Displaying post 1 to 50 of 65
I'm a 27 year old male. I've noticed my hair has been thinning out and receding my hairline over the last year. Is there anything I can do to keep it sticking around for a while longer? I didn't expect to be witnessing this before I'm 30.
Can a doctor help?
How do I maximize the benefit I get from my time spent at the gym?
How can I best keep my walk-in closet from smelling like my shoes? And how can I best keep my shoes from smelling up my walk-in closet?
How can I thoroughly test the Windows 7 desktop machine I built for my dad before I give it back to him? He lives 4.5 hours away so I won't be able to easily respond to problems once he has it.
Is it possible to use the same set of speakers/studio monitors with both my computer and record player/amplifier? Is it possible/smart to run both the computer and record player audio through the amplifier?
I'm a 26-year old guy travelling to Chicago in August with 2 friends. Where should we stay and what areas/neighborhoods/things should we check out to get the full Chicago experience? Details inside...
Looking to build a Intel Sandy Bridge Windows 7 machine that will primarily function as a centralized repository for mp3s, movies, and photos. Anyone have any hardware recommendations?
I have a few questions about a home server / backup / HTPC solution and I would really appreciate some help. Details inside.
What are the differences between sharing a folder over a network from a Win7 desktop, having a NAS, or having a Windows Home Server box? Is an actual server better than a folder share?
Looking for a 14" or 15" Windows 7 laptop. Should I wait until Sandy Bridge makes its way out into the market or should I buy one now? Also, which should I buy? Details inside.
Anyone have any recommendations for a point-and-shoot digital camera? I figure I should pick one up during these Black Friday sales.
Which one of these three 37" LED 1080p HDTVs should I buy for my bedroom?
I'm looking for a 14 or 15 inch Sony, Asus, or Lenovo Windows 7 laptop that will function as my only machine. Any recommendations?
Help me find a new non-Mac 15" Windows 7 laptop. What manufacturer should I go with? Details inside.
What type of wirelessly accessible storage solution should I go with in my new home network? Details inside...
Should I build a new desktop machine or should I build nothing more than Network-Attached Storage? Details inside...
I am looking to buy a reasonably priced Windows 7 15" laptop for my parents. Any recommendations?
What are my options for building a server-based storage solution wirelessly connectable to either an OS X or Windows 7 laptop?
I need a new office chair. Any recommendations?
Could any of you give me a quick hand with a paragraph from my resume? I'm having trouble saying what I want to say. I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm thinking about replacing my 2 year-old 15" Macbook Pro but I can't find a non-Apple laptop that feels like it doesn't have cheap hardware. Am I missing something?
Should I attempt to ask my boss to give me a raise?
I need to buy a sub-$350ish point-and-shoot camera in the next week. Any recommendations? I've had a few Canon Digital ELPHs in the past and have been pretty satisfied with them but I know there are other brands out there.
I'm looking to move from an XP desktop full of music to a server-based solution but I have no idea where to start! Can anyone give me a hand?
Where can I go to find a well-cut suit? I'm 6'3" 190lbs and I'm sick of suits that look like they were made for me before I lost 60 lbs.
I'm looking to buy a spaceheater for my girlfriend's apartment. Anyone have any recommendations on ones that won't burn the place down?
Are there any programs/extensions out there to make the editing/organizing of my bookmarks in Firefox any easier? I'm using XMarks to sync these bookmarks between my XP and OSX machines.
I'm trying to make my "main computer" my 2 year-old MacBook Pro instead of my home-built desktop. How can I best do this? Does anyone have any dock recommendations for that MacBook Pro?
I'm looking for a good set of free weights for my apartment. Any suggestions?
Where would I find quality, curved, wooden hangers?
Where would I find a black fedora and black sunglasses for a Blues Brothers costume by Saturday morning?
Can anyone lend me a hand in designing my new home network computer setup?
How long should my dress shirts, polos, and sweaters be? I'm tall and I have a hard time determining what's too short and too long.
What are some good protein-rich meals I can take to work with me for lunch? I'm trying to gain some mass. I'll have a refrigerator and microwave present and my commute is only 15 minutes.
I need to learn how to play guitar. I'd like to start on an acoustic so I won't have to lug an amp around all the time. What type of acoustic should I start off with and what is the best way to learn? Websites? Lessons?
I need to start working out, but other than my lack of motivation, not having a workout plan is keeping me from starting. How can I solve this? Personal trainer? Websites?
So I dropped my iPhone and the screen shattered. Now what? What should I buy and how does it affect my ATT contract?
How would I go about asking for a salary increase in my yearly review? I came in to this job as the #2 guy on a 2-person contract and then the #1 guy (my supervisor and project manager) quit. I'm now project manager and the only one on site. I feel like I should receive some sort of corresponding raise with this increase in responsibility.
What is the best way to sync my contacts (name, email, phone number) between my iPhone, MacBook Pro, and Gmail? I am using Address Book at the moment but should I be using something else?
I feel like I'm absolutely terrible at cooking. How can I become better at it? I think my lack of recipes/ideas is what's killing me. I just stick to spaghetti and frozen dinners because I'm not sure what else to do. If I had things to make I'm sure I'd eventually become better at it.
So the first wedding of my mid-20's is coming up and it seems as though I'm able to bring a date. Should I definitely pursue a date? I have someone in mind but I'm afraid I have no idea how fun this wedding will even be. How should I go about this? This is new territory for me.
How would I find a place in DC that could make some custom-made dress shirts for me? Or should I tailor my normal store-bought "fitted" shirts? Will this remedy my issues?
Where do I find a somewhat cheap and well-made black sport coat (in the Washington DC area)?
How would a 23 year-old male become more fashionable? The only time I feel dressed well is when I wear a suit. How can I fix this? It's difficult for me to find clothes that I feel fit me well because of my 6'3" 185 lb frame.
What type of foods should I be eating in order to bulk up?
Help me find a cheap, reliable, standard phone for use on AT&T. I need to find something cheap so I can sell my iPhone.
Help me find a moderately cheap phone for use on AT&T. I'm taking my iPhone back.
So I bought an iPhone for AT&T and it is aggravating. I need something else. What do you suggest?
Just bought an iPhone last night for use on AT&T in the USA. What should I do first?
Narrowed my phone choices down to: iPhone, Blackberry Bold, and Samsung Omnia. Which one should I get?
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