About Me
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I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M). I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics from McGill University, Canada, in 2023.
I am an applied microeconomist. My primary research interests lie in environmental and resource economics, industrial organization, international trade, and dynamic games. My doctoral research focused on various resource market distortions and their impacts on firms’ behaviour and the environment. Specifically, I investigated two distinct market distortions: the influence of lobby groups in the international waste market and the presence of cross-ownership in the nonrenewable/renewable resource sector.
Currently, I am exploring the role of critical minerals in the transition to clean energy. Specifically, I am involved in two collaborative research projects: the French National Research Agency (ANR)-funded ScarCyclET project on Materials Scarcity and Recycling for the Energy Transition, with Francesco Ricci and Mouez Fodha; and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)-funded project on Critical Minerals and the Clean Energy Transition, with Joëlle Noailly, Steven Poelhekke, and Gerard van der Meijden. The topics under investigation include understanding the role of critical metals’ recycling in their trade and geopolitical frictions, exploring the economic and policy implications of geopolitical challenges for the availability of critical minerals, and investigating policy solutions to mitigate environmental challenges posed by the mining and extraction of critical minerals, among many others.