An Out-of-Distribution Generalization Framework Based on Variational Backdoor Adjustment
<p>Structural causal model for machine learning. The dashed circle represents unobservable confounders, X represents observed features, and Y represents category labels. (<b>a</b>) SCM of real-world data. (<b>b</b>) Our interventional model.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The network structure of the sampling process.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The flowchart of the VBA framework. The blue box represents the network in the framework, and the green box represents the new data representation generated during the processing of the VBA framework.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The causal graphs for the linear simulated dataset, where the yellow circle represents <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> </semantics></math> generated from a Gaussian distribution, and the blue circle indicates <math display="inline"><semantics> <mi mathvariant="bold-italic">C</mi> </semantics></math> generated from a uniform distribution. The black arrows indicate a variable directly involved in the generation process of another variable, while the gray arrows signify a variable influencing the generation process of another variable by affecting its distribution parameters. The dashed circles indicate that the variables are unobservable. (<b>a</b>) The causal diagram of Case 1. (<b>b</b>) The causal diagram of Case 2. (<b>c</b>) The causal diagram of Case 3.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The testing accuracy of all methods with respect to the number of training environments.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The results of all methods on house sales prices dataset. We trained all methods in E1 and tested them in E2–E5.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
- We present a novel and meaningful perspective on the OOD generalization problem. It involves capturing changes in data sampling environments through variations in the distribution of confounders.
- We propose a method for out-of-distribution generalization without environment labels. Our proposed method employs a variational approach to perform backdoor adjustment on features, thereby eliminating the impact of environmental changes on model training.
- We propose a framework for an OOD generalization algorithm that can be combined with any backbone model.
2. Related Work
3. Methodology
3.1. Problem Formulation
3.2. Limitations of the Empirical Risk Minimization Model
3.3. Backdoor Adjustment Based on Variational Inference
3.4. Model Structure
3.4.1. Variational Posterior Encoder
3.4.2. Inference Model
Algorithm 1 Variational backdoor adjustment framework |
Input:, dimensions of confounders m, the number of pseudo-inputs K, and weight parameter . Initialize the parameters of , , , and .
Output: The parameters of models , , and . |
4. Experimental Results
4.1. Linear Simulated Data
4.2. Colored MNIST
4.3. Real-World Data
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
7. Limitations and Future Work
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
OOD | Out-of-Distribution |
VBA | Variational Backdoor Adjustment |
Appendix A. The Description of Backdoor Adjustment
Appendix B. The Derivation of ELBO
Appendix C. Calculation of Kullback–Leibler Divergence
Appendix D. Generating Linear Simulated Data
Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 |
2 | ||
Appendix E. Model Settings
Appendix E.1. Linear Simulated Data
Appendix E.2. Colored MNIST
Appendix E.3. Real-World Data
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Datasets | m | K | ||||||
Linear | 2-layer MLP | 1-layer FNN | 1-layer FNN | 1-layer FNN | 2-layer MLP | 1 | 5 | 0.5 |
Colored MNIST | 3-layer CNN | 2-layer MLP | 2-layer MLP | 1-layer FNN | 2-layer MLP | 5 | 10 | 0.5 |
NICO | ResNet [46] | 3-layer MLP | 3-layer MLP | 1-layer FNN | 4-layer MLP | 20 | 10 | 0.2 |
House prices | 2-layer MLP | 2-layer MLP | 2-layer MLP | 2-layer MLP | 3-layer MLP | 5 | 5 | 0.4 |
Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | Need Environment Labels? | ||||
Methods | MSE | Var | MSE | Var | MSE | Var | |
ERM | 5.16 | 0.28 | 5.04 | 0.31 | 5.97 | 0.35 | no |
DRO | 4.74 | 0.21 | 4.51 | 0.25 | 5.22 | 0.23 | no |
KerHRM | 4.52 | 0.18 | 4.56 | 0.21 | 4.97 | 0.28 | no |
EIIL | 4.83 | 0.23 | 4.74 | 0.22 | 5.18 | 0.25 | no |
IRM | 4.14 | 0.16 | 4.17 | 0.18 | 4.68 | 0.20 | yes |
VBA | 4.04 | 0.18 | 3.87 | 0.15 | 5.07 | 0.23 | no |
Case 1 | Case 2 | Case 3 | ||||
Methods | Conv_Time | Infer_Time | Conv_Time | Infer_Time | Conv_Time | Infer_Time |
ERM | 20.91 s | 1.55 s | 15.83 s | 1.04 s | 25.47 s | 1.53 s |
DRO | 29.95 s | 2.89 s | 23.57 s | 1.91 s | 37.20 s | 3.01 s |
KerHRM | 25.37 s | 2.53 s | 23.69 s | 1.86 s | 29.42 s | 2.58 s |
EIIL | 33.50 s | 2.26 s | 29.16 s | 1.81 s | 36.11 s | 2.30 s |
IRM | 17.75 s | 2.13 s | 16.36 s | 1.46 s | 19.53 s | 2.16 s |
VBA | 18.56 s | 2.50 s | 17.20 s | 1.83 s | 18.76 s | 2.39 s |
Cases | |||||
Case 1 | 0.02 (0) | 0.47 (0.5) | 0.97 (1) | 1.50 (1.5) | 1.91 (2) |
Case 2 | −0.01 (0) | 0.49 (0.5) | 1.03 (1) | 1.47 (1.5) | 1.94 (2) |
Case 3 | 0.06 (0) | 0.09 (0) | 0.11 (0) | 0.09 (0) | 0.09 (0) |
Methods | Train_Acc | Test_Acc | Gener_Gap | Conv_Time | Infer_Time | Need Environment Labels? |
ERM | 0.94 | 0.48 | 0.46 | 33.32 s | 5.10 s | no |
DRO | 0.79 | 0.55 | 0.24 | 87.12 s | 8.31 s | no |
KerHRM | 0.81 | 0.65 | 0.16 | 42.60 s | 9.02 s | no |
EIIL | 0.85 | 0.64 | 0.21 | 79.35 s | 6.38 s | no |
IRM | 0.81 | 0.68 | 0.13 | 35.38 s | 5.94 s | yes |
VBA | 0.84 | 0.75 | 0.09 | 31.61 s | 8.40 s | no |
Methods | Train_Acc | Test_Acc | Gener_Gap | Conv_Time | Infer_Time | Need Environment Labels? |
ERM | 0.90 | 0.54 | 0.36 | 1648.64 s | 10.91 s | no |
DRO | 0.79 | 0.55 | 0.24 | 4681.59 s | 16.89 s | no |
KerHRM | 0.81 | 0.62 | 0.19 | 3980.41 s | 19.90 s | no |
EIIL | 0.80 | 0.58 | 0.18 | 5023.60 s | 16.32 s | no |
IRM | 0.85 | 0.69 | 0.16 | 2351.21 s | 15.64 s | yes |
VBA | 0.83 | 0.73 | 0.10 | 1631.63 s | 17.75 s | no |
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Su, H.; Wang, W. An Out-of-Distribution Generalization Framework Based on Variational Backdoor Adjustment. Mathematics 2024, 12, 85.
Su H, Wang W. An Out-of-Distribution Generalization Framework Based on Variational Backdoor Adjustment. Mathematics. 2024; 12(1):85.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSu, Hang, and Wei Wang. 2024. "An Out-of-Distribution Generalization Framework Based on Variational Backdoor Adjustment" Mathematics 12, no. 1: 85.
APA StyleSu, H., & Wang, W. (2024). An Out-of-Distribution Generalization Framework Based on Variational Backdoor Adjustment. Mathematics, 12(1), 85.