今夜わかるWebアプリケーション脆弱性診断 (OWASP Day 758 / 2018)Sen Ueno
2018年9月15日(土) 名古屋で開催したOWASP Day 758にて発表した「今夜わかるWebアプリケーション脆弱性診断」の資料です。
脆弱性診断士スキルマッププロジェクトの話やペネトレーションテスト(Penetration testing / Red Team)、SQLインジェクション、脆弱性診断の実施手順などを紹介しています。
This document provides an overview of AWS CloudHSM, a managed cryptographic key management service by AWS. It discusses AWS CloudHSM and AWS KMS services for key management, compares their features, and describes how AWS CloudHSM provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant HSMs for single-tenant key storage and cryptographic operations offloading. The presentation agenda includes cryptography basics, AWS key management, AWS CloudHSM capabilities and use cases, management and operations.
2017/9/7 db tech showcase Tokyo 2017(JPOUG in 15 minutes)にて発表した内容です。
This document discusses techniques for bypassing antivirus software using PowerShell. It describes Empire, a post-exploitation framework that allows attackers to execute scripts on victim machines using PowerShell or Python. These scripts regularly connect to a C2 server using HTTP/HTTPS. It then focuses on how Empire's PowerShell scripts can bypass detection through obfuscation techniques like using alternative casing, escape characters, and encoding files in base64. Custom Invoke-Mimikatz scripts can execute any EXE file in memory, making detection difficult for antivirus software. Limiting PowerShell access and monitoring execution logs are recommended defenses.
今夜わかるWebアプリケーション脆弱性診断 (OWASP Day 758 / 2018)Sen Ueno
2018年9月15日(土) 名古屋で開催したOWASP Day 758にて発表した「今夜わかるWebアプリケーション脆弱性診断」の資料です。
脆弱性診断士スキルマッププロジェクトの話やペネトレーションテスト(Penetration testing / Red Team)、SQLインジェクション、脆弱性診断の実施手順などを紹介しています。
This document provides an overview of AWS CloudHSM, a managed cryptographic key management service by AWS. It discusses AWS CloudHSM and AWS KMS services for key management, compares their features, and describes how AWS CloudHSM provides FIPS 140-2 Level 3 compliant HSMs for single-tenant key storage and cryptographic operations offloading. The presentation agenda includes cryptography basics, AWS key management, AWS CloudHSM capabilities and use cases, management and operations.
2017/9/7 db tech showcase Tokyo 2017(JPOUG in 15 minutes)にて発表した内容です。
This document discusses techniques for bypassing antivirus software using PowerShell. It describes Empire, a post-exploitation framework that allows attackers to execute scripts on victim machines using PowerShell or Python. These scripts regularly connect to a C2 server using HTTP/HTTPS. It then focuses on how Empire's PowerShell scripts can bypass detection through obfuscation techniques like using alternative casing, escape characters, and encoding files in base64. Custom Invoke-Mimikatz scripts can execute any EXE file in memory, making detection difficult for antivirus software. Limiting PowerShell access and monitoring execution logs are recommended defenses.
1) The document discusses ways that security functions on Windows can potentially be bypassed during a penetration test, such as restricting access to drives, applications, and Internet Explorer.
2) Methods are presented for bypassing application restrictions, such as using HTML help to access the internet without a browser or using InstallUtil to execute PowerShell without PowerShell.
3) Countermeasures are suggested like using AppLocker with a whitelist and monitoring logs to prevent bypassing security restrictions.
Nmap has several hidden options that provide little value. 8 options are useless except for naughty users or elementary school children. Nmap can only detect one type of malware, the Mydoom worm, through service scanning at high intensity levels. In summary, most of the "hidden truths" about Nmap options provide little practical benefit to users.