Prof. Sławomir Hausman received his MSc in Electronics in 1982 from Lodz University of Technology (Poland) and his PhD from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, in 1990. He obtained habilitation in 2009 and is currently a Professor at Lodz University of Technology. His research interests include radio propagation modeling, human exposure to electromagnetic fields, wireless body area networks, 5G systems, metamaterials, electromagnetic compatibility, and digital signal processing. He has participated in over 20 R&D projects for industry and has extensive experience as a business owner and industry specialist in telecommunications. Prof. Hausman is Chairman of the Polish National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)—Commission K (Electromagnetics in Biology and Medicine). He has over 15 years of academic administrative experience, including 9 years as Dean of the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic, Computer, and Control Engineering at Lodz University of Technology.