Detecting Three-Dimensional Straight Edges in Point Clouds Based on Normal Vectors †
<p>The basic steps of the methodology presented in this paper (more details in <a href="#sec3-heritage-08-00091" class="html-sec">Section 3</a>).</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Workflow of the proposed algorithm<a href="#fn001-heritage-08-00091" class="html-fn">1</a>.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Illustration of the process used to ensure that the normal vectors n<sub>1</sub> and n<sub>2</sub> which belong to adjacent triangles are consistently oriented to point inwards or outwards relative to the mesh.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Transformation of graph G to line graph L(G). The (blue) edges in the original graph G are converted into vertices (blue points) in the line graph L(G).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Dense point cloud representing the temple of Demeter in Sangri, Naxos, Greece [<a href="#B37-heritage-08-00091" class="html-bibr">37</a>].</p> "> Figure 6
<p>Triangular mesh created from the dense point cloud of Demeter’s temple. (<b>a</b>) Area where gaps are formed in the mesh. (<b>b</b>) Area with a solid surface without gaps. (<b>c</b>) Area with gaps and other errors that create texture in the mesh.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The density (<b>a</b>) and distribution (<b>b</b>) of the real data sparse point cloud.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The density (<b>a</b>) and distribution (<b>b</b>) of the real data dense point cloud.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>Visualization of the finite edges on the triangular mesh surface of the Temple of Demeter’s facade. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) Regions where the detected finite edges are densely concentrated in specific sections of the mesh. (<b>c</b>) Region exhibiting a high density of finite edges, primarily due to surface anomalies.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Visualization of line segments in the dense point cloud of the Temple of Demeter’s facade. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) Regions where the line segments are densely concentrated in sections of the mesh. (<b>c</b>) Region exhibiting many line segments, primarily due to surface anomalies.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Visualization of the final 3D edges of Demeter’s temple. (<b>a</b>,<b>b</b>) Regions where the detected edges accurately represent the temple’s geometry, (<b>c</b>) Region with some wrong detected edges. The numbers indicate different sections on the temple: (1) horizontal geison, (2) architrave, (3a) upper section of the pillar, (3b) lower section of the pillar, (4) stylobate and (5) foundation.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>The final 3D edge is detected in segments before processing the triangular mesh.</p> "> Figure 13
<p>The final 3D edge is detected along its entire length after processing the triangular mesh.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Construction of the Triangle Mesh Surface
3.2. Computation of the Normal Vectors and Angle Estimation
3.3. Graph Generation
3.4. Concatenation of Finite Edges
3.5. RANSAC Variation
- The original RANSAC is designed to randomly select point samples from the data and find the model, i.e., usually a line or plane, that best fits the inliers. In contrast, the proposed variation of RANSAC connects almost parallel line segments that are close to each other.
- The original RANSAC checks whether a point is an inlier based on a threshold related to the distance from the model. However, in the proposed variation, the line segments must form an angle smaller than rad with each other to be considered inliers. Additionally, their endpoints must be within a distance smaller than a predefined value. This distance is typically set to 5 times the average point density of the given point cloud but may be changed by the user if needed. The chosen distance provides a large enough area to search for neighboring line segments without introducing delays in the algorithm’s execution time.
- The original RANSAC does not use any special structure for searching for inliers, while in the proposed variation of RANSAC a k-D tree structure is employed to find the nearest neighbors. This approach narrows the search, restricting it to a smaller area so that the algorithm remains efficient even with datasets consisting of a large number of points. Some examples of the algorithm’s running times are available in Table 2. All experiments in this research were conducted on a PC equipped with an Intel i7 processor, 8GB of DDR4 RAM, and an NVIDIA GTX 1050 GPU.
- The original RANSAC does not perform any searches for model extension based on neighboring points. However, in the proposed variation, an extension strategy is used by connecting neighboring line segments, which were found using the k-D tree structure. This extension is performed using depth-first search (DFS) algorithm, which joins the neighboring line segments that satisfy the distance and slope conditions of the model, thus forming the final edges.
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Synthetic Data
4.1.1. Noise-Free Synthetic Data
4.1.2. Noisy Synthetic Data
4.2. Real-World Data
5. Discussion and Future Work
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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2 | The percentage of correctly detected edges is determined by comparing the automatically detected edges with the ground truth edges of the synthetic data. |
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2D-3D Vectorization (Requiring Straight Edge Detection) | ||
2D Line—Edge Detection | 3D Line—Edge Detection | 2D Automated Vectorization |
Pixel-based processing: [11,12,13,14,15,16,17,21] | Manual detection: [23,24,25] | Machine Learning/deep learning: [9,10] |
Machine learning/deep learning: [18,19,20] | Semi-automated detection: |
Use of K-D Tree | Number of Points | Execution Time |
NO | 32,000 | >3 h (180 min) |
YES | 32,000 | 2 min |
YES | 385,000 | 24 min |
Number of Points | Triangular Mesh | Edges Detected |
8 | ||
5 | ||
20 |
Number of Points | Triangular Mesh | Edges Detected | Percentage of Correctly Detected Edges2 |
30 | 42% | ||
100 | 58% | ||
500 | 83% | ||
50,000 | 92% |
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Makka, A.; Pateraki, M.; Betsas, T.; Georgopoulos, A. Detecting Three-Dimensional Straight Edges in Point Clouds Based on Normal Vectors. Heritage 2025, 8, 91.
Makka A, Pateraki M, Betsas T, Georgopoulos A. Detecting Three-Dimensional Straight Edges in Point Clouds Based on Normal Vectors. Heritage. 2025; 8(3):91.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMakka, Antonia, Maria Pateraki, Thodoris Betsas, and Andreas Georgopoulos. 2025. "Detecting Three-Dimensional Straight Edges in Point Clouds Based on Normal Vectors" Heritage 8, no. 3: 91.
APA StyleMakka, A., Pateraki, M., Betsas, T., & Georgopoulos, A. (2025). Detecting Three-Dimensional Straight Edges in Point Clouds Based on Normal Vectors. Heritage, 8(3), 91.