Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Plou?nice River (Czech Republic)
"> Figure 1
<p>Map of the study areas in this research (red) and other studied areas (yellow). The acronyms of the study sites are the initials of students who worked there.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Stable Cadastre maps and archive orthophotos of the study areas.</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Mapping instruments in the MS-West of Hradčany study area: Low resolution gamma activity survey (<b>A</b>), drone and detail of a high-resolution image (<b>B</b>), gamma spectrometer and measuring points (<b>C</b>), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer and measuring points (<b>D</b>).</p> "> Figure 4
<p>Estimated optimal variogram functions (blue lines) for U (<b>left</b> panels) and Zn (<b>right</b> panels) in the study areas.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Historical channel positions and interpreted geomorphologic features in the study areas: (<b>A</b>) MS-West of Hradčany, (<b>B</b>) AT1-Hradčany, and (<b>C</b>) MH-Boreček.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The MS-West of Hradčany study area. Digital terrain model and an aerial photograph (panel <b>A</b>), gamma activity map (panel <b>B</b>) and XRF maps of U (panel <b>C</b>), the U/Fe ratio (panel <b>D</b>), Zn (panel <b>E</b>) and the Zn/Fe ratio (panel <b>F</b>). Historical channel positions are also shown. Inset in panel <b>A</b> shows an aerial photograph of the tree remnant in the channel.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>Maps of Al/Si (<b>A</b>) and Zr/Rb (<b>B</b>) ratios in the MS-West of Hradčany study area. Blue arrows indicate enhanced transport paths of overbank clastics as extrapolation of flow directions; they point to study areas with coarser overbank sediments, where gamma activity and XRF mapping produced markedly different results.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The AT1-Hradčany study area. Digital terrain model (panel <b>A</b>), gamma activity map (panel <b>B</b>), XRF maps of U (panel <b>C</b>) and the U/Fe ratio (panel <b>D</b>), and XRF maps of Zn (panel <b>E</b>) and the Zn/Fe ratio (panel <b>F</b>). Historical channel positions are also shown.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The MH–Boreček study area. Digital terrain model (panel <b>A</b>), gamma activity map (panel <b>B</b>), XRF maps of U (panel <b>C</b>) and the U/Fe ratio (panel <b>D</b>), and XRF maps of Zn (panel <b>E</b>) and the Zn/Fe ratio (panel <b>F</b>). Historical channel positions are also shown.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
1.1. Study Areas
1.2. Pollution History of the Ploučnice River and Its Floodplain
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. GIS Data Collection and Processing
2.2. Pollution Mapping
2.3. Geostatistical Analysis
3. Results
3.1. River Dynamics and Engineering
3.2. Pollution and Lithological Mapping
3.2.1. Pollution Mapping in the MS-West of Hradčany Study Area
3.2.2. Pollution Mapping in the AT1–Hradčany Study Area
3.2.3. Pollution Mapping in the MH–Boreček Study Area
4. Discussion
- (1)
- sediments in abandoned meanders and laterally shifting channels that have evolved, i.e., were filled with sediment during the U-mining climax (1971–1989); these features can be identified with GIS analysis, in particular using old maps, aerial photographs and DTM;
- (2)
- other sediment traps in the floodplain, such as meander scars (more ancient channels not depicted in old maps [24]); and
- (3)
