The association of feeding practices with the development of digestive disorders in horses has long been recognized, although the underlying mechanisms had been barely considered. The physiologic consequences of meal frequency may help to explain the relationship and prove to be of major significance in the induction of many conditions. Many Equidae kept for performance and leisure activities are fed high-energy, low-forage rations twice daily, with limited access to hay or grazing. Rapid ingestion of such meals stimulates a copious outpouring of upper alimentary secretions and results in transient hypovolemia (15% plasma volume loss). Subsequent activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) contributes to the preservation of circulatory status. Large meals may accelerate digesta passage to the cecum and, thereby, increase soluble carbohydrate availability for large intestinal fermentation. Intense periods of fermentation develop that require significant shifts of fluid into the colonic lumen. This is followed by net fluid absorption, which, in part, is dependent on postprandial increases of aldosterone. Potential consequences of these events include (1) imbalances in the RAAS response, which may promote conditions favorable to gastrointestinal disturbance, notably large intestinal impaction, and (2) changes in the gastrointestinal microflora, which may affect the intraluminal endotoxin pool and the population of enterotoxin-producing bacteria. In contrast to episodic feedings, similar changes are absent or greatly attenuated under simulated grazing conditions (for example, small, frequent meals). Thus, modification of management practices to facilitate a more continuous feeding pattern may significantly reduce the incidence of digestive problems in the stabled horse.