On the Architecture of Systemology and the Typology of Its Principles
<p>Relationships between forms of principles.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The levels hierarchy and its emergence over time (reproduced from [<a href="#B45-systems-06-00007" class="html-bibr">45</a>], with permission).</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Relationships between forms of systems principles.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>The basic activity stages of a scientific endeavour.</p> "> Figure 5
<p>The typical outputs of stages of a scientific endeavour.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>A scientific discipline’s typical activity level per field dimension.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>The basic structure and roles of disciplinary fields.</p> "> Figure 8
<p>The scientific development of principles across disciplinary fields.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>The interplay of scientific and heuristic principles across the field dimensions.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Interplay of pathways driving the emergence and evolution of principles across fields.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>The architecture of systemology.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>A typology for systems principles.</p> ">
:1. Systemology: Its Rise and Challenges
2. The Need for a Stronger Systems Science
“It is therefore important to develop a scientific foundation that helps us to understand the whole rather than just the parts, that focuses on the relationships among the parts and the emergent properties of the whole. This reflects a shift in emphasis from reductionism to holism. Systems Science seeks to provide a common vocabulary (ontology), and general principles explaining the nature of complex systems”.[17]
“It seems legitimate to ask for a theory, not of systems of a more or less special kind, but of universal principles applying to systems in general. In this way we come to postulate a new discipline, called General System Theory. Its subject matter is the formulation and derivation of those principles which are valid for ‘systems’ in general”.[20]
3. What Are Systems Principles?
4. Status of Systems Science
5. The Nature and Scope of Systems Science
- First, given that systems occur on every level of the complexity hierarchy, a science of systems must be about what is true of or possible for systems across all the levels. This is the insight behind the claim that system science will be a transdiscipline, having relevance across the disciplinary spectrum, and will comprise theories that are scale-free and composition-independent. At a minimum, such a science must involve concepts and principles that allow systems to be characterised as a category of analysis distinct from things that are not systems, to enable instances of systems to be identified in the real world, and to explain/predict the behaviour and potential of systems as systems. Our present notions of “systemhood” are far from settled, but there is a rich literature on the subject [3,46,47,48,49] (see also footnote 3) and important efforts are under way to consolidate these ideas [39,50].
- Second, when looking across the levels we find similar patterns recurring across multiple levels, e.g., spiral forms in certain tropical storms, sea shells, flowers, and galaxies. Other examples include Fibonacci sequences and Zipf’s Law regularities in natural phenomena [51,52,53]. Speaking metaphorically, these patterns represent solutions to design problems that systems must solve in order to create enduring complex structures. The existence of these isomorphically-recurring patterns across changes in scale and composition entails that there must be transdisciplinary specialised systems principles reflecting the nature of these “solutions”. In principle each of these patterns can be “decoded” to establish a theory that explains the nature and function of the observed pattern, and to identify the relevant explanatory principles. Each such theory would then be a specialised systems science theory, and we have several of these already (e.g., control theory, hierarchy theory, network theory, communication systems theory, theory of dissipative structures, etc.). There are still many patterns in nature we do not theoretically understand, for example patterns of overlapping Fibonacci spirals, and Zipf’s Law patterns. Moreover it is likely that there are further patterns we have not yet identified.
- Third, the isomorphically-recurring patterns arise independently in multiple contexts involving different scales, compositions, and developmental histories. This suggests that there are general systems principles that provide for the possibility of the emergence of these systemic patterns across contexts. Speaking loosely, these would be general principles about how Nature “finds” solutions, rather than (as above) specialised principles about how specific kinds of solutions work. We have very limited knowledge of such general systems principles5, but, in principle, they hold the promise of a general theory of systems that would explain both the emergence of specialized patterns and the relationships between them. Such a “general systems theory” (GST) would be very valuable not only for unifying the body of specialised systems knowledge but also for opening up new routes to discovery, just as Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements did for Chemistry and Darwin’s theory of natural selection did for biology.
6. The General Architecture of Disciplinary Fields
7. Connection to the Systems Perspective
8. Types and Sub-Types of Principles
- i
- what things are like (how they look/behave, what they do);
- ii
- how things work;
- iii
- why they work as they do;
- iv
- how they develop (come about as instances); and
- v
- how they arise in evolutionary history (come about as kinds).
- i
- classification principles;
- ii
- design principles;
- iii
- optimality principles;
- iv
- developmental principles; and
- v
- emergence/evolutionary principles.
- i
- design conceptualization principles;
- ii
- functional design principles;
- iii
- design optimization principles;
- iv
- manufacturing/production principles; and
- v
- innovation principles.
