Human and Medical Genetics CCR5Δ32 and HLA allele diversity in bone marrow donors from southern Brazil Kulmann-Leal, Bruna Ellwanger, Joel Henrique Arend, Ana Cristina Jobim, Luiz Fernando Job Jobim, Mariana Michita, Rafael Tomoya Callegari-Jacques, Sidia Maria Pôrto, Luís Cristóvão de Moraes Sobrino Chies, José Artur Bogo Abstract in English: Abstract Transplantation of stem cells derived from donors with CCR5Δ32 homozygous genotype is a potential strategy to achieve both the control of malignant hematological disease as well as sustained remission of the HIV infection, and researchers in different countries are looking for CCR5Δ32 homozygous donors to replicate such a ‘double-target’ strategy. We determined the frequency of the CCR5Δ32 variant in a sample of 1,398 bone marrow donors from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. This study also evaluated whether HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-DRB1 genotypes are homogeneously distributed between CCR5Δ32 carriers and non-carriers in a population characterized by a significant genetic admixture. The CCR5Δ32 allele frequency was 7.4% (CI0.95 6.4-8.4%), and the frequency of the Δ32/Δ32 homozygous genotype was 0.72% (CI0.95 0.34-1.31%). In general, HLA genotypes are homogeneously distributed between CCR5Δ32 carriers and non-carriers. Considering the large number of bone marrow donors in Brazil and the high CCR5Δ32 allele frequency observed in our study, our results clearly indicate the existence of a considerable amount of potential CCR5Δ32 homozygous bone marrow donors in southern Brazil, suggesting that an active search for these donors is not only feasible but an attractive and promising strategy towards effective HIV infection control and treatment. |
Human and Medical Genetics Investigation of genetic markers associated to type 2 diabetes mellitus in Santarém-Pará Souza, Adjanny Estela Santos de Silva, Caio Henrique Silva da Oliveira, Rita de Cássia Silva de Guimarães, Ana Paula Araújo Silva, Aylla Núbia Lima Martins da Diniz, Isabela Guerreiro Oliveira, Haiala Soter Silva de Sousa, Diego Sarmento de Figueiredo, Fernanda Andreza de Pinho Lott Costa, Greice de Lemos Cardoso Guerreiro, João Farias Abstract in English: Abstract Genetic, epigenetic and environmental factors play an important role in the genesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2D). In the genetic context, one of the strategies used to investigate possible associations with diabetes is the search for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), involving the comparison of alelle frequencies, the phenotypic variations and other relevant factors, such as environmental influences and lifestyle choices, Thus, the aim of this study was to find the relationship of risk variants for T2D in SNPs (rs4994) in the ADRB3 gene; (rs1799854) in the ABCC8 gene; (rs7901695 and rs12255372) in the TCF7L2 gene; and (rs8050136) in the FTO gene in a sample of the population of the municipality of Santarém (PA), Brazilian Amazon, in the northern region of Brazil. ABCC8 (rs1799854 C>T) showed a statistically significant association with T2D. Each chosen gene and SNP has been previously implicated in T2D risk according to existing scientific literature, owing to their roles in glucose regulation and body fat. |
Human and Medical Genetics Combined expression of JHDM1D/KDM7A gene and long non-coding RNA RP11-363E7.4 as a biomarker for urothelial cancer prognosis Silva, Glenda Nicioli da Pereira, Isadora Oliveira Ansaloni Lima, Ana Paula Braga Almeida, Tamires Cunha Sávio, André Luiz Ventura Costa, Renato Prado Leite, Kátia Ramos Moreira Salvadori, Daisy Maria Fávero Abstract in English: Abstract Bladder cancer is the tenth most frequently diagnosed cancer globally. Classification of high- or low-grade tumors is based on cytological differentiation and is an important prognostic factor. LncRNAs regulate gene expression and play critical roles in the occurrence and development of cancer, however, there are few reports on their diagnostic value and co-expression levels with genes, which may be useful as specific biomarkers for prognosis and therapy in bladder cancer. Thus, we performed a marker lesion study to investigate whether gene/lncRNA expression in urothelial carcinoma tissues may be useful in differentiating low-grade and high-grade tumors. RT-qPCR was used to evaluate the expression of the JHDM1D gene and the lncRNAs CTD-2132N18.2, SBF2-AS1, RP11-977B10.2, CTD-2510F5.4, and RP11-363E7.4 in 20 histologically diagnosed high-grade and 10 low-grade tumors. A protein-to-protein interaction network between genes associated with JHDM1D gene was constructed using STRING website. The results showed a moderate (positive) correlation between CTD-2510F5.4 and CTD2132N18.2. ROC curve analyses showed that combined JHDM1D and RP11-363E7.4 predicted tumor grade with an AUC of 0.826, showing excellent accuracy. In conclusion, the results indicated that the combined expression of JHDM1D and RP11-363E7.4 may be a prognostic biomarker and a promising target for urothelial tumor therapy. |
Human and Medical Genetics Analysis of parental origin of de novo pathogenic CNVs in patients with intellectual disability Pereira, Samara Socorro Silva Pinto, Irene Plaza Santos, Victor Cortázio do Prado Silva, Rafael Carneiro Costa, Emília Oliveira Alves Cruz, Alex Silva da Cruz, Aparecido Divino da Silva, Cláudio Carlos da Minasi, Lysa Bernardes Abstract in English: Abstract Chromosomal Microarray Analysis (CMA) has increased the comprehension of the mechanisms of copy number variation (CNV) formation, classification of these rearrangements, type of recurrence, and its origin, and has also been a powerful approach to identifying CNVs in individuals with intellectual disability. The aim of this study was to establish the parental origin of de novo pathogenic CNV in a cohort of patients with intellectual disability from the public health system of Goiás-Brazil. CMA was done in 76 trios and we identified 15 de novo pathogenic CNVs in 12 patients with intellectual disability. In a total of 15 de novo pathogenic CNV, 60% were derived from the maternal germline and 40% from the paternal germline. CNV flanked by low copy repeats (LCR) were identified in 46.7% and most of them were of maternal origin. No significant association was observed between paternal age and the mutation rate of de novo CNVs. The presence of high-identity LCRs increases the occurrence of CNV formation mediated by non-allelic homologous recombination and the majority of paternal CNVs are non-recurrent. The mechanism of formation of these CNV may have been by microhomology-mediated break-induced replication or non-homologous end joining. |
Animal Genetics Phylogenomics of the gray-breasted sabrewing (Campylopterus largipennis) species complex in the Amazonia and Cerrado biomes Oliveira, Jean Carlo Pedroso de Cabanne, Gustavo Sebastián Santos, Fabrício Rodrigues Abstract in English: Abstract The Neotropics are one of the most biodiverse regions of the world, where environmental dynamics, climate and geology resulted in a complex diversity of fauna and flora. In such complex and heterogeneous environments, widely distributed species require deep investigation about their biogeographic history. The gray-breasted sabrewing hummingbird Campylopterus largipennis is a species complex that occurs in forest and open ecosystems of South America, including also high-altitude grasslands. It has been recently split into four distinct species distributed in Amazonia (rainforest) and Cerrado (savanna) biomes with boundaries marked by ecological barriers. Here, we investigated the evolutionary dynamics of population lineages within this neotropical taxon to elucidate its biogeographical history and current lineage diversity. We used a reduced-representation sequencing approach to perform fine-scale population genomic analyses of samples distributed throughout Amazonia and Cerrado localities, representing all four recently recognized species. We found a deep genetic structure separating species from both biomes, and a more recent divergence between species within each biome and from distinct habitats. The population dynamics through time was shown to be concordant with known vicariant events, isolation by distance, and altitudinal breaks, where the Amazon River and the Espinhaço Mountain Range worked as important barriers associated to speciation. |
Animal Genetics Expression of transporter genes in anthelmintic resistant isolates of Haemonchus contortus Rodrigues, Janaelia Ferreira Vasconcelos Santos, Jessica Maria Leite dos Frota, Gracielle Araújo Vieira, Luiz da Silva Teixeira, Marcel Monteiro, Magaly Sales Monteiro, Jomar Patrício Abstract in English: Abstract ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, including P-glycoproteins (PGP), have been implicated in drug resistance in different organisms including Haemonchus contortus. This study confirmed the resistance status of H. contortus isolates selected for ivermectin (IVM) and oxfendazole (OXF) resistances using the fecal egg count reduction test and evaluated the gene expression of seven ABC transporters using RT-qPCR for two biological scenarios: the effect of selection for anthelmintic resistance and the effect of drug exposure on gene expression. Gene expression results showed that selection for IVM resistance led to the significant upregulation of Hco-pgp-9a (1.5-fold), Hco-pgp-11 (3-fold) and Hco-haf-9 (1.5-fold) (p < 0.05). Similarly, selection for OXF resistance led to the significant upregulation of Hco-pgp-9a (3-fold), Hco-pgp-11 (4-fold) and Hco-haf-9 (2-fold) when comparing with the unselected ISE isolate (p < 0.05). Exposure of selected isolates to anthelmintics lead to no significant upregulation of the studied transporter genes. We also observed instances where there was strong intragroup variation regarding samples originating from parasites obtained from different individual hosts pointing that the interactions of the animal host with the tested anthelmintics may also play a role in the expression of the studied nematode genes. |