- certain young (recently built) levees; these locations can be identified with DTM on the external banks of meander bends and by “sedimentary facies mapping”, i.e., mapping sediment grain-size in the floodplain, because they exhibit lower Al/Si and/or higher Zr/Rb ratios in the Ploučnice River floodplain.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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MS-West of Hradčany | ||||||
XRF Value | Estimated Mean | Variogram Function | Nugget | Nugget-to-Sill Ratio (%) | Major Range | RMSPE |
U | 0.002 | Spherical | 0.650 | 57 | 41.455 | 0.903 |
U/Fe | 0.000 | Circular | 0.864 | 92 | 41.316 | 1.068 |
Zn | 0.019 | Spherical | 0.519 | 51 | 55.936 | 1.035 |
Zn/Fe | 0.011 | Circular | 0.761 | 76 | 27.933 | 1.004 |
Al/Si | 0.303 | J-Bessel | 0.381 | 38 | 113.408 | 0.977 |
Zr/Rb | 4.903 | Circular | 0.237 | 27 | 58.651 | 1.065 |
AT1-Hradčany | ||||||
XRF Value | Estimated Mean | Variogram Function | Nugget | Nugget-to-Sill Ratio (%) | Major Range | RMSPE |
U | 0.002 | Circular | 0.490 | 46 | 58.249 | 1.007 |
U/Fe | 0.001 | Circular | 0.469 | 45 | 51.421 | 0.915 |
Zn | 0.016 | Circular | 0.578 | 55 | 26.673 | 0.913 |
Zn/Fe | 0.008 | Spherical | 0.370 | 39 | 26.456 | 0.941 |
Al/Si | 0.210 | Spherical | 0.377 | 39 | 50.921 | 0.950 |
Zr/Rb | 5.128 | J-Bessel | 0.405 | 41 | 83.895 | 0.894 |
MH-Boreček | ||||||
XRF Value | Estimated Mean | Variogram Function | Nugget | Nugget-to-Sill Ratio (%) | Major Range | RMSPE |
U | 0.003 | J-Bessel | 0 | 0 | 15.472 | 1.020 |
U/Fe | 0.001 | Circular | 0 | 0 | 12.495 | 0.958 |
Zn | 0.040 | Circular | 0.186 | 15 | 22.645 | 1.007 |
Zn/Fe | 0.016 | Exponential | 0 | 0 | 12.739 | 1.116 |
Al/Si | 0.203 | Circular | 0.001 | 0 | 73.179 | 1.002 |
Zr/Rb | 4.866 | J-Bessel | 0.162 | 17 | 43.458 | 0.982 |
Study Area | Hotspot Position | Methods Used | References |
ES-South of Mimoň | Former depression in floodplain (meander scar?) | GIS, gamma, XRF, laboratory XRF, geostatistical analysis | [22,26] |
PK-Boreček | Abandoned channel | AAS, gamma | [19] |
MH-Boreček | Former depression in floodplain (old, shallow flood channel) | GIS, XRF, laboratory XRF, gamma, ERT, DEMP, OSL, geostatistics | [9,21,24,27] This work |
AT1-Hradčany | Meander abandoned during U-mining | GIS, gamma, ERT, XRF, laboratory XRF, geostatistics | [9,27,31] This work |
AT2-West of Hradčany | Meander-starting to cut-off | GIS, ERT, laboratory XRF | [9,31] |
MS-West of Hradčany | Channel bars and natural levees | GIS, XRF, gamma, and drone maps, geostatistical analysis | [27,29] This work |
TV-Veselí | Secondary river channel | GIS, gamma, XRF, laboratory XRF, geostatistical analysis | [28] |
KK-by Česká Lípa | Depression in floodplain (shallow flood channel) | GIS, gamma, DEMP, XRF, laboratory XRF, geostatistical analysis | [30] |
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Elznicová, J.; Matys Grygar, T.; Popelka, J.; Sikora, M.; Novák, P.; Hošek, M. Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Plou?nice River (Czech Republic). ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2019, 8, 37.
Elznicová J, Matys Grygar T, Popelka J, Sikora M, Novák P, Hošek M. Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Plou?nice River (Czech Republic). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2019; 8(1):37.
Chicago/Turabian StyleElznicová, Jitka, Tomáš Matys Grygar, Jan Popelka, Martin Sikora, Petr Novák, and Michal Hošek. 2019. "Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Plou?nice River (Czech Republic)" ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8, no. 1: 37.
APA StyleElznicová, J., Matys Grygar, T., Popelka, J., Sikora, M., Novák, P., & Hošek, M. (2019). Threat of Pollution Hotspots Reworking in River Systems: Case Study of the Plou?nice River (Czech Republic). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(1), 37.