Establishing Benchmark Properties for 3D-Printed Concrete: A Study of Printability, Strength, and Durability
<p>Custom-made laboratory concrete printer at RTU: (<b>a</b>) printer setup with the aluminum frame and print area; (<b>b</b>) gantry system closeup: (1) motor; (2) hopper; (3) inlet; (4) pipe; (5) nozzle.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>(<b>a</b>) Rheometer working protocol. The protocol consists of two parts with varying resting intervals: an initial resting phase of 6 min, followed by 1 min working time. After 25 min, the resting time extends to 11 min, followed by 1 min working time. (<b>b</b>) Rheological chart: time vs. torque.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Specimen preparation for mechanical tests: (<b>a</b>) print object geometry for mechanical tests; (<b>b</b>) markings on specimens before cutting; (<b>c</b>) circular saw table: (1) circular saw blade; (2) metal guide fixed perpendicular to the saw blade; (3) metal guide fixed parallel to the saw blade.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Test setups for compressive strength tests in various directions: (<b>a</b>) direction [u]; (<b>b</b>) direction [v]; (<b>c</b>) direction [w].</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Test setups for splitting strength tests in various directions: (<b>a</b>) direction [w/u]; (<b>b</b>) direction [v/w]; (<b>c</b>) direction [u/v].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Test setups for flexural strength tests in various directions: (<b>a</b>) direction [u.w]; (<b>b</b>) direction [v.u]; (<b>c</b>) direction [w.u].</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Print object geometry for durability tests. Two printed objects: the bottom part was printed first for the object with the cold joint (T<sub>SET</sub>); the printed object without the cold joint (T<sub>0</sub>).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>Static and dynamic yield stress values obtained via rheometer and slugs tests.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Direct buildability test: (<b>a</b>) mixture right before plastic collapse; (<b>b</b>) plastic collapse.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Compressive strength test results.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Comparison between compressive strength results of samples taken from different locations.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>Flexural strength test results.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The fracture pattern of flexural strength test specimens: (<b>a</b>) direction [u.w]; (<b>b</b>) direction [v.u]; (<b>c</b>) direction [w.u].</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Splitting strength test results.</p> "> Figure 15
<p>Water absorption test results.</p> "> Figure 16
<p>Carbonation depth of the developed mixture after 7, 28, 56, and 90 days for (<b>a</b>) cast samples; (<b>b</b>) printed samples without the cold joint (T<sub>0</sub>); (<b>c</b>) printed samples with the cold joint (T<sub>SET</sub>).</p> "> Figure 17
<p>3D-printed carbonation samples after testing: (<b>a</b>) T<sub>0</sub> after 7 days; (<b>b</b>) T<sub>0</sub> after 28 days; (<b>c</b>) T<sub>0</sub> after 56 days; (<b>d</b>) T<sub>0</sub> after 90 days; (<b>e</b>) T<sub>SET</sub> after 7 days; (<b>f</b>) T<sub>SET</sub> after 28 days; (<b>g</b>) T<sub>SET</sub> after 56 days; (<b>h</b>) T<sub>SET</sub> after 90 days.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
2.2. Mixing and 3D Printing
2.3. Fresh State Properties
2.4. Mechanical Testing
- [u] direction—load applied perpendicular to the v,w plane (n = 9);
- [v] direction—load applied perpendicular to the u,w plane (n = 9);
- [w] direction—load applied perpendicular to the u,v plane (n = 9).
- [w/u] direction—load applied parallel to print direction (n = 9);
- [v/w] direction—load applied perpendicular to the top plane (n = 9);
- [u/v] direction—load applied perpendicular to the side plane (n = 9).
- [u.w] direction—load applied parallel to print direction (n = 7);
- [v.u] direction—load applied perpendicular to the top plane (n = 7);
- [w.u] direction—load applied perpendicular to the side plane (n = 7).
2.5. Durability Testing
- T0 with the side planes left uncoated (n = 3);
- T0 with the top and bottom planes left uncoated (n = 3);
- TSET with the side planes left uncoated (n = 3);
- TSET with the top and bottom planes left uncoated (n = 3);
- Cast samples with two of the molded planes left uncoated (n = 3).
- Without the cold joint, T0 with one of the side planes left uncoated (day 7, 28, 56, and 90, n = 3 for each day);
- With the cold joint, TSET with one of the side planes left uncoated (day 7, 28, 56, and 90, n = 3 for each day);
- Cast samples with two of the molded planes left uncoated (day 7, 28, 56, and 90, n = 3 for each day).
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Fresh Properties
3.2. Mechanical Properties
3.2.1. Compressive Strength
3.2.2. Flexural Strength
3.2.3. Splitting Strength
3.3. Durability Properties
3.3.1. Water Absorption
3.3.2. Carbonation
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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CEM I/A-LL 42.5, Schwenk | Limestone Filler, Saulkalne | Sand, fr. 0–2 mm, Sakret | Additives | Polypropylene Fiber |
300 | 200 | 490 | 10 | 0.5 |
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Sapata, A.; Šinka, M.; Šahmenko, G.; Korat Bensa, L.; Hanžič, L.; Šter, K.; Ručevskis, S.; Bajāre, D.; Bos, F.P. Establishing Benchmark Properties for 3D-Printed Concrete: A Study of Printability, Strength, and Durability. J. Compos. Sci. 2025, 9, 74.
Sapata A, Šinka M, Šahmenko G, Korat Bensa L, Hanžič L, Šter K, Ručevskis S, Bajāre D, Bos FP. Establishing Benchmark Properties for 3D-Printed Concrete: A Study of Printability, Strength, and Durability. Journal of Composites Science. 2025; 9(2):74.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSapata, Alise, Māris Šinka, Genādijs Šahmenko, Lidija Korat Bensa, Lucija Hanžič, Katarina Šter, Sandris Ručevskis, Diāna Bajāre, and Freek P. Bos. 2025. "Establishing Benchmark Properties for 3D-Printed Concrete: A Study of Printability, Strength, and Durability" Journal of Composites Science 9, no. 2: 74.
APA StyleSapata, A., Šinka, M., Šahmenko, G., Korat Bensa, L., Hanžič, L., Šter, K., Ručevskis, S., Bajāre, D., & Bos, F. P. (2025). Establishing Benchmark Properties for 3D-Printed Concrete: A Study of Printability, Strength, and Durability. Journal of Composites Science, 9(2), 74.