Animal Genetics Accuracy of genotype imputation of a low-density SNP array for the Amazon fish Colossoma macropomum Agudelo, John F. G. Mastrochirico-Filho, Vito A. Garcia, Baltasar F. Ariede, Raquel B. Yáñez, José M. Valladão, Gustavo M. R. Hashimoto, Diogo T. Abstract in English: Abstract In South America, Tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) stands as the primary target for aquaculture, yet breeding programs for this Amazon native species are in their early stages. While high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays are pivotal for aquaculture breeding, their costs can be prohibitive for non- or semi-industrial species. To overcome this, a cost-effective approach involves developing low-density SNP arrays followed by genotype imputation to higher densities. In this study, a 1K SNP array for tambaqui was created and validated, offering a balance between SNP quantity and genome representativity. The imputation accuracy from various SNP densities to a medium-density array was evaluated, with the 1K density demonstrating the best trade-off (accuracy of 0.93). This subset was further utilized to construct a commercial array through Agriseq™ targeted genotyping-by-sequencing, validated in 192 DNA samples, affirming its high quality for genotyping tambaqui. The low-density SNP array, with genome-wide coverage and high polymorphism, emerges as an effective tool for exploring genetic variation within diverse populations. Population analyses using the 1K panel proved to be an efficient tool for genetic characterization of sampled broodstocks, making it a valuable resource for genetic improvement programs targeting this Amazon native species. |
Plant Genetics Genetic analysis and preliminary mapping by BSA-seq of the CmSR gene regulating the spotted rind trait in melon (Cucumis melo L.) Zhang, Weiyan Zhang, Huijun Zhu, Xiuxiu Li, Yahui Yuan, Guoliang Ma, Jian Abstract in English: Abstract Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an economically important horticultural crop. Spotted rind at maturity is an important appearance quality trait in melons. However, the gene controlling this trait remains unknown. In this study, the inheritance pattern of this trait was explored, and the candidate gene underlying this trait was also successfully identified. Genetic analysis showed that a single dominant gene, Cucumis melo Spotted Rind (CmSR), regulates the spotted rind trait. A preliminary genetic mapping analysis was conducted based on a BSA-seq approach. The CmAPRR2 gene was identified to be linked with the spotted rind trait and was located on the short arm of chromosome 4. It harbored two single-nucleotide mutations (chr4: 687014 G/A and chr4: 687244 C/A) in the non-spotted line ‘Yellow 2’, which may result in the alternative splicing of the transcript and an amino acid change in the respective protein, from proline to glutamine, respectively. Moreover, marker SNP687014-G/A was developed and co-segregated with the spotted rind trait. Therefore, it is speculated that the CmAPRR2 gene may be involved in the regulation of the spotted rind trait in melon. This study provides a theoretical foundation for further research on the gene regulatory mechanism of the rind color in melon. |
Plant Genetics The complete chloroplast genome sequences of three Pedicularis species (Orobanchaceae) Wang, Mingcheng Zhang, Shuqiao Zhang, Lei Abstract in English: Abstract Pedicularis L., a generally bothersome genus of hemiparasitic plants, is primarily native to southwestern China. The phylogenetic relationship and evolutionary history of this genus have not yet been fully resolved. In this study, we sequenced and assembled chloroplast genomes of three Pedicularis species, P. chinensis, P. melampyriflora, and P. striata using high-throughput Illumina sequencing. The assembled plastomes were 142,059 bp (P. chinensis) to 152,146 bp (P. striata) in size, containing 110 (P. chinensis) to 117 (P. striata) genes. Moreover, we identified 13-15 pseudogenes within the three plastomes, nine of which were pseudogenized in all three species. The three plastomes exhibited a similar codon usage pattern. Moreover, the plastomes contained abundant simple sequence repeats and long repeats, which showed slight variations between the three species. A maximum likelihood analysis was performed to elucidate the phylogenetic positions of the three species within the Pedicularis genus. The plastomes presented in our study can be used as valuable genomic resources for further genetic and genomic studies of the Pedicularis genus. |
