converted into a monoid.
For example: Option.Bind
Is an endomorphism
(fn param)
-> Option
-> Option
242. Event sourcing example
let bindFns = [
Option.bind (fun x->
if x > 1 then Some (x*2) else None)
Option.bind (fun x->
if x < 10 then Some x else None)
let bindAll = // Option->Option
bindFns |> List.reduce (>>)
Some 4 |> bindAll // Some 8
Some 5 |> bindAll // None
Partial application of Bind
243. Predicates as monoids
type Predicate<'A> = 'A -> bool
let predAnd pred1 pred2 x =
if pred1 x
then pred2 x
else false
let predicates = [
isMoreThan10Chars // string -> bool
isMixedCase // string -> bool
isNotDictionaryWord // string -> bool
let combinedPredicate = // string -> bool
predicates |> List.reduce (predAnd)
Not an endomorphism
But can still be combined
245. Series combination
Result is same kind of thing (Closure)
Order not important (Associative)
246. Parallel combination
Same thing (Closure)
Order not important (Associative)
247. Monad laws
•The Monad laws are just the monoid definitions in diguise
–Closure, Associativity, Identity
•What happens if you break the monad laws?
–You lose monoid benefits such as aggregation
248. A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors!