Favorites from lil' ears
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Book recommendations for my 9-year-old daughter

I like to get my daughter a book or two at Christmas and I'm hoping you folks have some great recommendations. She is a good reader for her age. Some of her favorite books are the Laura Ingalls Wilder series, Louise Erdrich's Birchbark series, Eva Ibbotson's Star of Kazan, and Kate Sered's The Good Master. I think she likes girl heroines, adventure of some sort, and a setting in a different time and/or place. She also been into fairies and mermaids lately (we just read the first Emily Windsnap book).
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Alluring Mouthbreather at 10:40 AM on November 18, 2016 (54 comments)

What are your "must eats" in Seattle?

I've been to Seattle a lot, and am sick of going where Yelp tells me to* I hope you can help me find the awesomest foods (bonus for cocktails/beer) in the city. *except Taylor's Oysters. Love me some Taylor's Oysters.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Joseph Gurl at 10:18 PM on August 18, 2016 (21 comments)

Mmmm bop. Tween edition.

What are your tween's recommendations for Essential Pop Music Tracks for Summer 2016? My second-grade daughter is a nerd (apple, tree, hi) but her buddies seem to know all the latest songs. I'd love to build out a mix/playlist for them all to rock out to. But what goes on it? Taylor Swift? Is Adele too grownup? Is One Direction still a thing? Specific tracks recommended by actual kids (or grownups who know these things) would be very appreciated!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by nkknkk at 2:42 PM on August 10, 2016 (20 comments)

What to Read While Harry's On Vacation

We have been reading Harry Potter aloud to our third grader and sixth grader, and we need suggestions for possible next series/books to read.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by China Grover at 5:05 PM on October 29, 2015 (33 comments)

Artisinal Beanplating

I want your recipes for rice and beans, using combinations of beans, rice, and spices that are tasty!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by WeekendJen at 7:03 AM on April 8, 2015 (27 comments)

Must-do things in The Netherlands

I'm being sent on a whirlwind trip to the Netherlands - four days in Utrecht/Amsterdam. I'll basically have a day and a half (and possibly a couple of evenings) to see.. stuff! But I have absolutely no idea what's there. What should I see? What are the must-do's and can't-misses?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by coriolisdave at 4:53 PM on February 17, 2014 (19 comments)

What's there besides Amsterdam?

I want to see more than just Amsterdam. How can I go off the beaten path in The Netherlands?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by gushn at 3:47 PM on April 8, 2010 (13 comments)

Historical fiction to read my 7-year-old girl?

Hi, my daughter seems to really like two things in the books I read her: (1) a historical setting and (2) a main character who is a girl. She loved Laura Ingalls Wilder, Caddie Woodlawn, Sarah Plain and Tall, and even one of those American Girl doll books. Can you recommend other books to read her? I was thinking of Anne of Green Gables, but I have no other ideas and I'm not sure if she is the right age.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Area Man at 11:00 AM on February 27, 2015 (63 comments)

Books for my snowflaky boy

My 9 year-old son is an advanced reader (F & P level U/V) but on the immature side. I'm having trouble finding books for him. He doesn't like fantasy, which eliminates a huge percentage of what's out there. He loves graphic novels but can't read just those. He's liked Wonder, Roald Dahl, and a few historical fiction books, as examples. Books at his reading level are often beyond his emotional level, so he's reading without really comprehending. Any ideas for my boy? Thank you!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by aimeedee at 4:26 AM on February 20, 2015 (49 comments)

Best place to see the Northern Lights: Seattle area/Western Washington?

I'd really really REALLY love to see the lights tonight and I'm willing to drive a couple hours to get there. I live in Magnolia in Seattle. Where do I go?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Tevin at 11:03 AM on September 12, 2014 (12 comments)

Help me plan my birthday in Seattle

I'm new to Seattle and about to celebrate a milestone-ish birthday after a super hectic year - help me figure out how to plan an amazing day!
posted to Ask MetaFilter by DuckGirl at 7:57 PM on August 25, 2013 (12 comments)

Where can I find the best documentaries from the past 30 years or so?

The Oscar nominees would be natural candidates, but as of '93, Ebert was complaining that the selection committee was completely unqualified: http://www.rogerebert.com/festivals-and-awards/oscarvoters-slight-best-documentaries . (As an aside: do his criticisms apply to the Academy Award documentary nominating committee today?) Where else should I look for credible lists of the best documentaries made recently?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by jtothes at 12:38 AM on July 18, 2013 (11 comments)

What personal items should I really keep in my desk at work?

I started my first 9-5 office job a few weeks back, and have been slowly figuring out the things I can keep on hand to make my work day a little more enjoyable. Things like hand lotion, trail mix, pictures of friends and family. There are also things I'm realizing I should always have handy: tampons, painkillers, granola bars, etc. What am I missing? What are the things that make sitting at a desk for eight hours a slightly better experience?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by frizzle at 5:36 PM on July 5, 2013 (76 comments)

Advice on what to do before/during an interview to assess my Spanish?

I'm an intermediate Spanish speaker, and I have an interview in a couple days to assess my Spanish level. How can I be as successful as possible, both as far as brushing up/practicing, as well as keeping my nerves under control?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by EmilyClimbs at 9:58 AM on April 25, 2013 (12 comments)

Help me find this online Spanish tutoring site

A few months ago I found a certain online Spanish tutoring site I wanted to try out, but now I'm unable to locate it after much Googling. The site (which may have offered languages other than Spanish) had private tutors who conduct sessions via Skype. The main page showed photos and bios of the many available tutors, with star ratings and links to reviews written by students. As I recall, each tutor could set his/her own price. What site might this have been?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by iamisaid at 11:03 AM on April 25, 2013 (5 comments)

He took the blue pill...

Is there a doctor in the house? Is the medication Trizivir used for ANYTHING other than to treat HIV?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 7:19 PM on September 30, 2007 (60 comments)

Udderly Ridiculous!

Is it possible to over-breastfeed a baby? She's 6 weeks old and nurses, oh, like 10-12 hours a day at least. I think she's at the breast more than she's asleep.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by DenOfSizer at 10:23 AM on December 5, 2006 (22 comments)

Economics as all fun and games?

What are some other economic board games (besides Monopoly)?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by champthom at 6:14 PM on August 14, 2007 (32 comments)

Indian Cooking 101

Hooked On Heat is the two year old foodblog of Meena, daughter of a Malaysian mom & Indian father, with tons of recipes & food stories for those who love spice in their food; her recent series of posts, Indian Cooking 101 is a must read for those who love to eat Indian food and want to try it out at home.
posted to MetaFilter by jonson at 7:20 PM on August 11, 2007 (25 comments)

International Adoption for Dummies

My spouse and I would like to adopt internationally. What are some good resources to learn about the process?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Anonymous at 5:01 PM on September 16, 2006 (10 comments)

songs for my baby

Help me pick out songs to sing and play on the guitar for my soon-to-be-born son.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by signal at 1:47 PM on August 1, 2007 (30 comments)

food that takes the roof of your mouth off

Looking for good Indian food recipes.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by the luke parker fiasco at 4:27 AM on July 31, 2007 (31 comments)

Books for a boy

Help me come up with a set of books suitable for a 4 year old boy that are classic (even new "classics" are welcome), offer a good narrative, and will be a nice counterpoint to his shelf of truck related books.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by chickaboo at 7:40 AM on July 26, 2007 (40 comments)

Alternatives to mainstream baby paraphernalia?

I'm looking for alternatives to some of the mass-market baby products. For example: using cloth table napkins as "burp cloths." And, can you buy decent disposable diapers in Canada?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by kmennie at 10:54 AM on July 23, 2007 (37 comments)

Lots of free acoustic music lessons!

MusicMoose wants "to provide the world with free, useful music lessons, and a community based site to help back it all up." The site contains hundreds of free video music lessons (often containing notation and/or tablature) with a distinct focus on acoustic and bluegrass music, all taught by some pretty badass pickers (including the astonishingly good mandolin shredder Anthony Hannigan). There are also obligatory but very useful forums. Takeaway: the whole thing is free and you don't have to register to watch the lessons.
posted to MetaFilter by kosem at 9:51 AM on June 29, 2007 (15 comments)

free music for kids?

I'm looking for free, legal kid's music for my three year old little girl. Ideally mp3s of stuff that is past copyright, like old folk music, kids classics, or anything else that might appeal to a three-year-old who likes to dance.
posted to Ask MetaFilter by mecran01 at 10:31 PM on May 17, 2007 (13 comments)

Babies diaper leaks only at night.

2 week old baby has diaper leaking issues, but only at night. Mom is tired of changing outfits 4 times a night. What to do?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by Formiga at 9:27 AM on May 7, 2007 (20 comments)

Crack that nip!

[BreastfeedingFilter] My partner and I just had a baby boy. So far, breastfeeding is going pretty darned well, except...
posted to Ask MetaFilter by al_fresco at 11:07 AM on May 6, 2007 (23 comments)

Best Savings Option for Education?

What are the best options for my son's education savings? He's four and so far we've only been able to put about $1000 into savings for him. Would a 529 plan be the best route? What about CDs? I have practically no experience with savings accounts/investment/financial planning, but have decided to start learning about it. Should I go get a Motley Fool book?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by bstreep at 11:17 PM on May 4, 2007 (10 comments)

Recommended baby sites?

My wife and I are expecting our first child soon, and I've been looking for a site that would allow us to post photographs, videoclips, maybe a journal/blog, etc., and then allow family members/friends to log-in and view them. Has anyone used such a site they'd recommend strongly?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by stuehler at 5:14 AM on February 20, 2007 (16 comments)

Organic Shmanic

I'm introducing my baby to solid foods (making most myself). Where will I get the most "bang for my buck" in terms of organic produce?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by DenOfSizer at 4:03 AM on April 21, 2007 (11 comments)

The 100 Year Old Photoblog

Shorpy is an unusual photoblog; billed as "the 100-year-old photography blog," it focuses on found images from many, many decades gone by. Some favorites, so far.
posted to MetaFilter by jonson at 2:35 PM on March 19, 2007 (26 comments)

Alternatives to Dora The Explorer?

My daughter is mad for Dora The Explorer. I think it's a good enough program for her if she's going to be watching TV; we get involved and she doesn't just vegetate in front of it. That said, the repetition is doing our heads in. What are some alternative programs that she might get as much out of but will give her Mum and me a little variety?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by adamt at 4:18 AM on February 7, 2007 (42 comments)

Spreading cheer with festive food

(not cookies) food gifts. I'd like some recipes for not too expensive, not too hard to make, but stunning food gifts that are easy to package and give away for the holidays. Got any gems you'd be willing to share?
posted to Ask MetaFilter by nnk at 12:10 PM on December 13, 2006 (35 comments)
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