Genomics and Bioinformatics Comparative structural studies on Bovine papillomavirus E6 oncoproteins: Novel insights into viral infection and cell transformation from homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations Santos, Lucas Alexandre Barbosa de Oliveira Feitosa, Tales de Albuquerque Leite Batista, Marcus Vinicius de Aragão Abstract in English: Abstract Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) infects cattle cells worldwide, leading to hyperproliferative lesions and the potential development of cancer, driven by E5, E6, and E7 oncoproteins along with other cofactors. E6 oncoprotein binds experimentally to various proteins, primarily paxillin and MAML1, as well as hMCM7 and CBP/p300. However, the molecular and structural mechanisms underlying BPV-induced malignant transformation remain unclear. Therefore, we have modeled the E6 oncoprotein structure from non-oncogenic BPV-5 and compared them with oncogenic BPV-1 to assess the relationship between structural features and oncogenic potential. Our analysis elucidated crucial structural aspects of E6, highlighting both conserved elements across genotypes and genotype-specific variations potentially implicated in the oncogenic process, particularly concerning primary target interactions. Additionally, we predicted the location of the hMCM7 binding site on the N-terminal of BPV-5 E6. This study enhances our understanding of the structural characteristics of BPV E6 oncoproteins and their interactions with host proteins, clarifying structural differences and similarities between high and low-risk BPVs. This is important to understand better the mechanisms involved in cell transformation in BPV infection, which could be used as a possible target for therapy. |
Genetics of Microorganisms Variability and functional characterization of the Phakopsora pachyrhizi Egh16-like effectors Castanho, Fernanda Machado Costa, Beatriz Lorena Comin da Abe, Valéria Yukari Yokoyama, Alessandra Darben, Luana Mieko Oliveira, Liliane Santana Ferreira, Everton Geraldo Capote Lopes, Ivani de Oliveira Negrão Carvalho, Mayra Costa da Cruz Gallo de Balbi-Peña, Maria Isabel Marcelino-Guimarães, Francismar Corrêa Abstract in English: Abstract Effector proteins in Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Pp), the causative agent of Asian Soybean rust, are involved in the infection process. A previous study identified a rust effector Egh16-like family based expression profile during the interaction with soybean. Herein, we scrutinized available the Pp genomes to validate the predicted Egh16-like family of Pp and identify new family members. We described 22 members of the Egh16-like gene family in the Pp MT2006 genome and 18 in the UFV02 and K8108 genomes, highlighting a family expansion. Family members have a small signal peptide, conserved cysteine-rich R/Y/FxC motifs in the C-terminal region, and a virulence-related Egh16-like domain and were able to suppress PTI related responses in Benthamiana. Phylogenetic analysis placed the family members into eight clusters, with members induced during the early stages of rust infection. Members of clusters VI and VII are present in different copy numbers in Pp genomes and suppressed PAMP-related responses. |
Mutagenesis Cu(bta)(1,10-phen)ClO4 copper complex modulates the carcinogenicity of carboplatin in somatic cells of Drosophila melanogaster Lima, Paula Marynella Alves Pereira Orsonlin, Priscila Capelari Machado, Nayane Moreira Oliveira, Rosiane Gomes Silva Polloni, Lorena Cruz, Raquel Pereira Almeida, Janaína do Couto Oliveira Júnior, Robson José de Guerra, Wendell Araújo, Thaise Gonçalves Abstract in English: Abstract Chemotherapy stands out as the main systemic treatment strategy against cancer and still faces problems related to multidrug resistance and severe side effects. Copper-based drugs have been widely explored in medicinal chemistry, since copper is an essential metal for physiological activities with antineoplastic effects. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the recombinogenic/mutagenic and anticarcinogenic potential of the complex CBP-01 - [Cu(bta)(1,10-phen)ClO4] (Hbta = 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-phenyl-1,3-butanedione and 1,10-phen =1,10-phenanthroline) - through the Somatic and Recombination test (SMART) and the Epithelial Tumor Test (ETT) in Drosophila melanogaster, compared with carboplatin (CARB) and cisplatin (CIS) effects. According to our results, CARB and CIS induced a high frequency of mutant spots, which was not verified at higher concentrations of CBP-01. In addition, CBP-01 exhibited mutagenic/recombinogenic potential only at the lowest concentration and after biometabolization. Subsequently, in the ETT test, CBP-01 did not demonstrate carcinogenic effect. Lastly, epithelial tumors were identified in flies treated with CARB and CIS, which were modulated by the CBP-01 complex. Therefore, CBP-01 modulates genotoxicity of other compounds and is a promising metal-based drug for the development of a new anticancer agent or for optimization of therapeutic regimens. |
