The Next Frontier in Neuroprosthetics: Integration of Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback
<p>Human studies on biomimetic tactile feedback in upper-limb (<b>A</b>–<b>D</b>) and lower-limb (<b>E</b>) neuroprosthetics. (<b>A</b>) Biologically inspired prosthesis system. Neuromorphic (i.e., mimicking biological structure and function) tactile sensors combined with biomimetic (i.e., mimicking biological processes and signals) neuron models provided specific responses that corresponded to different objects. Adapted from [<a href="#B63-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">63</a>]. (<b>B</b>) Biomimetic encoding strategies outperformed non-biomimetic sensory stimulation during object size and compliance discrimination tasks. * <span class="html-italic">p</span> < 0.05. Adapted from [<a href="#B64-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">64</a>]. (<b>C</b>) Implemented and compared sensory encoding strategies, including amplitude neuromodulation (ANM), frequency neuromodulation (FNM), and hybrid neuromodulation (HNM). Adapted from [<a href="#B65-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">65</a>]. (<b>D</b>) Biomimetic ICMS resulted in improved sensitivity of the electrode with reduced just-noticeable differences (JNDs) and higher resolution force feedback compared with non-biomimetic stimulation. Adapted from [<a href="#B47-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">47</a>]. (<b>E</b>) Biomimetic stimulation provided more natural tactile perception (rated from 0: totally unnatural to 5: totally natural) in both participants with lower-limb amputations. Adapted from [<a href="#B68-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">68</a>]. All figures were reprinted with permissions.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Next-generation neuroprosthetics that integrate biomimetic tactile feedback shown in steps. Flexible, electronic skin (e-skin) converts captured tactile data into biologically relevant outputs through biomimetic circuit designs. The tactile information is then processed using encoding strategies and neural networks to create multichannel biomimetic stimulation patterns. Subcellular-scale stimulation electrodes provide the precision needed to target individual neurons, selectively activating the sensory fiber populations responsible for conveying specific tactile information in response to the tactile stimuli. Meanwhile, high-density recording electrodes allow for improved decoding of motion intent. A surgical construct that biologically separates motor and sensory axons within the peripheral nerve provides optimal access to mechanoreceptors, facilitating accurate and naturalistic biomimetic tactile feedback.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Current technologies that can potentially facilitate biomimetic tactile feedback. (<b>A</b>) E-skin. Adapted from [<a href="#B90-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">90</a>]. (<b>B</b>) Sharpened subcellular electrode. Adapted from [<a href="#B99-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">99</a>]. Scale bars, 500 μm. (<b>C</b>) High-density neural electrode. Adapted from [<a href="#B100-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">100</a>]. (<b>D</b>) Composite Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface (C-RPNI) approach to access mechanoreceptors. Adapted from [<a href="#B101-biomimetics-10-00130" class="html-bibr">101</a>]. All figures were reprinted with permissions.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback for Upper Limbs
3. Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback for Lower Limbs
4. Next-Generation Neuroprosthetics with Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback
4.1. Electronic Skins
4.2. Subcellular-Scale Neuroelectronic Interface
4.3. Regenerative Surgical Interfaces
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Tian, Y.; Valle, G.; Cederna, P.S.; Kemp, S.W.P. The Next Frontier in Neuroprosthetics: Integration of Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback. Biomimetics 2025, 10, 130.
Tian Y, Valle G, Cederna PS, Kemp SWP. The Next Frontier in Neuroprosthetics: Integration of Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback. Biomimetics. 2025; 10(3):130.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTian, Yucheng, Giacomo Valle, Paul S. Cederna, and Stephen W. P. Kemp. 2025. "The Next Frontier in Neuroprosthetics: Integration of Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback" Biomimetics 10, no. 3: 130.
APA StyleTian, Y., Valle, G., Cederna, P. S., & Kemp, S. W. P. (2025). The Next Frontier in Neuroprosthetics: Integration of Biomimetic Somatosensory Feedback. Biomimetics, 10(3), 130.