- i
- Reflection, research, design, or intervention principles. This is the major division, but afterwards they can be subdivided as needed into:
- ii
- General or specialized principles;
- iii
- Heuristic or scientific principles; and
- iv
- Ontological, metaphysical, epistemological, cosmological, axiological, or praxeological principles.
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | The term “Systemology” was coined by Russ Ackoff ([1], p. 669), and recently promoted by Pouvreau and Drack as an apt translation of the German term, Systemlehre, meaning “an organized body of knowledge about systems” ([2], pp. 282–283). The term Systemlehre was introduced by Ludwig von Bertalanffy in the 1940s. He translated Systemlehre in 1950 as “Systems Theory” and hence his term Allgemeine Systemlehre as “General System Theory” [3], but this was an unfortunate translation choice, as shown by his proposal in 1972 to describe “General System Theory” as embracing “systems science”, “systems technology” and “systems philosophy”, ([4] pp. xix–xxiii). The term “Systemology” is now being widely adopted, e.g., [5,6,7,8], and “General Systemology” has been proposed as a better translation of von Bertalanffy’s term “General System Theory” [2]. |
2 | The term “Systems Practice” refers to a professional activity involving the application of “Systems Thinking” to address a problem or pursue an opportunity, typically (but not necessarily) in the context of management science. Systems Thinking is a form of analysis and synthesis that emphasizes systems concepts such as stakeholder, hierarchy, emergence, feedback and boundary. Systems thinking can enter into any phase of a project, e.g., problem structuring, research, design or intervention, but systems practice is the application of systems thinking for the purposes of staging an intervention. In this way Systems Practice involves the selection, deployment and operation of a systemic solution to a given issue. This may (or might not) involve the use of technological products. |
3 | It should be noted that systemists have published many statements under the rubric of “general systems principles” or “general systems laws” without these statements being actually useful for making judgements or taking action. These typically are just witticisms or platitudes about systems, such as “today’s problems come from yesterday’s solutions” (Senge), or “complex systems exhibit unexpected behaviour” (Gall). See, e.g., [24,25,26]. Others have published principles that are useful but not general, notably [27], which lists principles for specific contexts such as architecting, design, social systems, and political processes. For summaries of other specialised principles, see also [28,29,30]. |
4 | There are very many concepts relevant to systems in the vocabulary of Systemology, e.g., there are 3807 entries in the second edition of Charles Francois’ International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics [32]. These terms are far from standardised, and hence many systemologists have produced their own lists, e.g., [33], ([34], pp. 21–33), ([35], pp. 11–46), [36], ([37], pp. 13–68), ([38], pp. 353–360). However, very few of these concepts are general systems concepts, i.e., concepts describing universal attributes of systems as systems. |
5 | Early work on general systems principles focused largely on general concepts (e.g., ([31], pp. 91, 95)), and while these remain controversial, important progress is now being made (e.g., [39]). In addition, progress is now being made towards establishing propositional general scientific systems principles. Two recent papers respectively presented three such principles [40] and eight strategies for discovery projects [54]. |
6 | |
7 | For brevity I will gloss over the distinction between methods and methodologies, and for simplicity I will for now ignore the conceptual fields such as Mathematics and Logic. Moreover I will take the sciences to embrace the social and human sciences in addition to the so-called “hard” sciences. For pragmatic reasons I will treat Practice as if it is an integrated field, but of course in reality it is usually presented in academia as disciplinary extensions of specialized disciplines. Nevertheless the practices do fall under common regulatory frameworks, and have similar roles. Likewise for brevity I will here use the term “Philosophy” to refer only to branches of philosophy that adopt the scientific attitude as discussed earlier. |
Worldview Components | Worldview Questions | Research Questions |
Ontology | What exists? | What is it? What is it like? |
Metaphysics | What is its nature? | What does it do? How does it work? What sustains/degrades it? |
Epistemology | What/How can we know? | What can we (not) know about it? |
Cosmology | What is its origin/history/current state/destiny? | How did it get here? How did it get like this? What might happen to it? |
Axiology | What is important and why? | Why does it work this way? |
Praxeology | How should we live and why? | How should we (not) study it? |
© 2018 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Rousseau, D. On the Architecture of Systemology and the Typology of Its Principles. Systems 2018, 6, 7. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems6010007
Rousseau D. On the Architecture of Systemology and the Typology of Its Principles. Systems. 2018; 6(1):7. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems6010007
Chicago/Turabian StyleRousseau, David. 2018. "On the Architecture of Systemology and the Typology of Its Principles" Systems 6, no. 1: 7. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems6010007
APA StyleRousseau, D. (2018). On the Architecture of Systemology and the Typology of Its Principles. Systems, 6(1), 7. https://doi.org/10.3390/systems6010007