Mutagenesis Lack of genotoxicity of iron oxide maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles to Oreochromis niloticus after acute exposures Fascineli, Maria Luiza Cáceres-Vélez, Paolin Rocio Pinheiro, Willie Oliveira Chaves, Sacha Braun Sousa, Marcelo Henrique Peternella, Wilson Sacchi Horst, Frederico Hillesheim Fernandes, Michele de Castro Guimarães, Wania Azevedo, Ricardo Bentes Grisolia, Cesar Koppe Abstract in English: Abstract Iron oxide nanoparticles (FeO-NPs) are widely used in scientific and technological fields. Environmental concerns have been raised about residual FeO-NPs levels as their toxicity and bioaccumulative potential are not well understood. Oreochromis niloticus were exposed to nanoparticles of γ-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4. Micro-CT 3D image and grayscale graphic assessments revealed the accumulation of radiopaque material in the digestive tract of fish exposed to FeO-NPs. Histological analysis showed the presence of such NPs in the hepatopancreas, gills, kidneys, and muscles. No genotoxicity occurred, through micronucleus test and comet assay in peripheral erythrocytes. Body clearance was confirmed by iron-content reduction in organisms exposed to FeO-NPs after recovery period. No tissue injuries were observed in the exposed animals which may be attributed to the absence or low toxicity of iron oxide nanoparticles under the study conditions. O. niloticus showed tolerance to sublethal exposures to FeO-NPs. |
Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Genetics Expression of the C-allele of intronic rs8192675 in SLC2A2 is associated with improved glucose response to metformin Wang, Wanjun Chen, Suying Jiang, Yilei Ji, Jianhong Cong, Ruochen Abstract in English: Abstract Glucose is a critical nutrient for energy metabolism. The SLC2A2 gene is essential for glucose sensing and homeostasis, as it encodes the facilitated glucose transporter GLUT2. During diabetes treatment, the C-allele of rs8192675 in SLC2A2 has been found to regulate the action of metformin and reduce the absolute level of HbA1c more effectively than the T-allele. In this study, stable HEK293T cell lines carrying the CC, CT, and TT genotypes of rs8192675 in SLC2A2 were generated using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing. GLUT2 mRNA and protein levels were elevated in cell clones with the TC genotype compared to those with the CC genotype but were reduced relative to the TT genotype. Additionally, high concentrations of glucose or fructose induced more GLUT2 protein production in CT-genotype cells than that induced in CC-genotype cells, yet less than that induced in TT-genotype cells. Metformin induced a greater increase in GLUT2 expression and a smaller increase in activated AMPK protein expression in CC-genotype cells than those induced in TT-genotype cells, resulting in a remarkable reduction in activated mTOR and S6 levels. This study directly supports the biological mechanism linking the C-allele of rs8192675 with improved treatment outcomes in metformin therapy for diabetes. |
Genomics and Bioinformatics DNA copy number profiles and systems biology connect chromatin remodeling and DNA repair in high-risk neuroblastoma Nascimento, Thatyanne Gradowski F. da C. do Poloni, Joice de Faria Thomazini, Mateus Eduardo de Oliveira Cavalli, Luciane R. Elifio-Esposito, Selene Feltes, Bruno César Abstract in English: Abstract Neuroblastoma (NB) is a solid tumor that accounts for 15% of all pediatric oncological deaths, and much is due to the low response to therapy in relapsed tumors. High-risk NB may present deletions in chromosome 11q, which may be associated with other chromosomal alterations and a poor response to therapy, but this association is still poorly understood. Using a systems biology network approach, we studied three patients with high-risk NB with deleted 11q stage 4 to highlight the connections between treatment resistance and copy number alterations in distinct cases. We built different protein-protein interaction networks for each patient based on protein-coding genes mapped at the cytobands pre- and post-chemotherapy from distinct copy number alterations data. In the post-chemotherapy networks, we identified five common regulatory nodes corresponding to the gained region located in ch17q:BIRC5, BRCA1, PRKCA, SUMO2, andGPS1. A crosslink between DNA damage and chromatin remodeling proteins was also found - a connection still poorly understood in NB. We identified a potential connection between XPB gain and chemoresistance of NB. The findings help elucidate the molecular profiles of high-risk NB with 11q deletion in pre- and post-chemotherapy tumor samples, which may reflect unique profiles in poor response to treatment. |
Erratum Erratum: Investigating the shared genetic architecture between breast and ovarian cancers |