The high degradability of crude protein (CP) from fresh grass can impair its utilization in ruminants. The presence of a moderate level of polyphenolic substances in the diet of grazing animals could help to overcome this problem. The study aimed to evaluate the effects of supplementation with two varieties of faba bean, with different polyphenol contents, on milk yield and quality, as well as on grazing behaviour, in Cinisara grazing cows. A total of 30 cows, homogeneous per days in milk (61 ± 29) and milk yield (12.9 kg ± 3.2), fed on a mixed pasture (CP 17.9% DM) and supplied with grains (an equal mixture of barley, oats, and wheat) and mixed hay (CP 10.2% DM), were assigned to three dietary treatments and supplemented as follows: control group (C, 10 cows), 1 kg of hay, 6 kg of grains mixture, and 0.4 kg soybean meal; low polyphenols group (LP, 10 cows), 1 kg of hay, 4 kg of grains mixture, and 2 kg/d of faba bean var. Torrelama (total polyphenols 4.4 mg GAE/g DM; CP 28.4% DM); high polyphenols group (HP, 10 cows), 2 kg of hay, 4 kg of grains mixture, and 2 kg/d of faba bean var. Fanfare (total polyphenols 16.4 mg GAE/g DM; CP 28.9% DM). All groups were allowed to graze for 20 h/d on natural pasture forage. The HP supplement tended to increase the milk yield compared to that of the LP and C groups (17.1 vs. 15.3 and 14.6 kg/d, respectively;
p = 0.057) but reduced the protein (3.20 vs. 3.39 and 3.47%;
p = 0.009) and casein proportions (2.45 vs. 2.67 and 2.74%, respectively;
p = 0.007) compared to those from the LP and C treatments. HP milk also showed a higher milk urea nitrogen (MUN) value compared to that of C milk, while an intermediate level was measured in LP milk (25.5 vs. 22.9 and 20.9 mg/dl, respectively;
p = 0.036). No dietary effect was evident in the milk fatty acid profile. Eating time at pasture and biting rate were not affected by supplementation. The results do not seem to suggest a difference in the efficiency of use of supplements with different polyphenol contents. In any case, they seem to demonstrate that the use of faba beans, regardless of their polyphenol content, represents a valid alternative to soyabeans, also taking into account the tendency for an increased milk yield found by integrating pasture grazing with faba beans possessing a high level of polyphenols, without significant worsening of the qualitative characteristics of the milk or negatively affecting grazing behaviour.
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