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The ultraviolet (UV) B-induced damage of the eye surface of experimental animals (rabbits) includes loss of corneal epithelium, apoptosis of keratocytes and stromal edema. These changes are accompanied by clinically and histologically manifested corneal inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, and exudation of the anterior chamber of the eye. According to mass spectrometric analysis, UV-induced corneal damage is associated with pronounced changes in the lipid composition of tears, including a decrease in the amount of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin E2 and an increase in the concentrations of prostaglandin D2 and its derivative 15d-PGJ2. In addition, it is accompanied by an alteration in the levels of hydroxyeicosate tetraenic acid derivatives, namely upregulation of 12-HETE and downregulation of 5-HETE. The revealed changes indicate the activation of metabolic pathways involving 5-lipoxygenase, 12-lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase 1 and 2, and prostaglandin-D-synthase. These findings contribute to understanding mechanisms of UV-induced keratitis and point on feasibility of selective anti-inflammatory therapy for improving corneal regeneration after iatrogenic UV damage.
Povrezhdeniia poverkhnosti glaza éksperimental'nykh zhivotnykh (krolikov), indutsirovannye ul'trafioletovym (UF) izlucheniem (ul'trafiolet V), vkliuchaiut polnuiu deépitelizatsiiu rogovitsy, apoptoz keratotsitov i otek stromy étoĭ tkani. Ukazannye izmeneniia soprovozhdaiutsia razvitiem klinicheski i gistologicheski detektiruemoĭ vospalitel'noĭ reaktsii v rogovitse, a takzhe neĭtrofil'noĭ infil'tratsieĭ i ékssudatsieĭ peredneĭ kamery glaza. Po dannym mass-spektrometricheskogo analiza, UF-indutsirovannye povrezhdeniia rogovitsy assotsiirovany s vyrazhennymi izmeneniiami lipidnogo sostava slezy, vkliuchaiushchimi snizhenie kolichestva arakhidonovoĭ kisloty i prostaglandina E2, uvelichenie kontsentratsiĭ prostaglandina D2 i ego proizvodnogo 15d-PGJ2, a takzhe izmenenie urovneĭ gidroksiéĭkozatetraenovykh kislot 12-HETE (snizhenie) i 5-HETE (povyshenie). Éto ukazyvaet na aktivatsiiu metabolicheskikh puteĭ s uchastiem 5-lipoksigenazy, 12-lipoksigenazy, tsiklooksigenaz 1 i 2, i prostaglandin-D-sintazy. Rezul'taty raboty rasshiriaiut ponimanie mekhanizmov razvitiia UF-indutsirovannogo keratita, a takzhe svidetel'stvuiut o perspektivnosti ispol'zovaniia selektivnoĭ protivovospalitel'noĭ terapii dlia uskoreniia regeneratsii rogovitsy posle iatrogennykh povrezhdeniĭ, vyzvannykh UF-izlucheniem.
Keywords: 12-HETE; 15d-PGJ2; 5-HETE; UV-induced corneal damage; eicosanoids; keratitis; keratocyte apoptosis; prostaglandin D2; prostaglandin E2; tear film.