How to Use weedy in a Sentence
Fill bare or weedy spots in the lawn with the help of summer rains.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 26 May 2018
But the wild, weedy overgrowth of the Peak TV era is yielding fruit, too.
—Lili Loofbourow, Washington Post, 27 Sep. 2023
From there, my partner and I walked to the weedy banks of the Zimbabwean canyon.
—Caitlin Morton, Condé Nast Traveler, 24 Oct. 2023
Is there anything that can be done to remove the weedy grass?
—Tom MacCubbin, Orlando Sentinel, 29 June 2024
Northern pike have been active on the weedy flats and drop-off zones.
—Star Tribune, 3 June 2021
The same process is used to establish a new lawn over bare (or weedy) soil.
—Kim Toscano, Southern Living, 18 July 2024
The lake is dotted with islands, rocky points, clay banks and weedy bays.
—Bryce Miller,, 7 July 2017
During a recent tour, a black piece of plastic the size of a barrel marred the weedy edge of the pond.
—Bruce Vielmetti, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 July 2017
What’s the difference between a lush food plot and a weedy patch of dirt?
—Tony Hansen, Outdoor Life, 3 Sep. 2019
Small, weedy islands appear in the Butte Creek flow here.
—Washington Post, 13 Sep. 2021
July is a good time to fill in bare or now weedy spots left by cold, drought or pests.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 30 June 2018
The jet, which for years lured Elvis fans to a weedy old runway in Roswell, N.M, is now up for auction.
—Douglas Perry,, 22 May 2017
The beautiful garden is torn up and goes bleak and weedy.
—Constance Grady, Vox, 12 Oct. 2018
Black crappies are found in large ponds, as well as clear, deep, weedy, and cold reservoirs.
—Popular Science, 1 June 2020
The ground cherry, a species of Physalis, is a weedy plant native to the Americas.
—Anna Funk, Discover Magazine, 4 Oct. 2018
Consumer tastes have evolved over the last 30 years, and many people would describe these wines as lean and weedy.
—Eric Asimov, New York Times, 1 Mar. 2018
The route then winds down toward Mexican Hay Lake, which is rarely more than a weedy bog.
—Mare Czinar, azcentral, 19 June 2018
Spring creeks tend to be weedy with flowing green plants like elodea and watercress.
—Morgan Lyle, Field & Stream, 13 July 2023
The empty swimming pool and weedy basketball courts gave the place a kind of haunted charm.
—Rachel Monroe, The New Yorker, 11 July 2023
Although the straight species of black gum can be a bit weedy, newer cultivars such as ‘Wild Fire’ don’t go to seed.
—oregonlive, 3 Nov. 2020
The station comprised two chargers on the far weedy fringes of a nearly empty Jack in the Box parking lot.
—Russ Mitchell, Los Angeles Times, 22 Sep. 2022
For bass, throw jigs and plastics into rocky or weedy cover.
—Jordan Rodriguez, idahostatesman, 8 June 2018
Mowing can help control the weeds but seldom is the total answer to the weedy lawn problem.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 26 Dec. 2020
Researchers sequenced the genomes of leafy and weedy sea dragons and compared them with other fish.
—New York Times, 7 July 2022
For nonriders, this might get a bit weedy, but bear with me: The Bobber has a 29-degree front fork rake, and a trail of 5.2 inches.
—Dan Neil, WSJ, 16 July 2021
If not managed, the plants can become weedy and aggressive.
—Janet B. Carson, Arkansas Online, 24 Apr. 2021
In the eyes of the BLM, pinyon pine and juniper trees are weedy species that invade sagebrush rangelands and increase the risk of wildfire.
—Louis Sahagún, Los Angeles Times, 11 Feb. 2024
Now is a great time to repair weedy spots in your lawn, but don’t expect the good grass to quickly creep into large bare areas.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 27 Nov. 2021
On weedy shorelines, beds will begin just outside the deepest weeds.
—T. Edward Nickens, Field & Stream, 19 Mar. 2020
Is there a weedy section of lawn that could be replaced with a perennial garden?
—Monica Cardoza, Washington Post, 12 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'weedy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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